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Everything posted by BigK

  1. I use priceline frequently, and I find that rates are off about 10%. Sort of surprised that they're not even lower given the economy tanking.
  2. Saw Valkerie & The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today. Button was long & strange, but I loved the period aspect of the movie especially old New Orleans. Valkerie had great acting, a gripping story, and excellent period scenary. I never knew the back story of the attempted take over of Berlin Comand and Control. Still looking forward to seeing Gran Torino.
  3. I'm hoping to catch up on some movies this weekend. Sorry I missed Changling. Guess I'll have to netflix it. On T.V. .... check out AMC's Breaking Bad.
  4. Great so far. Lots of time with family & friends. Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season as well.
  5. Menforrentnow is a good (bad) example of this. The lack of contact info gives it away.
  6. Power's back...yeah. A new word (acronym) has entered our lexicon...POD's...Points of Distribution. Large caravans of supplies have been pouring in with water, ice and MRE's. They say it will take another week to get power back to 50-75%. I keep hoping, for others sake, that they are just setting low expectations. Galveston is going to take a while. Water was 9 feet in the Strand (older historic area that survived the 1900 Hurricane.
  7. Thanks, I'm in Houston. It's like living in a 3rd world country right now. No power, no traffic signals, debris on the roads, can't drink the water, no banks open, no mail. A few stores are beginning to open, but when you hear of one the question is if the roads are passable to get there. Ice is hard to find. FEMA has some but there are very long lines to get any. And we have a curfew from 6pm to 9am through Saturday. The Airports opened up today (Monday). Amazing how little you can do without power.
  8. From the look of all the wine glasses and the shirtless guy...I wish I had been at that table. I loved Kevin in the Usual Suspects...Kaiser Sosay...sp? and Beyond the See the Bobby Darin Biopic among many others...Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil....and on and on.
  9. That would really shake things up and just might work. Similar situation if McCain picks Lieberman.
  10. Very Funny...Thanks
  11. It's on DVD. I got it from Netflix. I'm going to see 21 tomorrow.
  12. I just watched this movie and Loved it! Very quirky and laugh out loud funny at times. Lots of clever sub plots and some great supporting performances by the brother, best friend of convenience (the neighbor), and the Girl debater (puppy love interest). The older boy debater/mentor is not hard on the eyes either. What have you enjoyed recently? From Netflix: When 15-year-old Hal Hefner (Reece Thompson) -- a New Jersey boy with a terrible stutter -- falls in love with the star of his high school debate squad (Anna Kendrick), he joins the team at his dream girl's urging. Next thing you know, young Hal finds himself caught up in the intense competition of debating. Jeffrey Blitz, who wrote and directed this charming tale, was awarded the Dramatic Directing Award at Sundance 2007.
  13. BigK

    The Riches

    Bump... Isn't anyone else watching this great show on FX? It's about a family of Travelers with great performances by Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver. Also enjoying Breaking Bad and Mad Men on AMC.
  14. BigK

    W.E.H.T KyTop?

    Glad to hear from you KY. Take care.
  15. I loved this movie. The use a music throughout was inspired. I found the following review on Netflix (where you can view the movie on line with your Netflix membership) much better written than I could ever do: "Excellent! The first gay movie I've seen in a long time that deals with an important and overlooked theme - the father/gay son relationship. THE SUM OF US (w/ Russell Crowe as the gay son) does, but I found that to be more of a sit-com. I loved C.R.A.Z.Y. because I felt it was one of the truest late 20th century, pre-AIDS coming of age/coming out movies I have EVER seen. Honest, wickedly funny, irreverent, poignant, and often surprising. Probably I am biased because for me it's immensely personal. The movie reflected everything that I dealt with as a teen and as a young man in my 20s: Catholic upbringing, self-loathing, wishing desperately (praying even!) not to be gay in order to please one's parents, and the eventual epiphany that allowed me to accept myself as is. And this story is so well done that it is amazingly universal. I grew up in a snobby Connecticut suburb. Quebec doesn't seem that different from my hometown. Finally, any movie that depicts shotgun-style pot smoking as a homo-erotic turn-on earns major points with me as well. This is well worth viewing and I'd say mandatory for any gay man who was a teen in the 1970s." I felt, as the reviewer observed that the movie was immensely personal to me. I fit the age demographic as well. I highly recommend this movie. http://www.netflix.com/Movie/C.R.A.Z.Y./70...94?trkid=226871 Did anyone else enjoy this movie?
  16. " Matt, my current regular is getting ready to move to Texas, so I'm shopping for a new weekly guy... " Xenophile...If you recommend Matt let us know where in Texas he is moving and any contact information. Texans are very welcumming.
  17. The disgusting Phelps family and their "Church" are loving this. All they have to do is announce that they are going to picket his funeral/memorial and they get tons of media. It's hard to do but we all must just ignore these hateful idiots.
  18. BigK


    I loved this movie. Beautifully shot and acted. I especially liked the clever and poignant ending (not to mention James McAvoy sp?). I've also been enjoying the Jane Austin series on Masterpiece Theater on Sunday nights....watching Northanger Abby right now. Go see Atonement. Worth the price of admission.
  19. Thanks for the update. I'm very happy for you and your son. I can't begin to imagine how heavy this weighed on you. Keep being there for him. He still might need your strength.
  20. I despise what happened on the other site. It was theft pure and simple. I have no respect for the people who keep playing over there and kissing daddy-deej ass. I never believed for a moment that the old reviews would make the transition. I did recently post a review over there because I really liked the escort and wanted to help him some. But it really pained me to do it. Oz...you are truly a great guy. I've really enjoyed your posts and wish the best for this site. Thank god someone was looking out for Foxy. I hope you both benefit tremendously. Hoo's spirit is surely lifted by this honor you've paid him. BigK
  21. I loved this movie. Truly innovative method of storytelling. All Beatles music and lyrics. The music was arranged with new twists that kept you listening. I was tapping my feet to the whole movie. I wondered what some of the younger members of the audience (mid 40's here) thought of the movie. Today's music is so different, and in the era of the ipod many seem to have become very serious about music. Serious is maybe not the right word, but music has become a much more solitary activity then it used to be. I think listening to music in the past was a much more social activity when we by necessity listened to more music played aloud then into earphones. I concluded, and your experience Oz may confirm this, that the young will most likely really get into this movie or not get it at all.
  22. Context again NitWitNick (see Limbaugh post)
  23. I watched it too. Donald Sutherland was wonderfully creepy as the family patriarch. The priest, besides having bastard children, also harbours quite a bit of hate in his heart. Perfect qualifications for the priesthood.
  24. I'm glad you've got your priorities in order in choosing a trainer. I will remember to pick a hot one when picking my next trainer. My gut feeling was to avoid the "Papi" reference also. Keep flirting and go for it if the opportunity presents itself. BigK
  25. Hey NeedsToGetaLifeNick, Read your own published transcript. Caller 1 said; 1) He was a Republican, & 2) He was former military. Mr. Limbaugh did not believe him. It's evident in the transcript, and even more evident if you heard the conversation with the actual voice inflections. His comment regarding phony soldiers to Caller 2 was a reference to his expressed doubt that Caller 1 was indeed a soldier. Mr. Limbaugh has an extensive record of being supportive of the military. I don't know if Caller 1 was a Republican or a Soldier, but it's clear that Mr. Limbaugh doubted the truth of those assertions, and then alluded to that doubt in his call to Caller 2. It's intellectual dishonesty on your part to take words or phrases out of context.
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