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I have wondered about MsGuy for quite some time and I think he lives fairly near me (possibly 80 miles) but I have no known way of tracking him down even though I have tried to do so. This is one obvious problem of being anonymous. Best regards, RA1
So, does cinco de mayo mean 5 times a day? Best regards, RA1
I think I know some folks who are older than the 6,000 years or so that is stated in the biblical version of earth history, at least counting their past lives. Are there any folks out there, meaning herein, who might think that the earth was intelligently created and that "years" are subject to interpretation? Never mind, that would suggest that humans are intelligent and can get along and not have major or even minor wars. How silly of me. Best regards, RA1
I have known quite a few of other's essence but did not think very many of them to be aliens. However, I have to admit, one or two did strike me as not being aware of unalienable rights but that is a different topic, isn't it? Who digs up ex-officio members of any group with the idea they know something others do not? If they know something, why did they wait until after holding office to come forth? Silly me. Of course, they are or were politicians. Next question. Best regards, RA1
What nonsense. Who wants an airliner manufacturer to hurry up and fix an unknown problem? Due diligence is the operative word or so I think. The 787 will fly and make positive history and very soon (by almost anyone's definition). Best regards, RA1
I am very pleased with today's speed and ability to browse and post. Best regards, RA1
I cannot imagine that the current or recently past administration is other than culpable for these insults. The Congress does not get a free pass either. Unlike my mind which since it has gone was not very much missed by me, I very much miss the civil liberties being usurped by the current Washington crowd. Best regards, RA1
4A- You are so kind. However, I was not in MIA (Miami) but in MCO (Orlando) doing recurrent training. I did and do have a slight difference of opinion with the owners and moderators of this site and one can only hope it will be resolved without difficulty. I am not pointing any fingers at them but sorry to say not so happy with some posters and their "pointed" references. I am almost an adult after several decades of trying and can take criticism but am not so good with nonsense. Some of you may agree. I have missed posting on this board as there are many good posters herein. However, I think one old adage is it only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel. Regardless, I will take another stab. Best regards, RA1
I suppose we will just have to disagree about this point. I understand what you are saying and you are correct in that the opposition always has and always will complain about what he current administration is doing. However, I remember Ike and even a little bit about Truman but I do not remember any of them spending money like BO on personal trips. This is exacerbated by the current state of the economy which is not being helped by BO. My comments do not mean that I think the Republicans are doing much either. I have little to no respect for the "ruling" class in the US. Best regards, RA1
Many are suggesting that KJU needs to close the ranks to consolidate his "leadership" which could mean "old guard" military as well as family members. That seems to be the opinion behind the current sabre rattling by KJU. Dennis Rodman, aka the worm, is a very unlikely ambassador for the US to anywhere never mind North Korea. However, KJU has been to Switzerland and minimally exposed to the West. He seems to like basketball and western food. It has been suggested, and I know not how many tongues in cheeks, that BO and KJU meet on a neutral court with a contingent of US retired NBA players and get up a game. There can be "substantial" talks during the game and afterwards a round of MacDonald's for everyone. What could be the downside of such a meeting? Best regards, RA1
lookin- I have been gone all day and have not done more than skim the article to which you provided a link. I probably have less negative to say about Medicare than most other government programs. However, that is not to say it does not contain room for improvement. As you mention, bidding on the price of Rx would be a good start. Also, more could be done to eliminate fraud and abuse. Lastly, like many government programs, their solution to a reduction in funds is to reduce payments or fire people. The ideal way would be to increase efficiency and, of course, the aforementioned Rx and fraud elimination. However, as you know, healthcare is far from all the care that most folks need or will need. Medicare doesn't do much for mental health care or LTC or, for sure, could do a much better job. That also leaves in the lurch some of your favorites, shelter, food, clothing, etc. One problem with socialism is it disincentivizes the work ethnic. That is not the same as saying poor folks don't wish to work. They do, by and large. But, if you can get food stamps, a cell phone, a subsidized apartment and other benefits from the government, without a specific pathway out of such, why would some not work? Lastly, there may indeed be many folks who are hungry, etc. but kids should not be among them. With at least 2 meals a day provided at no cost at school and food stamps and ADC, etc. how is it that kids are hungry? Is one of the reasons that adults don't use those resources properly? There is a huge black market in food stamps and much beer and other prohibited goods being bartered therewith. However, my main points aren't to mention abuses but to suggest that there could and should be a better way to run this railroad. Jobs and self realization of being responsible for oneself as well as providing for one's family are very satisfying ways to live a life or so I think. Best regards, RA1
The main difference I perceive in your opinion and mine is who should pay for taking care of others. I suspect that you do not believe that real conservatives are willing to do so and I believe that the government should not take money away from folks so it can do its' version thereof. If you look at the history of what the government has provided the cost is ridiculous and the performance is miserable. You may think that is OK because they are trying but we cannot afford their methodology and cost. Where I live there are a lot of folks not associated with the government who are providing a lot of care for those in need. My increasing lament is too many are willing to give a dollar rather than their time to do so and turn over "help" for others to others. I was not brought up that way and do not like it that others think "someone" else can do whatever is necessary. Not so. Like you, I have done such as given $20 to a guy in a hospital parking lot because his story was his parent just died and he needed gas to get home. I have no idea if he went to the liquor store or the gas station but I did not stop to ask or think about it. He said he needed help and I tried to help him. Best regards, RA1
lookin- You are my favorite altruistic. I have but one question for you. Who will pay for all the largesse you propose? Of course, there are many problems with the current management of both corporations and the government. Spending other people's money will not necessarily solve any problems except the problem of "liberals" not spending their own money. We all need to contribute to solve the problem and relying upon the government to spend money is NOT the answer. Think about this. How many folks will continue to do their part to help others IF they can just shunt all efforts aside by expecting the government to take over? I know your heart is in the right place but I am not so sure about your brain. :) Best regards, RA1
Where is the Maggie the US needs so desperately now? In the meantime and while we are looking, I would settle for just having a journalist like the one who wrote the last paragraph about her. Best regards, RA1
Could this be the same BO who has closed "the people's house" to tours for children? The same BO who spends millions and millions of taxpayer's dollars on extravagant vacations, not each year, but almost every month? Meanwhile millions are out of work and the US economy fails to improve. I surely would give up $20,000 of my income to have all those vacations and it would be much more than 5%. Best regards, RA1
Just got the same error message as lookin. Best regards, RA1
Well, we have both dealt with engineers before and not just those who drive trains. They can be brilliant and very annoying. Politics can make strange bedfellows but some are attractive nonetheless. Best regards, RA1
As before, no serious disagreement. My main point was that the MSM jumped all over Romney for paying "only" 14% and there are virtually no public comments about BO's 18%. A second point is, according to the public comments by BO, I think he should have paid at least 40 or more %. 15% to SS up to around 100+ thousand and then 30% "average" on all. Best regards, RA1
I suggest there was nothing illegal about what BO paid or how his taxes were determined. Likewise for Romney. Congress for whatever reason(s) make laws that encourage a particular activity. That is a good reason. Almost always the "law" of unintended consequences intervenes at some point and various taxpayers find they might have an advantage for doing things in a certain way. Just like we can elect new members of Congress and a new administration, the Congress can eliminate so called loopholes, etc. There is no doubt the US is way overdue for an overhaul of the tax laws. I think you are correct about government employees and that is a sticking point with me. The Congress has taken a good thing (their retirement and benefit packages) and elevated it to something many call an over privilege of the "ruling" class, which includes the US president. Where else can you work for 2 years and get a life time pension? Before you start on the practices and abuses of corporate officers, I believe they are in the same need of overhaul as is the government. The shareholders should not put up with such but they do, just like the voters do. Best regards, RA1
Why is there not a great hue and cry about BO only paying this amount of income taxes? After all, there was such a hue and cry when it was disclosed that Romney paid only 14%. I am not a proponent or opponent of either one but what is fair is fair, or so it seems to me. Many folks who make 100 or 200 or so thousands of dollars end up paying around 40% or more to include social security taxes, income taxes, etc. Does our president not pay social security? I realize he has a unique retirement program but still............... Best regards, RA1
This appears to be a FEDEX closet during the early morning when he or she has departed for a flight. Everyone knows that FEDEX pilots are hung upside down in a closet when they are not flying, don't they? Best regards, RA1
Speaking of avatars or, more specifically, nom de plumes, you, Adam Smith, do not especially seem to be Scottish or dead. However, upon occasion, you do seem to wax philosophically. Does that ordinarily provide a deep luster or merely a bright shine? I tend to think "both". Best regards, RA1
I am having fewer problems and I have no idea why. Yesterday I downloaded 9 updates to my Windows 7 and that seems to have helped. Regardless, I still have periodic problems with slow loading of a page or the site itself. Ditto with posting. Best regards, RA1
I don't use co-pilots. However, personally I bathe at least once a day. That satisfies me, if not those around me. You seem to confuse activities that were common many, many years ago with today's preferences. Best regards, RA1
What a terrible loss of a tremendous talent. I certainly enjoyed his career and will miss him. Best regards, RA1