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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Any suggestions for a dvr and/or streaming type service where I can get the networks? I also enjoy watching channels like: HIST, HGTV, TLC, CNBC, FX, A & E, DISC, USA, AMC, HBO & TRAVEL Have Comcast now (Xfinity) and they're determined to sell me more services than I want or need.
  2. BigK


    Right now I wish I was in Boston. You should include a link to your ad.
  3. I suspect the producers even instigate and encourage things like this. I think Zeke handled it very well.
  4. Sorry you had to deal with this. I wonder how often he's successful. This is one example of why I don't participate in social networking.
  5. True. The last round of airline mergers should not have been allowed under Sherman Anti-Trust laws. I was a loyal Continental customer (and 1 million miler) before they merged with United. For years you could tell the difference between the Continental and United Flight attendants. They were kept separate for years. The United Flight Attendants were always ruder and less customer service orientated. The lack of competition affects fares and the level of customer service. Quite possibly, layers of middle management that have been cut to increase profits without giving authority to make decisions at lower levels (Gate Agents) contributed to this fiasco. Don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of profits. But companies must balance customer service with profits.
  6. That's a very intriguing story.
  7. Very hot!
  8. My HEB supermarket in Texas sells a half gallon of fresh squeezed orange juice for $6.97. So worth it even though you have to spit our a few seeds.
  9. Fool me once...fool me again...OK
  10. BigK


    That's really funny.
  11. I wonder how long it would stay fresh if you just squeezed most of the air out of the ziplock.
  12. Nerds 2 & 3. Not a big fan of facial hair.
  13. When did the word "bitches" become so universal. Sad.
  14. I watched season 1 and plan to watch season 2. Thanks for the heads up on the start of the new season.
  15. A survey revealed over 550 homes in the Houston Area with blue tarps over their roofs 8 years after Hurricane Ike. The city has allocated $2,000,000 to repair the roofs of people who cannot afford to replace or repair their roofs. This is a great example of a proactive government program. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/politics/houston/article/Eight-years-after-Ike-city-targets-blue-tarp-9213723.php
  16. Way to be persistent.
  17. I considered this potential response when I posted this thread. Lucky's original post didn't bother me in the slightest and I agree with his last post. Someone can be cute and 17 and I can acknowledge that and not be a pedophile. The main thing were his actions which I was thrilled to be able to share. What a guy!
  18. And a very impressive young man. Tried to aid a battered women (who ultimately died) and shot twice and run over by the battering boyfriend. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/d4407bef-79c4-30bd-8057-8685e1e1857b/ss_‘you%26%2339%3Bre-helping-her%3F.html
  19. I was still a little too dense then to realize I liked guys. But looking back, I remember being much more interested in David Cassidy. I don't remember any of the Brady boys doing anything for me then. As I said earlier...still a little too dense. I'm not sure I even understood what homosexuality or bisexuality meant.
  20. I was watching the parade with my nieces and happened to see this preview performance. It looks great to me. I'll be watching.
  21. Great questions.
  22. Anthony Wiener has his own self guided missile that's constantly getting him into trouble.
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