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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Gaming the system is one thing, disincentivizing the work ethnic is another. Best regards, RA1
  2. I didn't think anyone was being hostile. DW gets these kinds of comments from his "fans" or viewers on his web site. He is a public figure who takes various positions (no pun intended) and is going to take some hits. Likely he relishes the attention and no one is "forced" to look at his videos. Best regards, RA1
  3. RA1

    Fukushima Trouble

    At least never really wanted to leave them. The Imperial Cruise by James Bradley is an interesting read on this point. Best regards, RA1
  4. RA1

    Awkward kissing

    I go to Indiana pretty often. Ball State is in Muncie. I think I need to visit there. Best regards, RA1
  5. I change my bed sheets every time I have sex but once a year doesn't seem like quite often enough. Best regards, RA1
  6. RA1


    So, political assassination is now OK with you? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  7. I also was wondering why this was not in the politics forum but it isn't the first time, is it? I have little good to say about Monsanto but I am pretty sure Justice Thomas did not get rulings in their favor all by himself. Best regards, RA1
  8. I had breakfast with an old friend of mine this morning who is a decided liberal. He voted for BO twice and, as far as I know, even Albert Gore. He was incensed about what I call the plantation mentality of government. He said he personally knew of a FEDEX employee who quit work because, even though he was making more net money in hand by working, he was going to lose some or all of his food stamps. I said this is wide spread. He replied, I don't like the wide spread aspect of it and I have a real problem with this guy quitting his job because he might lose some benefits. It is immoral that a lot of folks are paid to be poor and remain that way. When and if they go to work, they take the chance of losing benefits. How can this country progress and recover from a lot of problems with these kinds of things going on? Answer: It cannot. We all need to work and contribute to society. There are a lot of ways to do this but sitting at home and smoking cigarettes, drinking beer and making babies is not among them. In my mind there is absolutely nothing racial in these comments. There are far more folks other than blacks who would fit the description. Money and politicians will not solve these problems although pols could make big inroads in solving them, if they so desired. Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1


    I understand everyone's concerns. However, we need to get over thinking we are the policeman for the world; either that, or stop letting the politicians do the planning and micromanaging. We have Iran, Russia and the dictator of Syria on the one hand and Egypt, Israel (sort of), the terrorists and maybe the US on the other. Nothing other than two or more cabals with their own agendas. North Korea mistreats its' citizens far worse than Syria ever thought of, gas or no gas. Yemen is an ugly example of mistreatment. There are others. There is no stopping this whatever the US does. Let those others worry about it. Sorry to keep mentioning this refrain. BO does not have a clue period. Best regards, RA1
  10. All of the justices believe they are defending the Constitution. That is the basic job description. And, each one has an agenda. Best regards, RA1
  11. LOL. I hate for you to choke for any reason. Best regards, RA1
  12. Yes, it is appalling to think about shooting any public official. While you may not agree or even completely disagree with Scalia, try to remember that he deserves the same respect as any other SC justice. He sincerely believes that he is defending the Constitution with his opinions and that the SC should not be activist. Surely there is common ground between him and Ginsburg or so I hope. So far, no modern person is perfect, would you agree? Best regards, RA1
  13. What??? There are snobs in the Bay Area? Your assertion astonishes me. Best regards, RA1
  14. Is it contagious? The NSA is acting in secret. BO is acting in secret. Now the Supremes? Somehow I think the Supreme Court publishes all of its' rulings for all to see. Not every ramification or result may be immediately obvious but many attorneys go over each one with a fine tooth comb. There has been dissent on the Supreme Court since day one and obviously every decision is not unanimous, therefore someone will be unhappy. I respect Ginsburg as a person with a fine legal mind but most of the time I am glad she is not on the majority side. Best regards, RA1
  15. I think the Frisco railroad (STL-SFO) was in existence long before there were B movies. Best regards, RA1
  16. RA1


    Who do you want to root for, a murdering dictator or a group of terrorists? Neither side seems to have the best national interests of Syria in mind, only self-aggrandizement. The US should stay out of it. Best regards, RA1
  17. Was there not a railroad that used the name or nickname, "Frisco"? Probably absorbed by BNSF today as they have almost every thing west of the Smokies. Best regards, RA1
  18. Well, I could have mentioned OAK, SQL,HWD, PAO, SJC or a few others but then few would have understood the point. Those are nearby airports which are within easy driving distance of SFO. Best regards, RA1
  19. I never called it Frisco. I always called it SFO. Best regards, RA1
  20. LOL. Best regards, RA1 MEM is the home of the founder(s) of HI and even though the Bass PLC now owns them and headquartered in ATL, many of us still appreciate HI in general.
  21. I miss Andy Capp. He does not appear in our local paper any longer. I wonder if he ever pursued golf? Best regards, RA1
  22. Now if it had been stated that Krakow was not in Brazil that would have been confusing. Best regards, RA1
  23. It has often been said that the English and the US were two countries separated by a common language but I thought Canada fell somewhere in the middle, neither separated nor included. Best regards, RA1
  24. I have no character, strong or otherwise. Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1


    Here we go again. Another failed foreign policy fiasco in the making. We aren't completely out of Iraq, certainly not out of Afghanistan, Egypt is a disaster, never mind Libya and a few others. I wonder what domestic foul up BO is now trying to cover up by diverting the national attention to Syria. There is no doubt that Syria is a disaster on its' own but I think the US has already had too many turns at bat. Best regards, RA1
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