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Thailand and India (among others) are well known for "medical tourism" and your report shows some of the reasons why. Please follow the doctor's orders, especially if he says, stay in bed and get well. Best regards, RA1
This trend is just going to continue. No airline has the nerve to just price for the service rendered and expected to be rendered. One "invents" a fee and the others follow or no one follows and the originator retracts. There has been a lot more following lately than retracting. The customers are almost as bad. They gripe and moan but just pay and go. What other industry has such control of its' service? The airlines have 50 different prices every day. They charge you for changing your time of departure. They won't let anyone except you use your ticket. They take your money and still control your ticket/flight. None of this is required by tariff, the TSA or any other regulations. The airlines just made up these rules and we let them get away with it. With rare exceptions hotels do not do this and their rooms are just as gone the next day as an airline seat is once the airplane leaves the gate. Hotels would like to fill up their rooms and discounters fill that requirement very well. But, their clientele has more options and is more willing to go elsewhere if hotels get "too uppity". As you know, I avoid the airlines like the plague. Their attitude is very good for charter and corporate aviation. But, we all need to survive and that isn't easy. Best regards, RA1
I don't sip Margaritas either. More of a big gulp kind of guy. Best regards, RA1
How is what you said different from what I said? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
Actually, whether you can afford a doctor or not, you will go to the emergency room and wait, just like everyone else. Then a doctor you never saw before and who you never heard of who might speak English will eventually see you. One "proof" of this is to call your doctor's office and listen to the recording that says, if this is an emergency, dial 911. That means, one way or another, go to the emergency room. I have had excellent care in emergency rooms which makes me suppose others have also. However, I am thinking I should learn another language but it is difficult to choose from so many. Best regards, RA1
I refuse to watch almost any so called news channel but accidentally watched CNN because I was interested in the latest Egyptian news, although I did not garner any from CNN. There is no need to participate in any of the shenanigans you mention in the US so long as we have the wide spread use of easily "riggable" Diebold voting machines. Obviously, BO can do what he wants to do. However, without a doubt the military take over of the government was a coup, although thankfully, a relatively bloodless one. Why not just say so? If "democratic" elections are held fairly shortly, as BO insists should happen, then aid can resume then. I would like to think that "people to people" US citizens and most citizens of other countries have gotten along fairly well. It is only the interference of either our or their political "leaders" or both who cause the problems among us. I quite agree with your comments about asking how a victim feels about any disaster. I partially view this as the feminization of the world and partly the over riding desire to feed the media without regard for how callous and cold it may be. Best regards, RA1
Surely the Highlander Pub is in the UK, if not Scotland, so what better way to exercise your pet dog than going to the pub and having a few? A British tradition. Best regards, RA1
Just one more example of why we have been regarded as the Ugly Americans in the past. However, in fairly modern times, using "air space" as a political football is not unusual. Whether you think we should have gone on this mission or not, you may remember that France and Spain denied the US military over flight permission when RR decided to try to take out Gaddafi using F-111 Aardvark bombers based in England. They had to fly much further because they flew via far out at sea the entire trip. Also, landing rights between countries, are granted strictly on business/politics. If British Airways wants to fly non-stop London-Dallas, you can bet American Airlines will get permission for the same route. It used to be (slightly before my time) that a pilot's license was as good as a passport (+visas) in most countries. Earlier in my career, I could fly from the US to the UK before being asked to show a passport, meaning through Canada, Greenland, Iceland. Not now. A few years ago when Boeing and Airbus were in the middle of one of their many squabbles, suddenly United pilots had to have a visa to fly to France. Naturally, the US retaliated with requiring Air France pilots to have visas for the US. Diplomatic and private flights should not be subject to all this foolishness but here we are. This planet is not progressing very well, is it? Best regards, RA1
Anyone else have a problem watching this "news" channel? I tried to watch 2 minutes worth a short time ago. Blitzer on Egypt. "Both sides are angry with the US." "No one is calling it a coup." "The democratically elected government of Egypt has been deposed by the military." What is wrong with those statements, at least according to me? 1. No Egyptian is angry with the US, only with BO. 2. The reason BO is not calling it a coup is that it is "illegal" to give "aid" to the government resulting from a military take over. 3. Was this a fair and democratic election? I seriously doubt it. Any opposing opinions or any agreement? Best regards, RA1
I hope this is not in regard to anything that I posted. Best regards, RA1
I realize it is all politics (as is most of everything) but I have personally been annoyed more than once with "cavalier" denials of over flight permissions. I am neither for or against Bolivia and their politics at the moment. Ostensibly, the flight was denied permission to proceed because there was a suspicion that Snowden was on board. So what? If he had managed to obtain Bolivian "help" in his quest for asylum then the "diplomatic" flight of the president's plane should have been unobstructed. How would we as US citizens feel if BO was traveling to Moscow and "suddenly" the Finns or Poles or some country between here and there decided to forbid AF1 from proceeding? International law regarding airspace is fairly new but has had time for "politics" to intervene. We have some "international" rules that are good and some not so good. Speaking English on the airwaves is one good thing, meaning only one language for all. But needing over flight permission for many countries usually means those countries that might not be as friendly to one's own country as one would hope. When I flew a trip from Brunei westbound to the US, I was denied over flight permission in many Arab countries and landing permission in most. I could over fly Saudi Arabia but not land there, for instance. It would be lovely if we could have "freedom of the skies" as proposed by Ike which had a slightly different context but still was the essence of what I proclaim. Best regards, RA1
If one is already on the floor, how far can a joint drop? This thread + another in this forum seem "linked" somehow. Best regards, RA1
SR- good post. But, somewhat seriously, isn't it all about context? Just like any other possibly pejorative word? Best regards, RA1
Please don't start me on GM. He has so many memorable quotes. Two of my favorites are: When a country club refused him membership because he was Jewish he replied that his daughter is only half Jewish so could she join and only go into the swimming pool up to her navel. I don't wish to belong to a club that would allow me to be a member. Best regards, RA1
I have heard of carpal tunnel syndrome but this is ridiculous. Get well soon. This thread has struck a responsive chord in me. Even though we are theoretically anonymous, in actuality we are not. Many other posters know each other and, in addition, people who are sincere in their postings and really share any of their personal and private life experiences have opened themselves up to being possibly hurt. Whether they should or not is a personal decision but I think many do. Gay folks have feelings, do they not? If not, then I am pleased that your rhino personality is protecting you. I suppose what I am suggesting is that anyone wear their hearts on their sleeves at a "little" peril but others beware because even a possum will protect its' own territory or family. Best regards, RA1
Yes, we have more or less gone from the states that do recognize same sex marriage being the only ones with "any" benefits to many federal benefits being recognized in all states. It will take a scorecard for quite a while to figure this all out and, no doubt, more legal action. Best regards, RA1
I am thrilled everyone is so happy about the ruling today. But, it is all politics. Sorry if I interjected another political aspect into the thread. The figure is probably on the low side, if correctly calculated. I am not complaining about the ruling. Someone else mentioned BO earlier on and I commented on him. Best regards, RA1
If you paid so much in taxes, why are you not complaining about wasting them? All this stuff is political in nature. It isn't drivel, I am not happy about any pols spending money like this on vacation and hope they would only do it in the course of duty. Previous Presidents are not immune from my disdain. The economy is in shambles and pols are jetting around spending money. How wonderful. Best regards, RA1
How many of those taxpayer's dollars were yours? Regardless, you can say it doesn't matter all you want but it does. I agree that political visits can be important. Vacations, less so. This is a vacation. However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, however wrong. Best regards, RA1
Isn't a synopsis enough? My family has an inside joke about a family member "reviewing" a movie or TV program, "frame by frame". I have a personal friend who is a retired 747 captain who lives in the LA area. He had enough off duty time during the OJ Simpson trial to watch it daily. Fascinating but boring or so I would think. But, to each his own. Best regards, RA1
I knew all the words. Does that make me an old Englishman or old person? Probably. Best regards, RA1
Do you mean BO on his way to spending 100 million of taxpayers dollars on a vacation? Sorry to spoil the mood. I agree it is way overdue but we have a LOT of problems remaining, before and after. Best regards, RA1
With a sequestered jury there should not be very many others with whom to discuss a case personally except other jurors and perhaps government "escorts". No, not our kind. I have to wonder why there might be such access as you describe? Why not "confiscate" all cell phones, lap tops and other electronic paraphilia before sequestering? Too simple? Too easy? In the "old" days I think the judge merely said, do not read newspapers, look at TV or talk to other jurors or anyone else about this case. The same applies today, only technologically "advanced". Best regards, RA1
I looked via Google for recipes for Sex on the Beach and found several. The one I used contained Chambord, Midori, vodka and pineapple juice. And, maybe OJ but now I don't remember for sure all the ingredients. I think I permanently destroyed some memory cells during that escapade. Best regards, RA1
I like to masticate on large words also. Best regards, RA1