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Everything posted by RA1

  1. Now wait a minute. I definitely am a frugal flyer, but, I decided a long time ago that whatever anyone had the money to spend for was their own business. On a family trip a few years ago with three people going, we took three bicycles, the gear to mount them on a rental car + our several days stuff. We completely enjoyed our trip to MT and took no more than "necessary". Therefore, whatever you wish to take and can afford to take is completely up to your budget, the room on the aircraft + FEDEX + UPS + excess baggage charges. Make yourself at home. Best regards, RA1
  2. Are we now denigrating James Clavell? What has happened to freedom of speech? Are we all now nattering nabobs of negativism? Are we now being censured? I resemble all those remarks. Best regards, RA1
  3. Garmin has some outstanding products and, obviously, a good business plan to get where they are now. However, they are not perfect and being "top dog" usually means you are a target if not already slipping. Either you are going up or down. There is no standing still. During my career, I have watched several aeronautical companies rise to the top and then topple. NARCO was supplanted by King and King was supplanted by Garmin. There are several would be and current rivals nipping at Garmin's heels. Generally good as this keeps new products in the supply line and tends to reduce the prices thereof. However, the trick is to not get caught with the last of the "good" products just as a rival competitor takes the lead. In aviation this has happened many times to my customers, partly because of the advance of technology, partly because of the rise and fall of various companies and partly because of the inefficiency of the FAA. Personally, I have been disappointed several times using various "driving directions" internet programs. Somehow I always get lost. Of course, pilots are generally not in their element on the ground. No compass, no direct to, no controllers to help and only two dimensions when three are so much easier. Best regards, RA1
  4. I know what you mean but I doubt the franchiser holds the ultimate say over health issues. The Shelby County health department used to be one of the toughest in the country. I don't know now. It still may be. That awful taste of water served after washing the glass in the Auto-Chlor system is one result of this so called diligence. I can smell as well as taste the results when drinking water at such as the Waffle House. Best regards, RA1
  5. One does not get down off a squirrel (or an elephant) but from a duck. He probably stank before he died but that only made it worse. Actually I was present one Thanksgiving at a friend's house in FL when we were having a neighborly meal and a duck flew or fell down the fireplace (with a fire going). This soot covered duck was chased and then escorted out the door with no further ado. Interesting and amusing. Best regards, RA1
  6. Those are great. I never realized that Victor was a pansy. What talent does it take to lick the crème geographically? I have certainly been "attacked" by clothes pins, needle nosed pliers and staple guns. Those look like roofing nails but I have never seen a porcupine on a roof but I would like to do so. I have seen many notebooks that would attack as alligators. Does that mosquito carry malaria aka the anopheles or simply "good times"? Sorry to analyze each rendition. I liked them all and was overwhelmed with appreciation. Best regards, RA1
  7. I am sure you are correct, they cut the potatoes on site back then and then soaked them. In my opinion they were then (and probably are today) the most regimented franchise around. They had paper products, recipes and procedures for everything. Many, if not most, of their products were awful but they could churn out the volume. And, a lot of franchises then were, OK you can use the name and logo and you have to buy this short list of stuff from us but then there was a lot of leeway after that. MD's was trying to make sure you (and they) did not fail. Obviously, they succeeded. Now we all are fat and too used to junk food. Best regards, RA1
  8. 30 years ago I went around the world (literally) with two medium size expandable bags (no rollers). One held charts and aeronautical paraphernalia and the other clothes. I was gone for 15 days and had enough clothes to only wash once. Today I cannot get out of sight without one large roller bag, two expandable bags (for electronics), a headset bag, enough charts and stuff to kill a couple of trees + a few bottles of water. That is the bare minimum. How times have changed. Best regards, RA1
  9. The recipe might approximate "original" McD fries but when the first one came to MEM I personally observed them soaking the fries in the health department regulated 3 compartment stainless steel sink. One compartment had several pounds of cut potatoes under water, soaking. I do not recall it being brine or them freezing them afterwards. My memory may be faulty but the sight of potatoes soaking in the sink is not. Best regards, RA1
  10. I have not verified but I am willing to assume that 3 large olives have more calories than 1.5 ounces of booze. However, one's liver might be a different issue. Best regards, RA1
  11. I have so much trouble keeping the proper drink list in my head but I have to assume that, "oh, my" is a three olive martini. Best regards, RA1
  12. No response from any submariners yet so there may not be any on this site therefore as an ex-US Navy person I will comment if for no other reason I know what a submarine looks like. I saw one once in Rota, Spain and was close enough so the guard asked me to move on. Also I vaguely remember as a kid skylarking using the expression "Pearl Harbor, sneak attack" whereupon you goosed someone. Many of these expressions have made their way into general military parlance with some obviously making it into more general parlance. I always enjoy these, especially when the explanation of derivation accompanies. Thanks. Best regards, RA1
  13. Expat and NCBored- These things happen and I hope you will deal with them with equanimity, not always easy but always useful. I lost my mother slightly over a year ago, so I am hoping you guys will relish the days remaining to you and yours. CharliePs- I know you are not a spring chicken any longer (as neither am I) so I hope you will take what is offered with gratitude and happiness. I do. Best regards, RA1
  14. RS was amazing. Not only Klem Kiddlehopper but also many other characters. He was one of a kind and we shall not see his like pass this way again. Best regards, RA1
  15. I have no so called assault weapons in my possession. If things get that bad, I may just surrender. OTOH, any intruders likely will not find me at home because I will be on the road (again). Best regards, RA1
  16. So, you have a Pontiac GTO? Best regards, RA1
  17. This isn't about legal issues, it is about who has the upper hand, the "stars" of the show or the network. As always, the likely bottom line will be dollars. Best regards, RA1
  18. wayout and NCBored- I was just kidding you when you used the word "duck". I knew what you meant. Of course, A&E is worried about money and viewers. However they may wish Phil to portray his character, I would say his remarks are perfectly in character. In this day of instant so called news, there will always quickly be at least two sides to every position reported. Chic-Fil-A perhaps should be boycotted for their stands but instead they had people making a point to buy their products. This country seems to be on a fast track to become a democracy to include instant voting on each and every subject. Unfortunately, that tends to lead to repression as well as intolerance. Our republic has worked very well, not perfectly, for a very long time. Let's try to not change things too rapidly. Best regards, RA1
  19. Botox and plastic work together? OK. Best regards, RA1
  20. Not enough wrinkles; almost enough flab. Best regards, RA1
  21. I have known girls so "friendly", they weren't even virgins at birth. Best regards, RA1
  22. I thought it was "properly reared" just like all good gays. Isn't everyone dirty "allover" just before taking a bath? Best regards, RA1
  23. Doesn't hito talk dirty every Saturday night right up until bath time? Best regards, RA1
  24. Hasn't Phil being suggesting that he wants to do less on the show? It appears that he will get his chance. NC Bored- Is "ducking now" a code word, kind of like a secret handshake, indicating you secretly approve of DD? I can generally only get so upset about so called entertainment. Being famous or infamous does not make you intelligent or knowledgeable. Best regards, RA1
  25. Sorry, MsGuy, That was too sick for me. Maybe I am missing something or just a wimp. Best regards, RA1
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