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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. Fascinating. So is Elmhurst, IL the place to be -- or the place not to be? Also, Oz, from these numbers (and/or other sources), would you have any guess at annual revenues of the male escort industry, either U.S. or global? A couple of times I've tried to make an estimate for North America, but I lack too many data points. Must do more field research!
  2. No doubt we've had enough Paris Hilton already. But a droll piece in today's NY Times manages to have its cake and eat it too. Paris Hilton Says She Is a Changed Woman Paris Hilton read aloud her prison writings as if she had spent a lifetime on Robben Island, and that was surely the highlight of the heiress/actress’s first television interview since her release from jail. Ms. Hilton’s hour-long conversation with CNN’s Larry King on Wednesday night was as preposterous, stilted and scripted as anyone could have expected. (“I have a new outlook on life,†she said solemnly. “Don’t serve the time; let the time serve you.â€) That said, Ms. Hilton didn’t come off so badly. She does not excel in long interviews, to say the least, but nobody expected her to be witty or insightful. If Ms. Hilton may be in denial, she is hardly the first disgraced public figure to seek instant exoneration — the former C.I.A. director George Tenet was similarly self-serving in his memoir, “At The Center of the Storm,†and he arguably has to atone for greater mistakes. There is a bizarre counter-effect to the Paris Hilton phenomenon: a little like the children’s taunt, “I’m rubber, you’re glue,†the sheer absurdity of her fame ensures that anyone who denigrates it looks even more foolish. It was laughable when Barbara Walters of ABC told the New York Post columnist Cindy Adams that she didn’t regret not doing the Paris Hilton interview because, as she put it, “The whole thing somehow was beneath me.†It was delicious to watch Anderson Cooper sneer at the young celebutante’s frivolity, then piggyback his show to Mr. King’s and devote an entire hour to Ms. Hilton’s jailhouse conversion. And all week, media analysts, law professors and image consultants scuffled like paparazzi for the chance to go on television and deconstruct Ms. Hilton’s latest escapade. NBC and ABC, which had competed ferociously for the first post-prison interview, backed off under the heat of news stories suggesting that the Hilton family had sought as much as $1 million for an exclusive. The interview then fell to Mr. King, who was ideally suited to the task — attentive but not all that interested. He did manage to trap Ms. Hilton with her own words. After she said she read the Bible in her cell every day, he asked her to name her favorite passage. Ms. Hilton hesitated, looked down at her notes as if hoping to find an answer, then conceded that she didn’t have a favorite. Mr. King also cleared up the mystery of the medical crisis that led the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to release her after only a few days, only to be overruled by the judge. Ms. Hilton informed Mr. King that she suffered from claustrophobia, and also, that she hates to be alone. Mr. King did look surprised when the star of the reality show, “The Simple Life,†denied, with a straight face, ever abusing alcohol or taking drugs or living a hedonistic lifestyle. “I just like to go out and have fun with my friends, “ she said. “ I’m an Aquarius. We’re social people.†Ms. Hilton wasn’t particularly penitent about her traffic infractions, claiming she was not aware that her license was suspended either time she was stopped by police. She did, however, vow never again to drink and drive. She also said she has tired of her party-girl image, and promised to raise money and awareness for worthy causes. But perhaps the biggest turn-about came when Ms. Hilton, famous for an X-rated sex tape that is still circulating on the Internet, said the prison strip search was “the most humiliating experience of her life.†“Is it as gross as we might think it is?†Mr. King asked, looking more alert than usual. “I never had to do that, you know,†she explained. “Doing that in front of someone you don’t even know. It’s pretty embarrassing.†Ms. Hilton told Mr. King that after 22 days in a solitary cell, she is a changed woman. Maybe she is. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/28/arts/tel...amp;oref=slogin
  3. So what was River Cameron like? Bursting to know! (Sorry if anyone hoped this post would be about BN. In the new forum controls I don't see any way to edit the title.)
  4. MC = Message Center, AKA Forum. Not, regrettably, Massage Center. ...Oz, does this new forum software have a Teledildonics extension?
  5. Let us pray. I realized what must be La Struthers' penchant for that part of Maine. It all rests on one giant mass of granite, so low risk of earthquakes from her passage.
  6. That too! Those hot visiting Canadiens again. (See above.)
  7. marc - sorry! I just checked. It was another poster mentioning that Ogunquit is "thickly populated by hot French-Canadians escaping Montréal's summer weather." In my aging & leaky mind, all things Montreal must lead back to marcanthony! http://m4m.message-forum.net/dcboard.php?a...ing_type=search
  8. At risk of heresy, could it be that some Repub voters are not quite the wingnuts that their primary candidates are? After all, last time the Dems fielded a competent campaigner, enough Republicans voted for him, twice. As for Mr. and Mrs. America accepting us -- come to MA! Of course, as long as the courts let the states and Feds ignore the full-faith-and-credit clause, and even try to legislate it away, marriage rights in one state don't amount to nearly enough. But a start, at least.
  9. Could-be-a-lot-worse department... Poll majority: Gays' orientation can't change (CNN) -- A majority of Americans believe that gays and lesbians could not change their sexual orientation even if they wanted to, according to results of a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday. It's the first time in a CNN poll the majority has held that belief regarding homosexuality. Fifty-six percent of about 515 poll respondents said they do not believe sexual orientation can be changed. In 2001, 45 percent of those responding to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll held that belief. In 1998, according to a CNN/Time poll, the number was 36 percent. In addition, 42 percent of respondents to the current poll said they believe homosexuality results from upbringing and environment, while 39 percent said they believe it is something a person is born with -- a close division that reflects the national debate over the issue. However, those numbers are greatly changed from the 1970s and '80s, in which fewer than 20 percent of Americans said a person is born homosexual. In a 1977 poll, the number was 13 percent. ... In a poll conducted May 4-6 that dealt with other issues regarding homosexuality, participants were asked whether openly gay people should be allowed to serve in the U.S. military, which currently has a "don't ask-don't tell" policy on homosexuality. Seventy-nine percent of poll respondents said openly gay people should be allowed to serve in the military. Eighteen percent said they should not. On the question of gay marriage, 43 percent of respondents in May said they would not support same-sex marriage or civil unions, which provide many, if not most, of the same legal protections as marriage. Twenty-four percent said they supported same-sex marriage, while 27 percent opted for civil unions. But a majority of poll respondents -- 57 percent -- said gay and lesbian couples should have the legal right to adopt children. Forty percent said they should not. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/06/27/poll.gay/index.html
  10. Long ago on an MC far away, marcanthony and I traded yuks about Sally Struthers striding the boards in 'The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.' The thread was someone asking what to do in Ogunquit, Maine (after doing the Montreal bois summering there!). Last weekend I drove past the Ogunquit Playhouse -- she's baaack! This time in, of all things, 'The Full Monty.' ...this used to be Archie's little goil?! 'The Full Monty' at The Ogunquit Playhouse
  11. AdamSmith


    >That history, the fact that some questions are better >addressed privately, the ratio of escort/client responses, and >the participation in that forum was way below other forums at >HooBoy's led me to conclude that 'ask the escort' questions >could be handled within The Pub or The Buffet. Here's one vote in agreement with your observations and reasoning. Besides, that "Ask an Escort" setup for me conjures scenes of a panel discussion -- johns here on one side of the room, working bois over there. I prefer the imagery in your forum descriptions of a pub/club where all commingle together. Cheek by jowl, as it were.
  12. Science experiment report: My review of Kevin6669/Montreal was submitted to this site on February 27. Then, following a site-wide mishap, it was resubmitted on March 3. It was published March 14. I submitted the same review to daddysreviews on February 27. It was published today, May 25. Just the facts, ma'am.
  13. >Reminded me of the cackling of ducks.......people >voluntarily subject themselves to this sort of stuff? My S.O. insists on DVR'ing The View and watching it every night. I have to leave the room. To each his own.
  14. Not, we hope, that rustic garage featured in a glowing review of one of our notable escorts.
  15. Looks like I will just miss the Iron Penis Festival... http://wikitravel.org/upload/shared//7/72/...stival_2007.JPG Kawasaki's best-known event is the Kanamara Matsuri ( 金まら祭り ), also known as the Iron Penis Festival, held yearly in early April — check with the Tokyo TIC for exact dates. Penis-laden temple floats (o-mikoshi) are paraded down the streets of Kawasaki and everybody gets sloshed. The festival has been to some extent hijacked by foreign tourists and Tokyo's transvestite ("new half") community, who often make up half the audience, but as you can imagine the people running the show aren't terribly uptight and nobody seems to mind. http://wikitravel.org/en/Kawasaki
  16. AdamSmith


    ...but make sure those feet are of age! http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/04/18/fo...g.ap/index.html
  17. http://www.moviesounds.com/2001/alright.wav :+
  18. >"Ladies of the Rutgers team, I sincerely apologize for >having offended you. Al, Jesse, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!" Recalling that great moment in the movie "Barbershop" when Cedric the Entertainer's character bursts out, "FUCK Jesse Jackson!"
  19. lookin -- 2 for 2 educating me. Hilarious! (Oz, thanks for the link.) One more: the unique, under-recognized June Bug... http://www.queermusicheritage.us/DRAG/Abba...ousCDliner1.jpg ...one of her signature numbers is "All That Jizz." http://www.queermusicheritage.us/drag-abbalicious.html
  20. >Truly, the level of incompetence of BushCheneyCo is staggering >beyond belief. Loved the remark by someone, can't remember who, that Bush I administration disliked war but was pretty good at it, whereas Bush II neocons love war but are terrible at it. http://www.truthdig.com/images/avboothuplo...pse_son_500.gif
  21. AdamSmith


    >Weren't you a high powered executive at CNN for years? }( Well, my businessman/venture-capital/lizard brain tells me to say yes. But then someone would check me out with Lynne Russell (speaking of great drag queens!) and my cover would be blown. http://www.lynnerussell.com/gallery/pages/...nn8x10_jpg.html
  22. lookin, welcome to the forum! ...and thanks for educating me with your inaugural post. I only knew Charles Pierce as the brilliant Harvard linguistic philosopher, confrere of William James and the gang but nothing to look at in a wig... http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/Images/peirce.gif
  23. AdamSmith


    >Oprah before make-up? Eek. The mind boggles. At all your images! But somehow I think the surest way to catch guys like this is with cold hard yen. (Back to good ol' Amurrican context -- you know how H.L. Mencken, I think, corrected the national motto: "In Gold We Trust.") http://www.arons-rod.com/boys_pic/371-4.jpeg http://www.arons-rod.com/boy/gazo-henko-.php
  24. AdamSmith


    I may have to spend serious time at Aron's Rod.
  25. >I am also hoping for a video clip of the Adam Smith scene. My ticket into the Rico Report! :+
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