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Everything posted by BigK

  1. I'd love to visit too & smoke too many cigars. Guess Castro's not dead...it would have leaked by now.
  2. The matchmaker lady is funny. She had a guy she sent out on a date then suggested he might be more interested in guys. He sheepishly agreed!
  3. I think the early episodes are usually pretty boring. When the numbers are lower it gets more interesting. I totally zone out during the stupid competitions though. That coating yourself in butter was too gross. Nick...bj guy...is pretty hot!
  4. What a wonderful and inspirational read. Thanks for all your efforts oh great and powerful OZ.
  5. >"Court records don't say exactly what happened >next...but somehow Florida police learned about the >photos." > >This is the most disturbing part of the article. I agree. Don't the police and our court system have better things to do! 17 year old guy will probably have to register as a sex offender for possession of child porn.
  6. BigK

    No new reviews?

    >Plus, that Turrets Syndrome nimrod, JT Brooklyn, whose >apostrophe key is ALWAYS stuck on "ON,", doesn't >post here. That, in and of itself makes this site worthwhile. >}( I stopped reading his non-sensical years ago...Turrets Syndrome...that's good.
  7. BigK

    OOPS I Did Do It

    Hey 4 aces...good to see you posting again. Is home base Dallas or LV these days?
  8. BigK

    nice ass!

    except that he does >not have the body tone of BN or of Scott. Who knows, Scott may >start dragging him off to the gym. The gyms a good thing, but one can over tone. I think he looks great as he is. }(
  9. "I hear you as I heard others above. There will be some broadening of the policy for accepting no shows when I can get it implemented. My current thinking: Complaints from members with a track record will be posted. Complaints from members without a track record will be filed for future reference. If an escort receives multiple complaints of that nature then those complaints would be posted." Yay! Thanks.
  10. No-show reviews are valuable from credible reviewers. False attempts should be filtered during the review validation phase. I have only experienced 2 no-shows over the years and felt both times that a review is a responsibility to my fellow reviewers. Let the escort respond like they can do now anyway. Trust most of us to draw our own conclusions. No-show reviews are the most valuable in my estimation. I really don't understand your reluctance to post them.
  11. We're back to a President Palmer. I like the new President. Not too hard on the eyes either. }(
  12. Good luck Jesse. You don't have to stop visiting us on the message board. We would like to keep up with you.
  13. Best Wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2007.
  14. BigK

    Culture Clash

    >Well, being a native and long-time resident of SF, I don't >find it "interesting" or amusing at all. The >reference to younger vagrants sitting on the streets with >their pit bulls in the Haight indicates Sf is getting it's own >brand of "dog people" , just like Montreal. > >These people should not have their dirty filthy buttholes >licked by the rest of us. Fuck them. They are total assholes >who enjoy being nasty to themselves and others. I'm for a >total crackdown. One violation of law, anything, and SF should >move these assholes out of our city. Most of these people >refuse or abuse generous public assistance and want to be >inconsiderate assholes to others. This isn't what it means to >be a "liberal," isn't "revolutionary" and >is antithetical to everyhting SF stands for, inculding its >"Summer of Love." I wholeheartedly agree. I am disgusted when I hear things like homeless people faking illnesses in order to get a shower in the emergency room and a warm bed for a few hours. I am very sympathetic to the plight of people who have become disadvantaged. I hear San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome has been experimenting using HUD funds to aid in providing housing for the disadvantaged in lieu of cash handouts that is often spent on booze. I think that its certainly better use of our nations wealth to help these people out more aggressively, especially if it puts less strain on other things like our health system. In a similar vein, I would legalize all drugs, tax them, and use those taxes to build "Fruit Farms" where we could house those who abuse drugs and alcohol to the point of mental retardation. Lets get the bums off the streets! Economically, this would cut the foundation out from under much of our organized crime.
  15. BigK


    Speaking of Network Television...they sure know how to piss off their viewers. What's with these prolonged intermission's in the middle of a "season". They killed a perfectly good show with this losing technique....that Presidential Drama with Gena Davis as the President. And what's with a "season" that is 7 or 8 episodes long like The Soprano's and Entourage. I seldom start watching new series. I wait until they have been on the air a couple of years. Didn't start NYPD Blue until its 6th season. Enjoyed it for the next however many years. I did start watching Hero's and have enjoyed it. They'll probably kill this one too.
  16. I agree...this site is a worthy addition to the Web. Thanks all.
  17. >Personally, I really like all the foods made with soy, and I >am completely and utterly straight. Stop eating soy at once! x( }(
  18. Wow! A money back guarantee. Your previous sales experience is showing, and just about everything else. Good luck on your endeavors. You seem to have the right mental attitude which can be the sexiest thing on a guy. }(
  19. Candles Lit 71,233
  20. BigK

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Had a great family day myself, and I hope everyone else did as well.
  21. >I find BigK's remark quite insulting. My post was intended to be evocative not insulting. I am totally opposed to outing for a couple of reasons: 1) Virtually every gay person has had to decide when to "come out". I don't believe that should be forced on anyone. 2) Outing has a negative connotation. If outing is considered hurtful, then the information dispensed must by definition be bad. I don't advocate equating gay with bad. Let those who are hypocrites live in their own hell.
  22. > >>The extreme haters in the gay community hold us back more >then >>the majority of the population which given the chance >would be >>supportive. > >I am not a big fan of outing...and I am not a big fan of >hypocrites. But I really don't think I can agree with this >statement. > > Marc, Haters may have been the wrong choice of word, I guess I wanted my emphasis on the word extreme. I know my view is unpopular, but I believe that we would find the majority of the population supportive if we dropped the word marriage and focused on civil unions. Marriage is the hot button here. The concept of marriage is inexorably intertwined with religion. I think we make a mistake taking on organized religions and would make change faster if we focused on civil unions as a fairness issue instead. We are already gaining support on the issue of civil rights as evidenced by some enlightened corporations who have who have recognized same sex unions with benefits similar to opposite sex unions. I am not advocating being an apologist, just a little less "in your face" behavior.
  23. All of you advocating outing these people are HYPOCRITES, just like the people you advocate outing. Lets reason this logically, If I like you and what your beliefs are I would never out you, but if I don't like you or your beliefs I should out you. What bullshit! The gay community faces its own challenges with hatred from others. So we shouldn't feed on our selfs. These hypocritical high profile people have their own personal hell to deal with. The extreme haters in the gay community hold us back more then the majority of the population which given the chance would be supportive.
  24. BigK

    It's 7:49 EDT

    Hi FourAces. Good to hear from you.
  25. I thought I was posting under the TV Hunks thread.
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