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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Mine is Jerry Francisco who managed to say Elvis died of natural causes with a straight face (if you will pardon the expression). Much later he recanted and recognized polypharmacology as the real cause. Best regards, RA1
  2. I have not thought about crooners as such in quite a while. It seems an old fashioned term but then I am an old fashioned guy. I have enjoyed many on wayout's provided list and would include others such as Ray Charles, Dean Martin and as zip suggests, the queen of scat, Ella. Best regards, RA1
  3. RA1


    TN might be among the last. In deference to MsGuy I will state that TN, especially West TN, is full of ex-Mississippians who might have brought their preferences and prejudices with them when they moved here. However, the Memphis mayor before the current one made a major effort to encourage anyone who did not like his politics to move and there is a road from TN to MS that is called the road that Willie built. So, likely ex-Tennesseans who agree with those already in MS have found each other. Best regards RA1
  4. I don't know from the context of your commentary if you are happy, appalled or indifferent but I am appalled. I also note the Derrick Rose commercial for Nike which refers to the lifestyle of NBA players. I realize it goes on and one must do something with one's money but still it is sickening to me. Best regards, RA1
  5. I noticed that but was too dumbfounded or inebriated to be cheered up. However, thanks for the reminder. There is some chance for a third party (vs. two that are only too similar) but some R's seem to think that the Libertarians are just an offshoot of the "modern" R's. If one looks at a 100 year history of both the R's and the D's, the early members of either would not recognize the latter members or so it seems. The morass continues or thickens. Best regards, RA1
  6. gcursor- I agree it should not disqualify him (unless specifically mentioned in qualifications for office) but I would like to think it would preclude him from winning. However, I completely understand 4 Aces comment about getting what you want or perhaps deserve but that does not make it palatable to me. I almost never want what I deserve. Best regards, RA1
  7. That was no lady, that was my wife or something to similar effect. Best regards, RA1
  8. I tend to agree with Lurker. I would make the stern warning via public notice so "everyone" would know what and why. Ditto the time out and banishment. I thought I understood from the first post what Toz was getting at but I appreciate the clarification. I completely agree that extreme malefactors should be dealt with forthwith by the moderators. I am willing to be persuaded and see the results of any other form of censure. Best regards, RA1
  9. I would love to vote FOR someone. For very much too long many of us have voted against someone. Is there a third choice? Best regards, RA1
  10. I suppose it depends upon who is doing the busting. Best regards, RA1
  11. I think that before any action ensues there must be a 10 day cooling off period followed by or including 100 pictures of naked guys as proof of intent. Otherwise, no deal. Best regards, RA1
  12. Blue Cross causes torture but does not reimburse for same. Best regards, RA1
  13. Grandpa died quietly in his sleep today but his children and grandchildren who were riding in the back of the airplane he was flying screamed all the way to the ground. Best regards, RA1
  14. Do you get instant relief or is it a placebo with time release qualities? Best regards, RA1
  15. I suppose I am a little surprised to notice there has been no post or comment about this previously. Perhaps "things" have evolved quite a bit overnight and there is no reason to remark upon this. I find it interesting at least. In the US military a gay marriage will be difficult to completely assimilate into the military "culture". Sure, fooling around on your wife, playing the field, gang banging even might be somewhat accepted but a gay marriage? Not so much. However, officers have a much better chance of "surviving" than do enlisted men and women who might consider or attempt the same thing. However, their careers are no doubt in jeopardy, regardless of right or wrong. Sometimes career advancement seems to have little to do with right or wrong or even performance. Life is unfair. Should we as outside gays looking in hope for unequal treatment of these two guys? I think not. Over the years we have seen very uneven results when political dictates have promoted folks who are not qualified. That includes females, blacks, minorities and others. Qualified is qualified. My only hope is that these two guys are somewhat judged upon their qualifications and not some political edict or lack thereof. Best regards, RA1
  16. MsGuy- Your post is so full of sexual innuendo---snatch, bananas, quite mad with ambition. I almost missed your point. Best regards, RA1
  17. Your escorts or your biscuits? Usually, the escorts make "gravy", do they not? Best regards, RA1
  18. lookin'- Sometimes we have opposite views about politics and other things, yet we can still be friends. Why cannot this be the philosophy of the earth? Best regards, RA1
  19. Every time the Soviets launched a nuclear sub all the crew's lives were at stake. Look at the terrible history of their fleet. I am afraid that the USSR has been largely a joke as a threat except for their "sometimes" off the wall threats. Here is the bottom line: There will never be peace without running the risk of war. Therefore, we, or others, have to press the test. In aviation terms that means pushing the limits to achieve the best result. Best regards, RA1
  20. If you are asking me, then, yes, I am in favor of bringing back the guillotine for pols. I do not necessarily think we should chop off their heads, only their excessive ccmps to include medical, retirement, staff perqs and most of the other perqs. They should either suffer or rejoice with whatever their constituents enjoy, don't you think? Best regards, RA1
  21. Personal X personal = not a happy ending. Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    Deja vu

    I LOVE tickling the feet of those I have engaged for the week-end. Sometimes, I even go further "upward" in their anatomy. Best regards, RA1
  23. Have editors gone on strike? It doesn't necessarily "ruin" a story when there are factual and other errors but it does put me on high alert. The KAL flight 007 was a 747. If the plane had not been shot down with much loss of life, the USSR's actions would be considered a comedy of errors. It is NATO, no Nato. How many other errors in this piece, both factual and analytical? Best regards, RA1
  24. Was King William the inventor of Burger King? Or, as they say in Australia, Hungry Jack's. I am always interested in interesting folks whatever their sexual preference. Yes, I TRY to avoid heterophobia. I find commentary that suggests that "everyone" knew about such and such interesting because I think what they really mean is that the royal court knew this and that and the 99+% did not, but I would welcome being factually corrected on this point. Best regards, RA1
  25. I thought about replying to this thread but did not want to offput or be offputted. I am indeed beyond the age of consent but not necessarily beyond the age of reason, on the assumption that one is physiological and the other being psychological. Best regards, RA1
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