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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I guess radioactive pork doesn't taste so good. Best regards, RA1
  2. RA1


    Is the ethanol for your personal consumption or your car's? Best regards, RA1
  3. I want to know if it is your note or your mama's about the butter/Crisco ratio? I just want to make sure whose advice I might be following. Best regards, RA1
  4. I see there are no hunters on this site, only lurkers or turkey observers, so to speak. I suppose that wild turkeys are like gold and that is they are where you find them. Best regards, RA1
  5. According to the "chomping" I have observed going on around town, this turkey might indeed be the lone survivor. However, what surprises me is the characterization that it is a wild turkey. No self respecting wild turkey that I have heard about will find itself in a suburban atmosphere. They generally are very elusive and hard to hunt, much less observe ad hoc. I have several friends who are avowed turkey hunters and they all claim they do much more hunting than finding. OTOH, Wild Turkey, a well known 101 proof whiskey is fairly easy to spot in and around most any town or suburb. Perhaps this is the one that TY has spotted as a lone survivor? Best regards, RA1
  6. RA1


    AS- You are totally incorrigible. Best regards, RA1
  7. It seems that many folks today view FDR as a great war time President and a very terrible peace time one who did not effectively "cure" the Great Depression. He tried to apply a band aid here and there but the war itself "cured" the depression. Whether FDR helped start the war behind the scenes is still a matter for debate. The thing I most agree with about your post is the need for tort reform but see little chance of that ever happening so long as the Congress is dominated by lawyers, either as members or lobbyists. Medicare is a good program, not a great program. As you suggest, it has lots of room for improvement. One reason the insurance companies do not complain is because it is relatively futile to do so. Medicare already is the standard for medical care and there is little prospect for that to change. What ever doctors charge is based on the Medicare amount. Sometimes they can charge a plus amount but more often it is the stated amount. With no change whatsoever, what happens in the next say 20 years likely will tell the tale. Will there be enough doctors to provide health care to this nation? Hospitals are an entirely different issue and they are bloated with overhead and spurious charges. They do need to be reined in. Perhaps Medicare or ObamaCare will do so. I think the hospitals + the "middlemen" who deal with the government and insurance companies and doctors are the only ones who are really making excess profits. Best regards, RA1
  8. Wow, hard to imagine the Brits (some of them) are just now crossing that bridge. Many years ago, when the US had some restrictions on unmarried folks being in the same hotel room, it presented a "real" problem for Icelanders who do not share the last name. They don't even share the same last name as their parents. Sven's name might be Sven Eriksson and Helga might be Helga Fridasdottir. Etc. Best regards, RA1
  9. I know plenty of folks who are still complaining about how FDR "ruined" this country. Medicare is sort of like our democratic process, it isn't very good but it is the best we have so far. Doctors don't like it. Insurance companies don't like it. Very often patients don't like it. But it is the current "standard". I don't think I will live long enough for Obamacare to have its' effects fully known. Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1


    You don't seem to "get it". We all are here to have fun and sometimes that involves poop and sometimes that involves very intellectual premises. Ordinarily, I would like to suppose we can support both. No one here is an inferior. In fact, I would like to think that most gay folks are superior. That does not mean they are all tops. I appreciate your efforts to bring more posters on board. I appreciate your efforts to upgrade the content of this site. But, I do not appreciate your efforts to denigrate various posters herein. They have the same acceptance that you do. All for one and one for all. Therefore let us go forward together and have fun. That is my fondest desire and I hope you can agree also. Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    Poop poll

    There are no doubt a lot of bottoms on this site and your will, no doubt, get to the bottom of this issue. Who that person might be is entirely up to conjecture. Poop is a side issue as well as a bottom issue and, without a doubt, a strong issue, at least for some folks. Poop has its' place and no doubt we all know where that is. Best regards, RA1
  12. Oh, if he did that, they would not only have welts but infected welts. Best regards, RA1
  13. I don't blame BO for bungling ObamaCare, I blame him for indirectly authorizing the expenditure of 500-600 million dollars to incompetents and then refusing to change his stance about when the web site will be ready. He lied, knew he lied and continued to lie. But, as MsGuy says, that is what pols do, but I suspect a few voters expected something else. The Democratic Congress was a full participant in the bungling. Best regards, RA1
  14. Does not BR have an acceptable BW ice cream? Best regards, RA1
  15. RA1

    Got nukes?

    My preferred approach is to stay as far away as possible. However, for any number of reasons, that is not always possible. In 1980, at the height of the hostage situation, I was flying from Karachi to Bahrain. I took a circuitous route but still was flying very close to Iran. When on an extended trip like that, the news is very hard to come by, especially while in flight. So, all sorts of things were running through my mind as I flew past Iran. I was somewhat expecting to see US Naval aircraft at some point during this leg and perhaps they were there and I did not know it. One point being, the world is "getting smaller" by the minute and we cannot just ignore problems. Solutions need to be, if not found, at least considered. How one may come to trust pols to do so is another topic as far as I am concerned. Best regards, RA1
  16. Life in NC is far from dull, at least according to all my friends who chose to live there. If it were entirely up to me, there would be far more posts featuring nude pilots and a lot more aviation oriented posts, but there are other sites for that so I am content to visit the folks here and read what they have to say. I do not have to have "excitement" or controversy in order to be happy. I can get plenty of excitement while in an aircraft. In other words, I have no need to go speeding around in a car. If I want to go fast, it will be at least 300 MPH and legally so in an aircraft. Best regards, RA1
  17. I don't think there is a solvent, at least one safe for human hands, that will wash off the walnut stain. We had a kid in Junior High whose family had a BW tree. In season, he would come to school with "permanently" black hands. Being city folk, we wondered about all this but couldn't decide if he was just not careful or what. We now know how strong the stain actually is. Best regards, RA1
  18. I see that China and the weather are changing the US pecan crop this year. I do not approve. My mother made MANY pecan pies as gifts for friends and others. At holiday time she would cook 30- 40-50 pies as gifts. She had friends who would bring pecans to her so she would not be burdened with the expense of buying so many pecans AND they wanted a pie. Our family always enjoyed those pecan pies but did not make such a fuss as some others did. NP. One loves pecan pies in the Southern tradition or one just likes them here and there. This is the season for such and I have no objection to anyone who really appreciates this dessert. I always liked them but never revered them as some tend to do. To each his own. Best regards, RA1
  19. I was just reading an article about how to handle various holiday meal problems. I found it amusing but then there are a lot of "cooks" who are inexperienced. Deep frying a turkey is not difficult but it does require some diligence such as cooking it out of doors and not putting in anything other than a completely thawed turkey. Otherwise, very delicious and easy to prepare and not "full of fat" as some think. Usually a smaller turkey is better, such as a 10 pound one. I think we can all handle holiday meal problems with common sense which is not always common. Being friendly and offering plenty of wine is always a good idea. Best regards, RA1
  20. Two Libs at play. Not lesbians, not libertarians but liberals. Best regards, RA1
  21. Slight change of subject but the link description reminds me of a colleague who was suspected of having heart problems was asked to wear a Holter monitor for a week-end. The doc said just do your normal routine to include sex. I have wondered more than once if this was merely scientific or had a slight bit of voyeurism involved. No matter, his heart passed with flying colors. I did not ask his sexual partner how she would rate him. Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    Got nukes?

    I have a nuke but I only use it to reheat stuff or cook a few things. I suppose this "envy" has been going on since time began. Go out and sharpen a stick and pretty soon, everyone wants one. All of my adult life I have thought this to be part of human nature. Now that seems to have been further defined as likely genetic. What is the difference? I have thought that human nature was partly learned; genetic, obviously, is inherited. Can we "cure" genetic problems or situations? Some today seem to think so at least with some diseases and the first step is knowing what one is predisposed to do or be. As always, the road ahead is rocky at best. Best regards, RA1
  23. I think I know some of those animals. The most amazing "cat show" I ever saw was on Mallory Square in Key West. This guy had a cat jumping through a ring of fire + some other uncatlike activities. I saw this show once many years ago and never saw a repeat although I have been to EYW many, many times. Probably many have seen the guy who just sits on the sidewalk with a dog lying next to him with a cat on top of the dog and a hamster on top of the cat. I could never decide if this was training or drugs. Best regards, RA1
  24. Now who is playing at being Pollyanna? Best regards, RA1
  25. Kibitzing is different from kvetching. However, I too am happy you are not riding in a hearse. I expect you to do both. Kibitz and kvetch, not ride in a hearse. Obviously there is a difference of approach or opinion about what the US-Iranian accord might mean and might result. I always applaud any effort to achieve peace even though I am VERY skeptical. Best regards, RA1
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