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Everything posted by RA1

  1. I have wine, fifths and quarts + 1.75 of various. You are welcome to any and many of any of them. Best regards, RA1
  2. RA1

    Amazon Fresh

    I like to shop in person several times a week. I carefully look at the week's various store coupons and react accordingly. Regardless, like Charlie PSP, I like to choose my own groceries. Best regards, RA1
  3. That was MUCH later. Did you neglect to capitalize or use an apostrophe? Best regards, RA1
  4. No, my buddy Joe McCarthy wouldn't let me. Best regards, RA1
  5. The above is what I am doing now, except my retirement home serves beer on Saturday nights. Best regards, RA1
  6. I am surprised that MsGuy didn't mention how the system works. For instance, without plea bargaining the system would flounder with extreme overload. The coroner's office is almost always a political one, whether elected or not (patronage) which inevitably leads to gross inefficiencies. The police consistently lie. The system is largely corrupt from top to bottom. What really provides justice is money and political patronage. If you have neither, good luck. I am afraid Diogenes or his ghost is still wandering around looking for an honest man. Best regards, RA1
  7. Various comments herein are the very reason I could not live in SAN aka San Diego. The weather is too warm and too uniform year round. I do not lie extremely cold weather and some think that such as MEM has too much warm aka hot weather but one has to adjust or so I suppose. One just has to look around and evaluate what one could put up with and be happy with and go from there. Good luck to all. Best regards, RA1
  8. Although I am not expecting anything other than fairly cold temps, I have made a big pot of chili and will enjoy it regardless. Those who live and brag about "tropical" weather in JAN are beyond help. How can there be life without changes? Best regards, RA1
  9. The last few days cold weather has been a big topic. A lot of hype is bellowed such as records will be set, etc. but when a reputable source says, coldest since 1993 or the like, it kind of takes the "sting" out of record, doesn't it? MEM is forecast for the lower teens which is plenty cold for this far South. However, I have seen it at minus 15 here but a long time ago. Who is in the really cold area and where (generally) are you? What are you doing to prepare? This could be a two escort night or a two bottle night or a two blanket night or a LOT of logs night. Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    The Day Planner

    I don't actually recall the ditto machine and leapt to the conclusion that ditto and mimeograph were likely the same thing. The name I remember seeing the most often was "Gestetner". As I recall, that name was used so often to mean mimeograph that, at least locally, it became generic, like Frigidaire for refrigerator, Hoover for vacuum cleaner, etc. I enjoy wandering down memory lane, so long as I don't have to remain there. Best regards, RA1
  11. RA1

    The Day Planner

    I have cut a few stencils for "ditto" machines which is why a typewriter (another anachronism?) could nave no ribbon selected. The bare keys cut the stencil and it was carefully applied to a drum on the ditto machine. I can still smell the alcohol like smell of the cleaning fluid used. Ink was liberally applied on the inside of the drum and fed through the holes in the stencil to be deposited on the paper. The holes of course were the letters as typed. It was a bitch to correct an error. The stencil had to be repaired without losing the exact place. Still even an inexperienced operator could turn out an amazing number of bad copies. Best regards, RA1
  12. Most of them? Best regards, RA1
  13. RA1

    Can't log off!

    Isn't everyone here 24/7? On my laptop I have the same problem but not on my desktop. Both are Windows7 but the laptop is a much later version. Who knows? Best regards, RA1
  14. I love JC but potato soup can be much lower calorie and still delicious. Her attitude and patriotism seemingly surpass her culinary expertise, which is difficult to imagine but likely so. Now you will want a recipe for which I will have to research my own list. Best regards, RA1
  15. I always just call it Carolina with the expectation that my friends that live there know the difference (as I do). NC has beautiful mountains, mostly relaxed citizens and a wide range of business and topographical features. All good. SC has the ole ball coach, nice, warm beaches and Charlie South, also all good. I like your comment so long as it is a vale, not veil of humility. Best regards, RA1
  16. Work has become less available and boring to many. No work is even more boring. If you look at DC-BOS at night it certainly appears to be one continuous city. I always enjoyed reading IA. Best regards, RA1
  17. RA1

    The Day Planner

    AS- I would prefer "real" airplanes that never crash but that is science fiction or wishful thinking. Every "modern" convenience has some risk/reward aspect. I think that includes toasters and microwave ovens. However, I am not willing to be without but I am willing to be as careful as possible. That includes waiting until the toaster is cool before cleaning it out. Best regards, RA1
  18. RA1

    The Day Planner

    We are still "old fashioned" enough to use a pocket calendar to record trips in the company plane. After each leg, we record from where to where, who was on board and the elapsed time as shown on the recording Hobbs meter. A Hobbs meter is simply a recording clock that only runs when the aircraft is actually in the air. Naturally, all this is written on the day of the month it happens. Handy things---paper and pen. Best regards, RA1
  19. RA1

    Japan rimming stations?

    I like boy butt, I like pork butt; not sure about but butt. Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1

    Japan rimming stations?

    Therefore, I wonder why you wonder? Best regards, RA1
  21. Personally I am waiting upon a New Year's revolution. HNY. Best regards, RA1
  22. lookin- I knew what you were saying. I was just kidding you for agreeing with him. Best regards, RA1
  23. lookin- Are you saying that MsGuy isn't well informed? Without debating the death penalty or what we should do with "evil" people, let me remind everyone that in the US it is cheaper to house one until death with life imprisonment than it is to adjudicate the death penalty, whether ultimately carried through or not. There are so many issues with imprisoning relatively victimless crimes (drug selling and using), prostitution and on and on that it has become much more than an moral issue or matter of law but an economic issue as well. I, for one, do not want convicted felons wandering among my daily life travels but I also want everyone to have enough chances to improve themselves. One question is what do we do with those who will not try to improve themselves? There are many other questions. Best regards, RA1
  24. Si. Oui. Ja. Roger. Best regards, RA1
  25. I knew this was going to be British humour, just from the link. Good stuff. Best regards, RA1
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