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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. I’m not sure. Some concern about pollution of motive messing things up. I could well be wrong about that, but something to consider in its longer-term societal consequences. We have seen this many times before. And it deeply infected what followed. See only Weimar Germany. And what came after.
  2. Reminding those officials of their past cynical hypocrisy, instead of lauding them for this patting themselves on the back for this new hypocritical ‘conversion’, might help the cause, and the collective national memory, a little more. Like some others here, I don’t believe they mean a word of what they say.
  3. OOH... link? PS Ah! Found them.
  4. I have always wanted to get a glimpse of his ass. Lenin’s too. Maybe if I could sneak into his public tomb after hours.
  5. Absolutely the right view on this kind of thing!
  6. This is about to sound very self-righteous etc. which I despise, but is it not best just to dump those people out of your life, and move on?
  7. Surely you’re joking, Mr President?
  8. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article149754929.html/video-embed
  9. YES! The great weird-fiction author H.P. Lovecraft (what a name! ) once referred to his idiot publisher/editor who mangled his stories with absurd edits as ’that God-damned dung-of-a-hyena August Derleth.’ Oddly apt in the case of daddy.
  10. Surely pigs deserve more respect than this comparison gives them.
  11. It is really something that Drumpf makes G. W. Bush & R. Milhous Nixon look like really pretty good & competent Executives.
  12. This is relatable. My own sense of spirituality and, if you will, faith has wavered all over the place across my 60 orbits around the sun (and counting, we can hope ). To remain ever alive to these perceptions, wherever they may lead, seems the main thing.
  13. Which also could possibly make one think by side reference to Melania who actually wears the male genitalia in the family.
  14. ’A thing is what it is, and not something else.’ — Wittgenstein
  15. My mind is not working. Our visits together were in/around Phoenix.
  16. Little Sally took a drink But she shall drink no more For what she thought was H2O Was H2S04! Interestingly... https://chem-space.com/real-space?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_PPBwLPQ6QIViZWzCh0pUQoZEAAYAiAAEgIDafD_BwE
  17. Yes! You then took us to the Phoenix Pride Festival. Can’t remember the year. Early 2000s or so. Which is still going! https://phoenixpride.org/events/pride-festival/
  18. You clearly do not live on K Street. Nor, if it need be said, do I.
  19. ...The perineum is an erogenous zone for both males and females.[4] Perineal tears and episiotomy often occur in childbirth with first-time deliveries, but the risk of these injuries can be reduced by preparing the perineum, often through massage.[5] The word perineum derives from late Latin, from Greek περίνεος perineos perinaeon, peri-, around + inein to discharge or defecate... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childbirth
  20. But surely it should be in Movies, theater, arts and literature. If not in Politics.
  21. Anything can get old, or over-used, or abused. And become a magnet for nut jobs. (Oneself occasionally included. ) Possibly a new version to be called The Perineum? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perineum
  22. But then why was she sentenced to that prison time? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.today.com/today/amp/tdna117171
  23. I try to contribute some worthwhile high-culture stuff, balanced by plenty of what I hope is amusing low-culture stuff , to keep it worth glancing at from time to time. And having an occasional high-cult epiphany, or a frequent low-comedy chuckle.
  24. Way too soon for now. But never too soon to start thinking ahead. Nein?
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