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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Another nuclear weapon will make him quiet. In one respect he is correct, not a moral one, but an economic and military one. Isn't it "funny" how we always seem to have so many points of view on any subject? How do we survive? Best regards, RA1
  2. It just IS. Best regards, RA1
  3. A lot of conservative Christians think it absurd that BO called Collins because he was a pro athlete and came out as being gay. As gay folks ourselves we should realize that lots of athletes and others are gay and, one day, that will not be noteworthy. Tebow has so far had an "unusual" career which some folks thing is noteworthy. BO and other Presidents do a lot of things that are seemingly or obviously politically inspired but don't you think a call from the President should be something really special? I do. Best regards, RA1
  4. Unfortunately the IRS "errors" being investigated are not illegal (so far) but they are VERY bad politics and shameful activity. Who knows where this will go? It indirectly led to Nixon resigning but so far as I can tell, no one wants Joe Biden to be President. Personally I am not willing to let the government do silly things and just say, oh well, shit happens. There has to be some accountability. When I fly, if something happens I only have to look into the mirror to see who is at fault (if I am still alive). Many of these other folks hold lives in their hands also. Best regards, RA1
  5. Any government, and especially federal, agency is only as good as those who are charged with oversight allow it to be. I also believe that an agency is as bad as its' oversight allows it to be. Think about this week's story of the IRS which is NOT an independent agency. I have personally seen as a happenchance insider how arrogant, insensitive and disregarding of taxpayer's rights they can be while participating in an aircraft grab. Best regards, RA1
  6. There is a story that goes with not eating fast food. Between 5 and 25 years old I probably ate as many cheeseburgers as anyone but they were all "custom" made. My family was in the restaurant equipment business and such as Dairy Queen only had one location in the Memphis area because my family said why pay a franchise fee when we will show you how to run the business and provide all the details and equipment for the price of selling the equipment. When McDonald's first came to Memphis in 1959 we all thought the products were awful. The hamburgers tasted like cardboard, the milk shakes actually tasted hot, etc. The fries and soft drinks were about the only edible things they offered. A gentleman by the name of Sol Kaplan borrowed money from his folks, his wife's folks and anyone else he could put the bite on to buy the area franchise. He lived behind the first store and would walk through a hedge to get to the back door and check on things (often). We thought this was a disaster in the making. I don't have to mention how silly we were. Drive-ins like this and fast food were about to explode and Memphis was no different. I believe Mr. Kaplan has passed on now but he made a lot of money, opened many stores in the area and eventually sold out and retired. I probably have already eaten enough what turned into fast food many years ago to last any two people a life time. This plus traveling and eating on the road for many, many more years has turned me off to eating out most anywhere unless it is at the request of another. Then I enjoy the visit more than the food. Otherwise, I cook for myself at home and if in one place more than one day I also get a room with a kitchen and cook there also. I enjoy cooking. I can enjoy a nice meal out periodically with friends but I don't crave it. Best regards, RA1
  7. I was hoping to make the point that Nixon only opened the door. The Chinese took it from there. If 300 years is the beginning of a "long view", if they had waited just a little while, say 100 years, I would be gone before these problems. Of course, other problems would have (and have) presented themselves. Best regards, RA1
  8. I think it was inevitable but as a friend of mine says, who likes their landlord? In this case, who likes their banker who continues to undervalue their currency + trade with their sworn enemies? The saving grace seems to be that China cannot afford to "short sell" the US any more than the US can pay them off (in a reasonable amount of time). Best regards, RA1
  9. Philosophy + deity = religion. Haven't humans from time immemorial thought that if there isn't a God they have to "invent" one? Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    Way Out Nope

    But, are you 78 or born in 1978? Best regards, RA1
  11. Nixon is still difficult to evaluate. For many years I thought that after much time passed his stock would improve, especially after opening China. Now I think that a huge mistake although the world stands still for no one or no nation. I don't think I shall live long enough to know how this all really plays out. Best regards, RA1
  12. I last ate something in McDonald's in about 1992. No present plans to do otherwise. Best regards, RA1
  13. Princess Di a common slut? Oh, the horror of it all. Oh, well, born in the castle; still a prince. Best regards, RA1
  14. So, rednecks are following pre-Moses biblical law? Best regards, RA1
  15. I notice he is already starting to lose hair ala his father ( and other precedents). Best regards, RA1
  16. Well, ribs always have been a favorite here in the South. Best regards, RA1
  17. I wondered what the "goat" version was and now I wonder why the goat version is. I would never know about or see these kinds of things if it weren't for this site. Best regards, RA1
  18. Well, the shipping was free AND it was going to a third party. I suppose with the way things are going I was lucky they didn't charge me sales tax from two states. Best regards, RA1
  19. Yesterday I bought something via the internet from NY state. As anyone knows I live in TN. However their written opinion was that I and everyone who bought from them was taking delivery in NY state so they charged and collected NY sales tax. An interesting point of view and one that I have found to not be correct many, many times before in dealing with various states. Virtually every state allows for a resident of another state to take delivery without paying sales tax except in their state of residence. There likely will be some paperwork involved to do so but that is the rule under which I have operated for many years. In this case the choice seemed to be pay the NY tax or do not do business with this vendor. I chose to pay the $16 tax and get my goods. However, I would not have done so with a larger purchase. Best regards, RA1
  20. Of course it is a tax increase on consumers and businesses as well as consumers will suffer. Not sure what either has to do with what is right and fair. Best regards, RA1
  21. Without a doubt, both have sinned. But, if they had not, would any of us be here? Answer: No. Best regards, RA1
  22. I know I haven't seen any of these but, like wayout suggests, it is interesting to read of other's opinions. I always knew I was different. Best regards, RA1
  23. Hie thee back to the US pronto. Not saying there are not good cardiologists elsewhere but we seem to have plenty in the US. Where is home port? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  24. I cannot imagine how that would be. Oh, wait. I suppose I mean after elected. Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1

    Saving the euro

    Socialism forever. That will make the Euro totally worthless. Sorry for that to be so. Best regards, RA1
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