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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Does that mean there are two of you? Best regards, RA1
  2. BTW- I don't recommend this but you can get rid of all your internal gas at once during an explosive decompression. A kind of explosive fart. You other choice during is to have a LOT of pain from trapped gas which needs to equalize with the reduced atmospheric pressure you now "enjoy". Practicing or experiencing a sudden and rapid decompression is something military pilots and other pilots do in an altitude chamber. The two basic goals are to let you experience the debilitating effects of even relatively low altitudes (like 25,000 feet) and also experience the release or not of internal gas. Usually when an airliner has a pressurization problem, there is not a sudden and rapid loss of pressure. Blowing out a window will not suck people through the resulting hole. If you think it might, be sure and sit next to a fat guy who will tend to plug up the hole, rescuing everyone from the "movie-type" fate. Also firing handguns with ordinary rounds in them will not cause a pressurization problem and may not even piece the skin of the aircraft, depending. However, do not plan on landing on the ocean and settling to the bottom with lots of time to be there ala one of the Airport movies. Landing a jet on the ocean usually causes damage to the aircraft, the Miracle on the Hudson notwithstanding. Best regards, RA1
  3. Some patent medicine were good, if they had enough laudanum and alcohol in them. I have never used Beano but I am glad for the user report. I always figured if you ate enough BBQ with your beans, the effect would be lessened and, of course, with enough beer, you don't care anyway. Best regards, RA1
  4. No one ever heard of Beano? Or, is that beside the point? Best regards, RA1
  5. I have to wonder what a "minnow shot" is? I am not all that fond of sushi and especially not red neck sushi. Best regards, RA1
  6. RA1


    Interesting, but what is the point? In today's society of open relationships, etc. why bother with "formalizing" a polygamous relationship at all? I think we used to call 20 people living in 2 rooms "hippies". Now, they call them immigrants. During the history of various countries of the world, there have been religious and economic reasons to have more than one SO but have not those times come and gone in the US? We no longer need 9 children because 3 died in infancy or early childhood and the rest need to work on the farm to help support the family. In fact, China and other countries recognize the reality of limiting further population explosion. I have no problem with "group support" so long as it supports the emotional and maybe the economic needs of the group and does not add to the population. But, that is just my opinion. Best regards, RA1
  7. Interesting. I knew some of it but not all of it, previously. I remember the tour of the White House on TV. Everyone and every family has a story to tell, don't they? Not all are as star crossed as the Kennedys but virtually all have at least one or two tales regarding their past history or so it seems. Best regards, RA1
  8. Actually, I think I would prefer that bankers and politicians be deceased before they got on my plane. Best regards, RA1
  9. I tossed my cookies all I care to way back when. However, one of my anti-everything cleaners removes them once a week regardless. Best regards, RA1
  10. Well, to tell the truth, I have provided transport of the last remains a time or two, being hired by the funereal director. This creates a conundrum for the flight plan which traditionally calls for "souls on board". Does one state two + one "ex" or one in progress or what? I have so far insisted that the funereal director accompany the flight. I don't wish to have to deal with the family and the remains. Only one discomforting task at a time, please. Final note: It is considered bad technique to depart with one deceased and arrive with any more. Best regards, RA1
  11. Just don't ask for crackers with your soup or salad in merry old. They will have to confer to decide what it is you really want and then say something like, oh, you want crisps? And, of course, if you are in a proper bar that realizes that Americans drink too, then when you order a "proper" drink, they will ask/state, you want ice with that, don't you? The answer is, of course, thank you very much. After all, we want ice served with ice, do we not? And, certainly with any other beverage, short of beer, which must be consumed "English style" at room temperature, which is, after all, not 70 or 80 degrees as in the US, but about 40 or so, the average temperature of your average English hotel room. Best regards, RA1
  12. He doesn't write and tell us all the details. Best regards, RA1
  13. I wouldn't mind trying the Celebre line of products EXCEPT for the presumed prerequisite. Best regards, RA1.
  14. I am pretty sure Christians did their part to secularize Christian holidays. Christians like/need money too, especially US Christians. I have read a rendition of the history of the Bible as recounted by a 6 year old boy. He did much better than MS. Palin. Best regards, RA1
  15. I have often characterized my career as giving away millions of dollars worth of advice every day and just, once in a while, needing to sell an airplane to pay the bills. Perhaps I should have listened to your CEO or maybe I did. Best regards, RA1
  16. Oh, I am pretty sure he insists upon being present when "it" is. Best regards, RA1
  17. I trust the pols. I trust the pols. I trust BO. Best regards, RA1
  18. No need. The GOP just needs to sit back, not make waves and let the disaster aka Obamacare prove all the predictions to be correct. It is not JUST the 600 million spent on a web site that does not work but many, many facets of the legislation itself. Does anyone else think this is just some more money grabbing to feed the Ponzi scheme that is the US government? Best regards, RA1
  19. Ah, All Faux Nippon. Best regards, RA1
  20. If you have the hill and house for it, why not? Best regards, RA1
  21. RA1

    Christie is a liar

    Isn't this what pols today do? BO is a prime example. Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    Christie is a liar

    I wondered if you meant John or General William Tecumseh at first but I suppose you mean WTS. Best regards, RA1
  23. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, is it? Personally I am against all of those things you mention about Blacks, Hispanics and women but that does not make me a Democrat. Nor does being a fiscal conservative make me a Republican. If I HAVE to be anything, I suppose it is an independent with Libertarian leanings. As such, I am willing to listen to most anything but it has to be persuasive, not just sound good. The US government wastes a tremendous amount of money and is going deeper into the hole every day. What does it mean that "non-essential" government employees were laid off? One thing it could mean is that they might be nice to have IF we can afford them, but, alas, we cannot. Of course, it is a conundrum when we have so much un and under employment to lay off permanently workers but no government worker produces any product. The government may provide needed services but it only costs, not produces. Best regards, RA1
  24. Everyone is marked. When they decide to frisk pilots to see if they are armed, the inmates are running the asylum. Pilots don't need guns to kill everyone on board, only the will and desire to do so. Best regards, RA1
  25. You are such a kid(er). Personally, I like to blame it on the 20's and 30's but I have only semi-reliably heard about them. I am not that old. Best regards, RA1
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