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Everything posted by RA1

  1. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    OK, cops lie. What else is new? Did you see a report that says that in FL anyone under the age of 21 with an alcohol level of .01 is intoxicated? I don't know about reeking and don't care. Personally, I am very willing to let sleeping dogs lie but the Bieb is not a sleeping dog. He is a howling teen who needs to get help or do something to get his life on track. Otherwise he likely could be dead in a very few years. I hope not. Best regards, RA1
  2. Are right click and left click possible political statements or just another way of attracting attention by proclaiming one's sexual preferences? The answer to why one thinks that all the ink spots remind one of sex is simply, you are the one drawing the dirty pictures. Best regards, RA1
  3. Then there is Long Island tea and the Tea Party. All in all, I prefer the cold tea that you describe. Best regards, RA1
  4. I found that the tea that I enjoyed in England and NZ was most closely approximated by buying the cheapest, generic brand from Kroger or the like. When I had house guests from those places, they were quite happy with that, although they did insist on using "real" sugar and "real" cream, neither of which do I "stock". For some reason, after flying non-stop for 12 or so hours, a nice cuppa was very soothing. Best regards, RA1
  5. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    I don't disagree with you. Being a brat is in and of itself a waste, never mind PR BS. If I thought I knew of a solution, I would surely offer it. Too bad Canada doesn't have mandatory public service although the Commonwealth has a long history of the wealthy buying their way out, doesn't it? Best regards, RA1
  6. Taxi, anyone? Happy as a clam. Of course, we all have heard that expression and know what it means but today I learned that clams can change their sex "as required", so, for me it has a very different connotation now. We all know some personally who can do that. Of course, there are other living things in nature that can also do that. Some plants can do that. We know some of them personally also. Best regards, RA1
  7. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    One can only hope. Best regards, RA1
  8. Always use a roasting bag. Saves time and "everything" is juicer and better. If animal fat is a product of what is eaten then if my fat were rendered and used for cooking, anyone eating that dish would be drunk before noon. Best regards, RA1
  9. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    While this article is humourous, the situation is not. I really hate to see a young man do such disservices to his fans, the authorities and, mainly, to himself. As my mother used to say, most children should be locked up in a closet until they are old enough to know and do better. She also used to say, I could have pinched your head off when you were "this" big. I don't have a fetish about Bieber or follow him. I just generally hate to see people waste themselves. Best regards, RA1
  10. Excellent alternative. Also very good for one or two baked potatoes which a microwave will cook but not give that "crusty' finish. I like to eat the whole potato, skin and all. Ditto for companions. I have a toaster oven but might have to consider trading it in for a counter top convective model. Best regards, RA1
  11. My sister is the worst person I know about eating food that has all but grown legs whilst in the fridge. What usually works for me (who also does not like to waste anything) is to carefully put it into the fridge, wait a couple days and then, throw it out. One of the problems with the guide is for small portions one is using a lot of energy for re-heating. Low energy use + doing it quickly, especially for smaller portions, is what the microwave is all about. Using the stove or oven also tends to pile up extra dishes to be washed. There are plenty of "tricks" for using the microwave for simple reheating. For instance, I sprinkle on water to pizza slices before reheating. Kind of like a Methodist baptism. Using lower power setting and stirring more often is important in microwave re-heating. OTOH, some foods do not need re-heating. "Good" fried chicken will be just as good, if not better, when cold. Best regards, RA1
  12. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    They would never. "get it on". Too much posturing about who has the bigger .................ego. Best regards, RA1
  13. It may not be necessary for a would be terrorist to unleash a deadly plague. Pols are quite capable of this. Best regards, RA1
  14. I am now completely reassured. Now if Putin can just persuade the terrorist bombers to leave us alone, all will be well. Best regards, RA1
  15. Sorry, this is off topic but you provided me with a memory of an image that I "have" to relay. Large fire fighting aircraft can fly low over a body of water and scoop up a tankful and then proceed to the fire and dump it. As you can understand, this saves a LOT of time, not having to land, re-load with water and take-off again. One perhaps amusing and also perhaps perplexing result is the finding of fish in the remains of a fire. Imagine being a inexperienced smoke jumper and, while fighting a fire on the ground, find fish being rained down on you. Best regards, RA1
  16. RA1

    Oh, the horror

    Isn't there already a veggie drink by that name? Of course, new uses for old products evolve all the time, don't they? Best regards, RA1
  17. PS- I completely enjoyed the traveling King Tut exhibit in Chicago when it was there a few years ago. Also, several others as they appeared. The treasures of antiquity should be preserved and, sometimes, that is without the permission of those most closely involved. Best regards, RA1
  18. This question is only as serious as various take it to be. Why don't "liberals" and others severely frown upon such as the British Museum? After all, those "treasures" were taken in lands far away and from peoples who were not necessarily aligned with the British. Isn't this similar to folks complaining about American Indians being taken advantage of? Are we using a double standard? OK. After making the above statement, I think mankind has to evolve and move on. We can be apologetic about past "mistakes" and do our very best to properly "remember" past folks, history and culture but, please, let's move on. Best regards, RA1
  19. Is Mrs. Slocombe your new pen name and, if so, what kind of pussy do you have? I always felt sorry for hers. No doubt she dyed it to match her hair every week. No doubt one of the earliest movie double entendres was Pussy Galore in Goldfinger. Very slightly scandalous for the time and very memorable. Best regards, RA1
  20. RA1

    Deja vu

    We all know people like both of them. Some of us even are those people. Best regards, RA1
  21. RA1

    It's the Bieb again

    What? Bring out the Coke and then call the cops? Best regards, RA1
  22. RA1

    Oh, the horror

    lookin- I actually have a printed recipe for a Velveeta substitute which reads almost as strangely as your list of ingredients. The blogger who published the recipe also made the comment that she did not have very many of the ingredients on hand. Therefore it would be expensive to make 1-2 pounds but she did anyway proclaiming it came out pretty well and the "left over " ingredients will not spoil. I don't like to pass on recipes that I have not personally tried. Best regards, RA1
  23. Kraft Foods has announced that there "might" be a shortage of Velveeta in the near term future. The New Year party season has passed but the Super Bowl looms. A prime dip event. How can a Super Bowl party survive without some Velveeta dip? Answer: Likely it cannot. A completely unscientific random survey of the local grocery stores shows no shortage of the "V" cheese product but, as we all know, when something like a snowfall threatens the South, all manner of staples disappear from the shelves in record time. How can a reputed Velveeta shortage not be taken seriously? We all know what to do next, do we not? Abandon ye all hope who enter a grocery store a day late and a dollar short. Best regards, RA1
  24. How about, "Moms and Dads who require their children to behave"? So far I do not believe a gun has independently gone off and killed anyone. The government should provide a source of help for children who cannot or will not learn to be "good" citizens. Otherwise, I have to mainly and largely blame the "so called" parents. Best regards, RA1
  25. I think already the Mile High City has a reason beyond the Rocky Mountains for this claim. Best regards, RA1
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