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Everything posted by RA1

  1. The can has been kicked down the road for 90 or so days. So what?<br /><br />Best regards,<br />RA1
  2. Yes, of course, much reviled, especially by those who do not have any (or enough). Best regards, RA1
  3. Gold doesn't tarnish? Best regards, RA1
  4. I log out every time I leave and don't recall ever being logged in when I return. Is someone trying to tell me something? Best regards, RA1
  5. The US airlines have a pretty amazing safety record. In the last several years they have tended to run along with a minor mishap here and there and then, every year or two or three, have a fatal crash that kills a lot of folks at once. General aviation has made gradual improvements over roughly the same period but no one knows for sure which is the most influential aspect among fewer hours being flown because of the economy, the high price of fuel reducing the hours flown, better airframes and slight engine improvements, much better avionics (there is absolutely no reason to be lost these days) and some better training. However, general aviation pilots who mainly fly for recreation seem to make the same old mistakes year after year. They stretch their fuel until the engine quits, they fly into weather that neither they nor their aircraft are equipped to handle, they don't fly enough to maintain proficiency and generally don't pay attention and sometimes have a bad attitude. Any one of those things can be dangerous. Two or more can be downright fatal. OTOH, GA pilots are generally pretty bright folks who make more money than the average. It takes real dedication and perseverance to become a pilot BUT if the day you become a licensed pilot is the day you are the most aware and the best trained you will ever be, you may be in trouble unless you limit your flying to a pretty Sunday afternoon once in a while and don't actually go anywhere. Your license is merely and actually only a license to learn and practice. The gap between that point and professional pilots is wide and deep. Amateurs can be successful pilots; they just need to have a good attitude and pay attention. Best regards, RA1
  6. I want to go with it was aliens. Best regards, RA1
  7. Some of what you say is open to interpretation and some of it will have to be evaluated in years to come. As you know, I have little good to say about Republicans; it is just I have more or less the same to say about Democrats. BO is their chief exponent. I would say leader but he isn't leading. Best regards, RA1
  8. I agree with much of the article. At least publically, it seemed obvious that Bush was diverting from Cheney, especially during the second term. BO started by trying to have some experienced cabinet members and others as advisors but now seems intent on ignoring them and getting yes men entirely. Not that he followed the advice given in the first term. I am very sorry to say that as time goes on, more and more of us will realize how really poor a leader, politician and President BO really was/is. Best regards, RA1
  9. Do you mean profile them? How politically incorrect. However, very effective and time and cost saving. Best regards, RA1
  10. Cirrus, a general aviation aircraft manufacturer, has a whole ship parachute as standard equipment. Sounds like a wonderful solution and Cirrus has gained a good market share for that and other reasons BUT they have had a lot of problems with the system. It ordinarily works but will damage the airframe extensively. OK, your neck or the airframe is no choice and that is correct. However, the system has not been used appropriately in all too many cases when it was deployed. Some waited too long and there was not enough altitude or too much airspeed for the parachute to work properly. That is called being outside the envelope. Other times there was no need to deploy the 'chute and the airframe was needlessly severely damaged. Other times the chute was not deployed when clearly it would have helped aka been a life saver. At the moment, the Cirrus aircraft have a worse safety record than the average general aviation population. The factory is trying to correct that statistic with better training. Better and more training has been the mantra of the FAA from day one with limited success. Either you pay attention or you don't. Ditto for the military and the airlines. Martin-Baker and others make "zero-aero" ejection seats. That means the pilot or pilots can "safely" eject at zero airspeed and zero altitude. The seat has a rocket motor that flings the occupants and their seat upward to give the parachute a chance to operate as advertised. Just don't try this in a hangar. So far as is known, no pilot has refused to eject when the situation warranted even though they knew they would be injured during. Spine compression and a broken limb are usually the least of the injuries. Broken collarbones and worse are generally the maximum injuries. However, it is fairly easy to imagine some scenarios where even the 0-0 seat is outside the envelope. Think about being upside down and close to the ground. Think about going Mach 2. Etc. Automatic systems and parachutes are certainly no panacea. They are only possibly useful tools to help the thinking and trained pilot. How much training will be involved with flying cars? Best regards, RA1
  11. lookin- We may have to dedicate drinks or other mind altering drugs to your excellence in characters. Soon, we will be like the comedians at a convention where they only referred to jokes by number. One said 14, which invoked a laugh; then one said 59, which provoked more laughter but when one said 101, the whole audience erupted in sustained laughter. When a bystander asked why all the reaction, the attendee said, no one had heard that one before. Best regards, RA1
  12. Where did you find a picture of RMN in casual clothes? Usually he was wearing a suit and tie even when walking on the beach near I assume San Clemente. Best regards, RA1
  13. Delaying the individual mandate would involve negotiating, something BO seems to be unwilling to do. However, it is ok to change Obamacare for the Congress and unions as well as delay it for big business. Apparently the little guys are the guinea pigs (again). Best regards, RA1
  14. Technically you have to be at least 5,000 feet above sea level to join the mile high club. The military had tremendous teething problems with the V-22 Osprey. Why will this be different? We are currently having lots of problems with drones, mostly flown by "experts" if not pilots. How many of you trust your desktop, laptop or other computerized product to run flawlessly? It boggles the mind to imagine the chaos of more than a handful of this type product ever reaching the market. I prefer to wait on a transporter. Best regards, RA1
  15. As mentioned, I have not seen any Asian guys and I also requested information regarding all of the stats. Thanks for the reply. Best regards, RA1
  16. Over the years I have noticed that most US boys are circumcised with perhaps a slight trend otherwise lately. A lot of European boys are not and many others from around the world are not. However, I seem to notice from ad hoc observation rather than personal interaction that most Asian guys are circumcised. Is there a religious, societal or other reason for this or am I incorrect? Just curious. Best regards, RA1
  17. I would have preferred the boy to say, "Either one of my gay...." Best regards, RA1
  18. I am very much a dog lover. My last two were Min Pins. The boy had cancer and had a leg removed at about 5 year's old. He recovered from the operation and enjoyed the last months but there is not enough therapy available for dogs (or humans). He would have done better with radiation but it was not available. The girl was with me for 17 years and was an expert co-pilot. She always wanted to go and I took her on many, many trips. A lot of folks seem to think that dogs cannot be good travelers on aircraft but mine were well behaved and not fussy at all. At the moment I do not have any as I do not like to board them and I travel a lot when they cannot go with. Best regards, RA1
  19. I was lucky enough to be asked to go to Stowe, VT in the '70's with a MEM aircraft dealer and friend to see NR's museum. My friend was a very good local artist. He very much enjoyed this trip and actually got to meet Mrs. Rockwell who was still alive at that time. I enjoyed the trip and my friend's excitement throughout. There is no doubt that NR is a monumental exponent for Americana. Best regards, RA1
  20. TY- You must have seen my signature. Best regards, RA1
  21. That reminds me. Anyone else ever tried "Latvian" style cognac? This is served as a shot glass full of cognac with a horizontal slice of lemon, topped with a scant teaspoon of sugar. Obviously, shoot the cognac down with one swallow, followed by eating the whole lemon + sugar, also all at once. Pretty amazing but also pretty caloric. Best regards, RA1
  22. Apparently about 22% of the US population would not be able to read, never mind understand this report. Yet, "everyone" must go to college and get a degree. One thing that means is college graduates who can barely function because their literacy level is somewhere back in high school or junior high where they were passed on without passing the coursework. It isn't that a lot of these folks are stupid, they are either lazy or improperly motivated or both. The leadership of the US government is sorely lacking regarding education. Money and training to pass tests is not the same as learning the material. Local control should be much better. I fear we shall never know. I know plenty of folks who are very successful in every meaningful way who never progressed past a 6th grade education. They can barely read and write but have made money, reared a family, run a business and been above average in a technical field. We now have a very large service economy. Many more folks need to get a technical or hands on education. There is money to be made and a good life to live. I am sure there is plenty more to be said on this subject and I await other's input. Best regards, RA1
  23. RA1

    Caption this...

    I know you have the car keys.....somewhere. Best regards, RA1
  24. As the saying goes, every 3 seconds a woman is having a baby. Somebody find that woman and stop her. Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1


    There is a toolbox used by aficionados of "fantasy baseball". He could have been referring to that or trying to segue between a game played in your mind and one played on the diamond. hito- I think they interview those sports casters to make sure they can adequately murder the English language as well as speak in code. Best regards, RA1
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