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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Government intrusion on the freedom of the press: I would be willing to suppose that in times past that "stories" that seemed fantastic were relegated to secondary publications. Yes, they might be read by some but not necessarily highly regarded by many. I have never thought my next door neighbor was or could be a 3 headed monster regardless of what a grocery store tabloid might "report". However, in this day and time with so much air time and blog space to fill, it is really difficult to know who has been infected by space aliens and who is really trying hard to keep up the "traditional" MSM ethics. I suggest that it is not only difficult for the average reader but also for governments. Of course, today is not the first time governments have tried to clamp down on stories they do not wish reported and it won't be the last but they seem to be running more wild usurping various Constitutional promises or guarantees than ever before (and possibly somewhat getting away with it). Indeed it is a matter for concern. Best regards, RA1
  2. Assuming the author is correct, when was the last time there was world wide agreement and action on any topic? Pols in particular and people in general are likely to agree upon something so long as someone else does it/pays for it. Best regards, RA1
  3. Interesting that the second "main" topic was tax credits. Eventually someone has to pay for those. $17 trillion in "direct" debt with perhaps $100 trillion in collateral obligations. I would ask how much longer can we afford this but we are way past that point already. Best regards, RA1
  4. Other than "professional" protesters, I am afraid most of us do not take any cause very seriously until it really hits home or close to home. Otherwise, would we have those idiots in Washington? Personally, I have never eaten at Chick-fil-a but that has to do with avoiding fast food in general. I also very rarely watch a movie, either at home or at a theater, so I almost surely will not be seeing Ender's game. Best regards, RA1
  5. I thought about making a post on this subject but decided to think it over. Is that predictable enough for you? Best regards, RA1
  6. Equally interesting is who reported the sign (in addition to AS). Or, how ecumenical of the rabbi. Best regards, RA1
  7. And, here I thought the post was going to be about the young (formerly) MS. Clinton and her escapades in various hotels. Best regards, RA1
  8. I guess we all have variable experiences from time to time even with the same subject matter. I remember the first time I flew through Asia. I had been told/warned that many would have their hands out. However, I went from Brunei to Kuala Lumpur to Calcutta to Ahmadabad to Karachi to Bahrain to Luxor without anyone doing anything unusual until Luxor. There my flight plan could not be found until I suggested to the official that perhaps he had some use for my change from buying fuel. Every time I bought fuel I changed USD to the local currency and always had a little left over. In this case it was 7 Egyptian Pounds which as I recall was about 4 USD then. Suddenly my flight plan materialized. No trouble before or after and that was not much trouble. On the average, considering I flew 72 hours with 14 stops, I had virtually no problems with itchy palms. I conclude that mainly one's expectations and reasonableness in handling problems as they arise can go a long way towards making for a happy trip (if not happy ending). I once had a KY state trooper take money from me after steadfastly refusing it numerous times. He and his cohorts had helped me a lot over one night and the next morning. He finally took $20 when I said, I know you cannot accept payment for your service but I want the first round tonight to be on me. This was 30+ years ago when $20 was still $20. Best regards, RA1
  9. Sure it is. Best regards, RA1
  10. AS- Regardless of your religious or philosophical bent, surely you are willing to consider a law of physics and that is matter cannot be destroyed but only changes form. Therefore, in some form or another, we are "always" here. I have not had relatives appear to me in dreams or otherwise but when my puppy of 17+ years was gone, I often felt her moving across the bed by my feet. That goes on even today, years after her passing. Bottom line: There is no after life but only "continuing" life. Best regards, RA1
  11. Sportscasters do not have those kinds of nightmares. Abusing the English language and mischaracterizing whatever is happening are part and parcel of their existence. They only have two worries, not being paid and not getting air time, which are kind of the same thing. Best regards, RA1
  12. My happiness depends upon me. -- Anon Best regards, RA1
  13. You might have been able to outrun a crop duster because they get a nose bleed if they are over 50 feet and going faster than 60 MPH. I suppose it would depend upon how firm the surface of the cotton field. However, what you did not outrun was the pesticide. I always considered the two most dangerous things about being a crop duster to be the chemicals sprayed and the concentration required for long hours of dodging wires, trees and other low lying objects. I have seen all too many duster pilots with "glassy eyes" at 8 AM after only 2+ hours of flying. No doubt it was a combination of the concentration and the beer the night before. Now I am not suggesting that you have long lasting and lingering effects from inhaling pesticides. However, if you suddenly start twitching while standing in line to board an aircraft, that might be the reason. Best regards, RA1
  14. All aircraft that leave Heathrow are mysterious, especially those that might weigh in excess of 900,000 pounds. Best regards, RA1
  15. It is just that I know one or two people who actually are not lying even though their lips are moving. They are not pols. Best regards, RA1
  16. When Freddie Laker opened the Atlantic to low fares, IATA allowed any member carriers to offer the standby one way fares for a whole year before they allowed Laker to offer them. The companies that accepted were TWA, PAA, BA, Air India and one more that does not come to me at the moment. I wanted to try them all as I was doing a lot of one way travel in those days. But when Air India lost a 747 fairly soon after departing Heathrow mysteriously, I decided I would forego them. I don't think they ever came to a conclusion about this crash even though they suspected terrorism. Even though I have had excellent passenger service on foreign carriers such as Cathay Pacific, Swiss Air and others, I still prefer to ride on US carriers. I know their "national attitude and background" and their training. Sometimes their seats may suck and sometimes their passenger service may suck but they are us and we are them. Best regards, RA1
  17. MsGuy- No matter what you try, you cannot make me straight. Best regards, RA1
  18. I find it interesting that this article is about posturing and the "mechanics" of running for office. Nothing about ideals, visions and actually doing something beyond the "political process". No wonder pols are held in such low regard. They deserve less. Best regards, RA1
  19. I prefer my high colonic to be served with alcohol, thank you very much. Best regards, RA1
  20. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  21. I realize language evolves but decimate means one in ten, not wholesale slaughter as so many seem to think it means. Best regards, RA1
  22. Just checked and no one there. Best regards, RA1
  23. Thanks. But, what I meant was how to know if others were there and when, etc. Does one need an appointment or just give it a try and see who answers the knock? Best regards, RA1
  24. You are correct. I have no idea how to reasonably or otherwise use the chat. I would appreciate some instruction. Best regards, RA1
  25. I hope these comics refer to the MSM. Best regards, RA1
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