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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. A few years ago I took a month off from work, life, and everything to care for my mother during an illness. What you say is so true. A related piece of it is that she now seems unbelievably more secure in the knowledge that I love her. For both of us, it brought subtle but profound changes not only in our relationship but, at least as important, in that substrate of consciousness, the unconscious, or whatever out of which comes one's basic sense of how confident, contented, at peace one feels just in passing through each day's life.
  2. First, I apologize for carping before. Second, I apologize for carping now: I don't see the new Inbox link. What other commands/links are in the "main banner", specifically which ones are adjacent to the Inbox link? Running Firefox, if that bears on anything...
  3. I don't know anybody interesting who doesn't have 3 or 4 serious obsessions. And often 2 lives -- at least!
  4. Besides that, Conway and I share a bond of common appreciation for certain instances of Tar Heel young manhood. (Mixing the ridiculous with the sublime -- your pick which is which!)
  5. Turgid is highly thinkable! http://home.att.net/~bob.wallace/dubya-strangelove.html P.S. Compulsively I embrace the wisdom in Onefinger's post.
  6. Well, about the attitude of the Supremes' current rightist majority, sure. And pity this lost cause for much of the rest of our lifetimes. But now, especially, dissents have their use. As a signal to future plaintiffs, and to lower courts, that an issue may not be settled airtight and for all time; as invitation to have at it again, arguing from a different basis, etc. The larger injustices are seldom righted in one swell foop, but by repeated battering in the courts until something finally gives. One of my favorite hobbyhorses, namely Please Enforce the Full-Faith-and-Credit Clause re Massachusetts Gay Marriages, seems unlikely to be resolved any other way.
  7. I'm with you! ...in the immortal words of Andy Capp, "Yes, Vicar, I have self-control. But I refuse to be a slave to it!"
  8. Astounding! Makes me want to dig out my Crazy Clock... ...which still exists somewhere in the attic. http://www.feelingretro.com/view_toy.cfm?id=9
  9. Looking very well, too! Like putting ourselves back together, Wile E. Coyote-style, after some disaster.
  10. marc. speaking of leopards changing their spots! Why fight it? Like I (actually Wm. Blake) told you before: In the destructive element immerse!
  11. AdamSmith


    Here is one way I found to access the Forum's private-message function: 1. Log in. 2. In the gray-brown menu bar running across the top of the Forum, click "Members". 3. Locate your own Member profile. 4. Click on your name. 5. In the resulting drop-down menu, click "Send Message." 6. That opens a Send Message page from which you can send private messages and manage your inbox. Also, the left-hand side of that page bears menu items for managing email settings, avatar, and other useful things. Possibly site management can tell us a more elegant way in. Or possibly they can let us know if private-messaging and other functions will, in future, be exposed in the UI in a more obvious way.
  12. Avatars and many other things are operated from the elusive "Your Control Panel," which the online Help describes in detail, but does not say how to access. After much fumbling, I found one way to get there: 1. Log in. 2. In the gray-brown menu bar running across the top of the Forum, click "Members". 3. Locate your own Member profile. 4. Click on your name. 5. In the resulting drop-down menu, click "Send Message." 6. That opens a Send Message page. Down the left-hand side run of all the "Your control panel" functions. These include Messenger, Personal Profile (Edit Profile Information, Edit Personal Portal Information, Edit Signature, Edit Avatar Settings, Change Personal Photo), and other useful stuff. Maybe site management can tell us a more elegant way into the Control Panel.
  13. OneFinger, thanks, but I don't think the Message functions you describe are the same as the Forum message functions, or at any rate they have not been integrated with the Forum message function. When I do what you suggest, I get a screen telling me that I have no messages. However, when I log in and then click through the Member procedure that I described above, I can access my stored and sent messages. EDIT P.S. -- lookin, sorry for attributing your post as OneFinger's. P.P.S. Glad to see all these avatars reappearing!
  14. Figured it out, to some extent. See, if interested, thread by same name in The Pub section.
  15. Aha! Doing the above, then selecting the option to send a message, exposes the full "Your Control Panel" options running down the left side of the screen. Is this the only way to access the Your Control Panel functions?
  16. Repeating my query originally posted in a different section here: How does one access one's Inbox with the new forum software? I see one way to send a private message to a member, namely by clicking on the Member menu item above, then clicking on the name of the member to get a drop-down menu that includes the option to send a message. But I don't see how to get to my own Inbox. Details: http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=1565
  17. Supreme Court dissents can make good reading. Great sarcasm, expressed dry as dust, in Souter's dissent in Bush v. Gore. And Ginsburg's dissent drips with scorn for the majority. She opens... The Court was wrong to take this case. It was wrong to grant a stay. It should now vacate that stay and permit the Florida Supreme Court to decide whether the recount should resume. The political implications of this case for the country are momentous. But the federal legal questions presented, with one exception, are insubstantial. ...and closes... In sum, the Court’s conclusion that a constitutionally adequate recount is impractical is a prophecy the Court’s own judgment will not allow to be tested. Such an untested prophecy should not decide the Presidency of the United States. I dissent. Love her omission of "respectfully" from "I dissent." Sharpest insult among the Justices. http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/14...0-949_dec12.fdf
  18. Today's helpful hint... How to meet and marry a billionaire Money magazine's field guide to the mating habits of the ultra rich http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/19505458/
  19. Thanks for the perspectives, BG. I don't feel bad, just frustrated. The Help function turns up a couple of relevant instructions: One is a helpful page on "Your Personal Messenger"... http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...DE=01&HID=6 ...except it does not say how to access the Personal Messenger. Another describes the "My Assistant" feature: The 'My Assistant' feature can be accessed by clicking the link of the same name in the board header. This tool provides quick links to many important areas on the board, as well as quick access to common features. My Assistant has four seperate feature tabs: * Information - this tabs offers links to the overall and daily Top Ten posters, as well as your last ten posts on the board. You can also click to view the Moderation Team. * New Posts - will show you a link to any new posts made since your last visit, and how long ago they were posted. * Search - using this, you can search the forum basically the same way the standard search function works. This box will show you the number of results, and allow you to click to view them * Recent PMs - on this tab, you can view your 5 most recent PMs and when they were received. The My Assistant is also used when a new PM arrives. If you have selected to be notified when a new PM is received, the My Assistant box will appear on your screen displaying your new PM. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...E=01&HID=13 That first sentence seems to be a clue: "The 'My Assistant' feature can be accessed by clicking the link of the same name in the board header." I do not see any such link displayed. Can management help?
  20. How do you access the Inbox/PM functions? I logged in this morning, and up popped a nice window telling me I had a new message. I opened it and replied. But now, from the main UI, I can't find my way back to the Inbox. Ou est-il?
  21. More sweet dreams! Alleged Madam Can Distribute Records By LUBNA TAKRURI The Associated Press Friday, July 6, 2007; 12:42 AM WASHINGTON -- A woman accused of running a prostitution ring in the nation's capital is free to distribute thousands of pages of phone records after a federal judge lifted a restraining order on Thursday. ... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7070502294.html
  22. Good news, at least for Oregonians... http://www.kptv.com/news/13601037/detail.html
  23. NWA used to have a lock on the Boston-Detroit route, and charged extortion-rate fares. It has been extremely gratifying to watch Spirit Air and others enter and bust NWA's monopoly.
  24. ...not to mention Putin rampant in Kennebunkport. He and W. visit the family compound this weekend. I plan to see how close I can get without being offed. Fortunately Mainers tend to be a sensible bunch...
  25. tl, thank you. Yet another reason to hie myself back to CA. If he starts thinking about retiring any time soon - talk him out of it!
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