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Everything posted by RA1

  1. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    What you have described is one reason "trusts" generally do not allow recipients to have large sums of money until at least 25 years of age. Even then, it can be overwhelming. Look at pro athletes. How many of them "handle" money even with professional "minders". Answer: Not many. Ditto airline pilots. They generally have lots of toys, lots of ex-wives and almost no money. Dealing with money and fame are things that have to be learned and taught, if learned at all. Best regards, RA1
  2. But, did he invent the first "recorded" practical joke as in, "Madest thou look"? Personally, and for the most part, I enjoyed reading the works of Willie. Best regards, RA1
  3. Strange that I hear some R's saying there is a lot they don't like about Christie and, in the same breath, say they must find someone who can lead and be a very effective spokesperson for the party. They better get busy. One interesting comment that I have heard is in NJ this would be regarded as nothing other than politics as usual and no big deal followed by BO can and has done much worse and it barely gets mentioned. Best regards, RA1
  4. RA1


    Oh, I have lingering concern for many but the key word is lingering. How long will it linger after I am gone? Best regards, RA1
  5. Not to argue with you but first class is almost what business class used to be. Years ago when I often flew standby on DL from Heathrow to ATL they put us into business class which included a better meal, a headset for the movie and all the drinks you wanted + a bigger, better seat. Today, on a few flights internationally, in first, yes, you can get a flat bed + a lot of room but that is only selected flights of pretty long distance. However, one pays thousands of dollars for very little more or so it seems to me. A wide seat with leg room and no middle seat is 90% of what I prefer. But, then, what I am really looking for is the left seat aka pilot in command of the aircraft/flight. Best regards, RA1
  6. Not to be a nay sayer, but, nay, nay. Perhaps I will be allowed to compare this to the Alex Rodriguez "doping" situation. He is pursuing his claim of innocence in the media without ever testifying under oath. His accuser is therefore uncontradicted "under oath". Regardless of never testing positive for illegal substances there is physical proof as well as his accuser/witness's testimony. There are a lot of theories about what our beloved Earth is doing and why but what I perceive is opinion from various but not all scientists regarding this phenomenon. I have no doubt that there is some climate change ongoing. Why is another question. As stated elsewhere, neither I, nor anyone reading this will ever live long enough to know for sure. I am all for conserving nature and solving as many human problems as we can but the extent of participation necessary to actually do something positive is daunting. Paying Al Gore tribute is not on my list of things to do to help the planet. Best regards, RA1
  7. RA1


    Only one politically caused catastrophe? Two, if you count climate change/global warming. Naturally, all of them can be affected by politics. They all are "in the works", only some of them seem to be more imminent than others. I used to actively worry about some of these. Now they are only a matter of intellectual or philosophical interest. Not to be uncaring but I shall not live long enough to deal with any of them at least not in extremis. Best regards, RA1
  8. I know what you mean but fares are cheaper than they would be with inflation alone. Fuel has gone up in excess of 1,000 per cent but fares have not gone up that much. I completely realize that it is apples and tangerines because there is no such thing as the "average" service we got in the 70's, before deregulation. Flights are fuller and the TSA is there to annoy everyone before every flight. It is difficult to imagine now but in the 70's I could walk up to a flight without a reservation and expect to get on within 10 minutes of the departure. No "security", no full flights, just show up and go, especially with such as Delta Scrip which was an early method to write your own ticket. If you were going on a multi-leg flight, you needed to just stop by the not busy ticket counter and exchange your DL scrip for all the coupons needed for your flight. In other words, write on your DL scrip, MEM-MIA and get two boarding passes that said, MEM-ATL and ATL-MIA. I often left the general aviation side of the airport for the airline side with fewer than 15 minutes before the flight and had no problem getting on. The flights were pleasant and seldom was there a passenger in the middle seat or next to you in a double row. Only on "busy" days. Those days are long gone. However, the aircraft I fly has so far never left without me and I never have left without my passengers. Our security consists of, is everyone here? We leave 5 minutes after everyone is on board. Best regards, RA1
  9. No one seems to want to make any comments on this topic. I have to say that there is no such thing as first class any longer on US airlines. With the advent of the TSA and "lower prices" we are all riding buses. The pilots are still professional and the safety is still paramount but the service and frequency, etc. is all but none existent. So sorry to say. Best regards, RA1
  10. RA1

    Sit to pee?

    One point of all this seems to be that some men are not "hitting the mark" with their stream. I have seen this admonition in various airport restrooms over the years. "Those with short stacks or low manifold pressure, taxi up close." Meaning, of course, get closer to the urinal. There are other issues. Some men, for various reasons, will not or cannot empty their bladders while sitting. Therefore, even if they do sit, they still need to go after standing up. If you can find the porcelain convenience with your calves in the dark, you should be able to hit the mark. Now, if you are still too drunk to stand up, that is a different issue. Best regards, RA1
  11. Perhaps I was confused by the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the US which paraphrased states I renounce all allegiance to any foreign state to which an applicant was subject before. Just google the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance. Best regards, RA1
  12. Interesting and thanks. I may be out of date about some things but there seems to be more to it than this. As you mention, dual citizens may owe something to both countries. For instance, I have several ex-Latvian born friends who, although completely naturalized US citizens were reluctant to visit Latvia even after the USSR relinquished "ownership" and certainly before then. The threat was being drafter into the USSR army. Again, thanks. Best regards, RA1
  13. I used to think marijuana was worse than cigarettes. Now, I am not so sure. Both are not good for you. However, I am not about to tell anyone what to do in the privacy of their own homes or with their own lives. Just don't do it around me, please. Sorry, but I am not persuaded about global warming either. Climate change, yes. Man has always caused damage to unspoiled nature by doing anything from chopping wood to keep warm to killing animals to have food to growing crops which depletes the nutrients in the soil. But, various animals, insects and others cause extensive "damage" also. Is not man a natural animal? Best regards, RA1
  14. RA1

    Amazon Fresh

    Soon to be drones. Best regards, RA1
  15. Being PC has run amok but not quite this amok I don't think. Not yet. Best regards, RA1
  16. Sorry I missed you when you were here. However, more than likely, I was elsewhere. Best regards, RA1
  17. LOL. However, this brings to mind a question that I have had for a long time without finding a satisfactory answer. The US requires that its' citizens renounce citizenship anywhere else as part of becoming citizens of the US. I think this applies to folks who are now US citizens and have never been citizens of any other country. However, there are many among us who have dual citizenship. I personally know several. From what I can tell, some, if not many, other countries have no problem with dual citizenship. The UK being one. So, is the US just ignoring this issue or what? Best regards, RA1
  18. No need to apologize. You may have read when I said I find something good about every place I visit but that does not mean there are not inadequacies or problems with each and every one. So far, I have not found a place enough "better" than the MEM area to make me consider moving. Places that have friends or family are always attractive and any new place holds my interest. in other words I can make do wherever I happen to be although I am not jumping up and down to go to some places. The Middle East comes to mind. Also, somewhat different from a lot of folks, I leave MEM and any where else I happen to be after a short while. One year I was only in MEM about 60 days. Some folks may find this hard to understand but, for me, the goal isn't the destination but the journey. After I have been anywhere, LAS, SEA, SAN, BGR, ORD, LGA, CYUL, CYVX, AKL, SYD or thousands of other places for a few days, I am ready to move on. So long as I can travel, where I live is for a postal address and not necessarily a whole lot more. Best regards, RA1
  19. I hate overexerting my grey matter. Re-setting all the circuit breakers is a pain. Then I have to start drinking again. Best regards, RA1
  20. When we have such serious accidents as the Japanese nuclear plant threatening the west coast of the US and perhaps ultimately a significant portion of our and the world's food supply why should a dirty bomb be of much consequence? It will be years before we know the full result of this situation which likely will include cancer and other nasty things from radiation. A small dirty bomb with localized results would be, not a welcome relief, but a relief nonetheless compared to the Japanese accident which is not yet contained and perhaps not even fully extrapolated. I would like to think we have better technology already in hand to build nuclear generating plants and I hope we are not too late in utilizing same. Best regards, RA1
  21. RA1

    Can't log off!

    It really isn't that much of an issue, is it? Sorry that I brought it up. Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    John Kerry bio

    Fascinating. It "almost" makes me re-consider my opinion of Kerry. Let me say this, I still do not like the politics of JK but am willing to consider the personal life as "more than interesting". Is that fair? I hope so. Best regards, RA1
  23. If only they were actual troglodytes. Then, perhaps they would only be interested in food and being warm vs. feathering their nests to a faretheewell (and worse). Best regards, RA1
  24. RA1

    Amazon Fresh

    I wasn't thinking of the low rise aspect as much as the walk-up aspect. I know Mr. Otis is not unknown in NC. Best regards, RA1
  25. RA1

    Amazon Fresh

    Can you do that in NC? Best regards, RA1
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