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Everything posted by RA1

  1. And, especially, nothing. Best regards, RA1
  2. I realize how much you enjoy sick humor, after all, I recognized you had a "sick mind" a long time ago. I don't really object to it, I just don't seek it out. Plus, how sick do you have to be to respond to what I write? Best regards, RA1
  3. It might have been slightly more interesting had the author reported, "we came all over medieval" vs. "we came over all medieval". Best regards, RA1
  4. Sickening but funny. I quit reading Mad and other publishers of sick humor some time ago but I will continue to read AS but please pass the Meclizine, just in case. Best regards, RA1
  5. That was the intent of my remark. No need for this to go any further than it naturally will. Best regards, RA1
  6. Praise the Lord (but no need to pass the ammunition). Best regards, RA1
  7. I believe you can buy a toy one of these for 15-35 dollars and a "real" one for $300 or so (up). When you send your list to Santa.................... Best regards, RA1
  8. Thanks for the list. It isn't strictly limited, is it? I thought of the pulp and skin aspect but I try to use those also. I also don't skin tomatoes or potatoes, etc. I have thought for a long time the skins had proportionally more nutrients. Whoever "they" is claims that modern pesticides are on the surface only and can be washed off. It should not take rocket science to test the inside (or even the outside) of fruits and vegetables for residue of various kinds. Best regards, RA1
  9. I wonder what the difference between whole fruit and juice is? Of course, juice with sugar added is entirely different than sugar free juice, but is there some other ingredient added that is a negative? Imagine taking a bowl of blueberries and eating them out of hand or crushing them and drinking them. What difference would that make? None that I can imagine. Yes, statins and the like are the group of Rx most commonly affected by grapefruit. There are some others. I have never bought into the organic is better hype. For one thing, there is no official definition of organic. Two, pesticides and the like can easily be washed off. I believe there are reliable studies that indicate no nutritional difference between organic and other fruits and vegetables. I am undecided about genetically altered food. Best regards, RA1
  10. Those don't seem like all that serious bloopers by comparison. Today, watching the film, it seems dated and a bit "old-fashioned" but still enjoyable, at least by me. I felt sorry for the animal that was vaporized when the gal reached the "age of reason". I would very much like to have the robot available to make booze on demand. Best regards, RA1
  11. I am very sorry about the person or persons who you know or know about. However, this kind of conversation is not limited to gun owners as you are no doubt well aware. Crazies stab folks, run them over in their cars and do all sorts of unreasonable things to their fellow human beings. Crazies must be helped whenever and where ever we find them, don't you think? This will take a monumental community effort and not only legislation, although some legislation might be helpful and appropriate. I view this somewhat like the Good Samaritan laws that allow those who are trying to help without having to "double think" what the consequences might be. I much prefer someone to give me CPR without having to worry about whether I or my family will sue or not. Don't you? Those kinds of thoughts might be old fashioned but they are American through and through or so I think. Best regards, RA1
  12. Interesting. However, some of us who take various Rx might need to take note that grapefruit (fruit or juice) "enhances" the effects of various drugs upon the liver. In other words, grapefruit juice increases the effects of various drugs that have some liver impact. I love grapefruit but have avoided same for the above reasons. Too bad. Best regards, RA1
  13. This argument has just as much of an agendum as the pro guns lobby has. The guys who perpetrated crimes at Sandy Hook and the Colorado movie theater were crazies. Crazies should not have access to guns. Those guns were not assault weapons. That is an inaccurate nickname given to semi-automatic guns with more than 5 or 6 bullets in them. "Real" assault weapons are pretty easily recognized by being fully automatic and generally having larger rounds in them. I am not sure about Texas but in TN you cannot have a carry permit without being registered with the TN Department of Safety aka the folks who issue driver's licenses. So, there is some consistency in what kind of ID is allowed and who can issue it. Anyone who has traveled very much in the US can see (today) many instances of prejudice against blacks (and others) in every region of the country but mainly other than the South. The South has had laws jammed down their throats and it might surprise many folks who do not live here to see how attitudes as well as practices have changed. The rest of the country has been allowed to continue their unfair and uneven treatment of various. This country needs to do more but enacting more legislation is NOT the answer. Best regards, RA1
  14. What hotel? Best regards, RA1
  15. It really is difficult to decide if BO merely has no idea what he is doing, is so engaged with himself (like most Presidents) or doesn't care what happens to the country. Regardless, I think one of his legacies will be "master of distraction". We are not being governed but merely led from one distraction to another. It might be sadly funny if it weren't so serious and affecting each and every one of us. Best regards, RA1
  16. You give up on Wikileaks after several days or a few weeks and you still support BO after 4+ years of perfidy? Amazing. Best regards, RA1
  17. I would think they would possibly be for Hispanics who might not be completely immersed yet in English? I only wish I spoke Spanish as well as most of these folks speak English. Best regards, RA1
  18. Aren't most vaccines counter productive or at least not effective if given after one has the disease? Isn't the point of a vaccine to build up antibodies to provide immunity or at least good resistance to the virus? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  19. NCBored- My skin is as thin as any poster's on this site but I hate to think about banishment or leaving. Me or anyone else. Talking always helps, if not to resolve the issue, then to understand it a bit more. I like the three strikes rule. Best regards, RA1
  20. I am 99.9% certain AS glows, not sure about if in the dark or not. Best regards, RA1
  21. NZ is well worth visiting. However, I was there several times before I saw one sheep which I always thought odd since they outnumber the population by about ten to one. Just sheer co-incidence. I did happen to be there when Harrah's opened the casino in the Sky Tower. I went in there the day after the local pols had their official tour. I brought back a local newspaper with the grand opening of same on the front page. I did take the harbour tour but other than landing at AKL (because that is where US and other international carriers land), I generally very soon went to visit friends in nearby places like Hamilton or Napier. Probably most of you know that several movies were made there to take advantage of the scenery. NZ is volcanic and has an island climate. The North and South islands are quite different. It rarely goes below freezing on the North Island and the South Island has snow skiing, etc. The US stages its' Antarctic expeditions and supply routes from Christchurch which is on the NE part of the South Island. Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    Water hammering

    I think Edward Snowden is hito's plumber. Best regards, RA1
  23. In the case of aviation, experience is mandated by law, at least the quantity bur only obliquely the quality. Virtually all the air carrier pilots are unionized so the pay is determined by the contract and seniority. You do have to show up with the credentials and pass their hiring exams. Then go on probation for 6-24 months. So, to some extent we are talking apples and oranges. Still, I get your point. Best regards, RA1
  24. Wal-Mart is an interesting study in contradictions. Many love to hate them and many hate to love them. Sam Walton went from rags to riches so to speak but never lost "some" of his down home personality. Drove a pick-up truck and flew an old 6 place twin engine aircraft himself. Originally they advertised nothing but US made products. But, that changed, drastically and dramatically. Wal-Mart reputedly under pays and over works their employees. That almost surely will be the reputation of such a large company. Like most such, there is no doubt some truth to the supposition. I don't know exactly what their employee benefits are and I think it might take a rocket scientist to completely figure it out. Not all employees are invested in health care or any other benefits. A large percentage of Wal-Mart employees are on state health programs such as Medicaid, etc. No doubt some are also on food stamps and other US programs. Are many of Wal-Mart's employees at minimum wage and would you fairly characterize most of those jobs as entry level, such as flipping burgers is? I think they fall somewhere in between, partly because of some benefits. I mean for this post to neither be an attack on Wal-Mart nor a defense of their policies, merely something to think about. Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1


    How can BO go wrong with this idea, other than have world opinion continue to fall? It is already way too late to do anything (limited) that might be effective, if the Congress won't approve "better late than never" then he can blame them and, if Congress does approve this mission of folly and things go wrong, he can blame Congress. Funny, these things are never the administration's fault. Best regards, RA1
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