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Everything posted by RA1

  1. LOL. I have never been a fan of drinks such as Virgin Mary's, etc. Not sure this one would be good even with alcohol in it. Quite a bit different from the real thing (tastewise). Best regards, RA1
  2. As mentioned before, diplomacy takes time and no doubt Ecuador (or any place) wishes to gauge public opinion, local and worldwide, as well as other factors before committing to any course of action. Many international "hubs" have transit lounges or areas where connecting travelers can wait for their next flight without going through the complete customs experience (if any). However, I have heard that Moscow has a 24 hour rule for this sort of thing but rules are made to be broken, no? Best regards, RA1
  3. I don't think I have even been to a party where an attorney or a pilot or anyone else actually used a lamp shade as a prop but likely I do not attend the right kind of parties. I did once have too many "Sex on the Beaches" at the urging of some friends. Best regards, RA1
  4. Some of this conversation reminds me of the Jack Daniel's ads which (paraphrased) said, charcoal mellowed, drop by drop. Sure, many gallons per minute are made up of drops. There are at least 3 very large liquor stores in MEM that specialize in wine. I have had very good luck just asking in one of them for advice and then telling them how much I wish to spend. I have had part of a bottle of $300 wine (which I did not pay for) and thought it good but not $280 better than some $20 bottles enjoyed at other times. You might be interested to know that ( a few years ago) a, since departed, local restaurateur and bon vivant named John Grisanti paid the most for a single bottle of wine and then followed it up the next year by exceeding the first price for a Jeroboam. I do not now recall the price but one was at least 20 something thousand and the next 30 something thousand. He sold the contents by the small glass and donated all proceeds to charity. Both of these bottles were pre blight. I am sure the story can be researched using Google. Best regards, RA1
  5. I don't like for the Supreme Court to legislate or seemingly legislate. However, the Congress and federal government have legislated entirely too many things that do not seem to be federal business. There is a very long list of these things that I will not go into now. My point is that, from what I have observed, a lot of attitudes have changed over the last 50 years. Words or laws will not change the attitude of some. Society or culture must have a chance to go it alone without the heavy hand of government on their necks. I think I know that most of the posters who read these political threads think what I suggest is not possible and will not happen. I freely acknowledge that there will be bumps but there already are bumps which were not and will never be solved by federal law. During my lifetime I have seen Ross Barnett and George Wallace "stand in the doorway". I have seen Medgar Evers murdered. I have seen James Meredith vilified. I have seen Martin Luther King murdered. I have seen National Guard troops in the streets of Memphis. Obviously there was a lot of violence and turmoil, especially during the "early" days and "progress" needed to and did continue thereafter. What should happen now? Is there not some middle or different ground we can stand upon and try? I would like to think so. Best regards, RA1
  6. Joe- I agree about her not being censored over something that happened 25 years ago, but her hypocritical stance to continue selling fat and sugar when she was a diagnosed diabetic is something else. Most of us can eat anything but in moderation. Her recipes do not seem to promote moderation. Additionally, as mentioned before, I have tasted many of her recipes and have found them wanting. I agree that is a personal judgment. Hypocrisy overwhelms me. Best regards, RA1
  7. They say retirement is something you don't do until you die. However, you are obviously engaged with this site as well as other things so good for you. Personally, I fear retirement. The only way I would retire is if I can no longer pass the FAA medical requirements or have some other impairment. Not flying would be a huge negative in my life. However, there are ways around even not passing the FAA medical requirements and that mainly is to take a qualified pilot with you. He or she would be pilot in command but you can still fly the airplane. However, that takes money and not all physical or mental impairments can be over come safely even under the described circumstance. Being already crazy takes the pressure off. From what you write I assume you prefer reds which I generally agree but a nice dry white wine can be a nice change of pace, especially during hot weather which presumably you have in adequate supply in the TPA area. Best regards, RA1
  8. Until and unless we revert to profiling the employment of technology such as this will at best be PR and, at worst, the willful usurpation of the US Constitution. I fear the latter. Best regards, RA1
  9. I like Ecuador but have never been there but they do not have extradition with the US. (Not my reason for liking Ecuador.) Diplomacy does not happen overnight (unless at the tip of a sword). So, the chance for Ecuador and Snowden to continue in the spot light for a few more days will not be ignored. Best regards, RA1
  10. All the Russians have to do is read the Guardian. Otherwise the PR should be sufficient. Best regards, RA1
  11. If you otherwise fit the parameters of small claims court very likely you can file it in the jurisdiction where it happened BUT having a judgment in hand is not the same as cash. You would still have to serve them where they live or catch them in your jurisdiction. Disclaimer: I am not an attorney but can be just as boring at a cocktail party. Best regards, RA1
  12. Is this similar to drinking White Lightening after which a rattlesnake strike is just an annoyance (to the snake)? Best regards, RA1
  13. I am not a big fan of peanut butter but I did recently make some home made pimento cheese and serve it on bread with sweet pickles. I usually serve it with dill pickles but these particular pickles were not overly sweet and everyone seemed to enjoy them. At least they ate them. Best regards, RA1
  14. LOL. I have heard of many various things removed from one's posterior from Coke bottles on down but never a pickle, so now our lexicon goes from sour puss to sour ass? Best regards, RA1
  15. Pity you are not under stress when you drink wine. It can be such a good stress reliever. Best regards, RA1
  16. RA1

    Silly News

    U of TX vs. Fisher One day soon whites will be in the minority, Males already are. So, who will defend various rights then? In the meantime, I wish to observe the Black fencer. Heretofore, that has been someone who erected a fence but I suppose they mean something else. In the same vein, I wish to observe a Hispanic who has mastered the classic Greek. I would like to think this person is gay but what do I know? Yes, I am making fun of stereotypes, just for those who wish to wad their panties. What does Bieber loses his new monkey mean? I mean I know he has the public (other than fans) on his back for his many misdemeanors but what is "new"? Somehow this is reminiscent of the Man with the Golden Arm? Or not. If anyone wants to know, the crash at the air show at DAY (Dayton, Ohio) was indeed a tragedy. My comments before an official verdict are the following observations. The Stearman is a wonderful aircraft with two wings so it has plenty of lift, meaning it can do many things slow and low. However, the engine is carbureted and will run out of fuel when the aircraft is upside down. NP if the aircraft is flown to an upright position fairly soon. In the video of this sad accident it appears to me the Stearman was going a little slowly for the maneuver contemplated. The whole thing is complicated by the necessity to maintain positive G's throughout. Not difficult but necessary to make things easier for the wing walker. The pilot got a little too low and a little too slow and to maintain positive G's had to "rush" his recovery and there was not enough time or altitude to do so. Sad, indeed. Best regards, RA1
  17. Over the years there have been some "interesting" flights by the airlines. One being DL flying a 747 from ATL to JAX to park it there for cheap storage overnight. Possibly the shortest flight when the carrier expected to make money by filling up the flight for such a short flight. But, there are others, AA would fly a DC-10 to BDL for the same reason. Bridgeport, CT has lots of commuters to NYC and this flight would fill up for a very few minutes flight. But, cheap overnight storage. I think you are meaning there was another reason for these flights other than cheap storage overnight. Best regards, RA1
  18. As always I respect your posts. Best regards, RA1
  19. I think your prenup will run to thousands of pages. But, I doubt that will suffice. Best regards, RA1
  20. This story will just be a series of "news breaks" until Snowden gets somewhere and makes a declaration. I am personally sorry that Iceland is not among the front runner but Ecuador seems a friendly harbor. Thanks for all the updates. Best regards, RA1
  21. I cannot make such a claim. But, I have tried very hard to be circumspect in this regard for many years now. I may not always succeed but I do try. No one alive is perfect and what may have happened many years ago should be taken with a grain of salt, at least. I do not blame MS. Deen for making remarks. I do blame her for atrocious recipes and "hiding her diabetes" from her loyal and not so loyal public. I hope I am never in such as situation but that is very unlikely. I do not appear on TV. And, hope I never do. Best regards, RA1
  22. Of course, a subject covered in another thread. I was just poking fun. Best regards, RA1
  23. What we need is a "movie star" type personality to take up this cause. Otherwise the general public will just yawn and say, so what or so I am afraid. Movie stars must be good for something. Best regards, RA1
  24. There is SO much to say about this post. Are these folks members of PTU aka Peeping Toms Unanimous? I am not sure I understand the comment about men not needing to wash, presumably after using a urinal. Whatever they do next might be important to this subject but they are dealing with their own germs, not others (presumably). Piss, at least healthy piss, does not have any germs to spread. You may be informed to learn that many years ago (during my lifetime) that docs dipped a finger in piss and tasted it to check for diabetes. Now, of course, they use chemical sticks. I have not mentioned "encounters" that may occur during any bathroom break but they are likely grist for another thread. I once (fairly recently) asked a friend of mine who is a world class scientist this question: What is more important, to use hot water or soap while washing one's hands. (You have to understand our relationship goes back many, many years so this was not an odd question for us.) His reply was soap usage was the more important aspect. He then floundered around for a bit until I told him I knew what surfactant meant.
  25. Interesting that you use the word, "justification". I hope it is obvious that I agree about overcoming some natural urges. Equally interesting is how we don slippers and take care to not step on toes or make "noise". Best regards, RA1
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