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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Confession time...I did see The Day the Earth Stood Still, and as I was advised it was a mediocre movie. Keanu Reeves gave a pale wooden performance and the opening was straight out of Andromeda Strain.
  2. BigK

    Steve Jobs

    It was just announced that Jobs was taking a medical leave of absence through June. Sounds Ominous.
  3. Finally saw Star Trek previews today in a theater....hot actors, and a really funny dead-on Scotty.
  4. Thanks for the reinforcement of my decision. I will a confession here after seeing the movie.
  5. I know...I've seen the reviews...but some irrational desire in me wants to see it. I'm going to try again this week.
  6. I still want to see The Day the Earth Stood Still mentioned in the first post even though it hasn't received great reviews. Was going to go see it today...until I found out I needed a new car battery. Shopping for Car Batteries is a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but at least I didn't find out I needed a new battery before an important appointment or before going out for the evening.
  7. I just know I'll repeat with Adam Vegas in SF bay area. He's really special and really a great value at $300 for a 2 hour session. I've seen Jason Carter, and I'd see him again. I would be interested in seeing Scott & Ben if our paths crossed.
  8. Flights are really cheap now, like they usually are this time of year. Just booked a flight between Houston & San Francisco for under $240! But they really have to do away with those 1st bag check in fees. Now people bring more carry on and it delay's the boarding process. Just charge everyone an extra $10 bucks per flight & let the 1st bag on free.
  9. I flew 50,000 miles in 2008 and should travel the same amount this year. I had 2 really bad experiences which is unusual. Spent half a night in an airport. I fly Continental almost exclusively and find their service pretty good.
  10. Maybe if we pool our money James might go for it...Yum
  11. I'm looking forward to seeing The Reader. Hopefully this weekend.
  12. Great Movie. I came to this movie with no back round knowledge. I hadn't read the book (assuming there is one), or seen the Broadway production (which I think I heard there was). I left the movie with no firm conviction of guilt or innocence. I certainly want to believe in Father Flynn's innocence and not believe the hateful Sister Aloysius (agree with the cacophony of opinion that Meryl's performance was brilliant). What do you think?
  13. BigK

    Steve Jobs

    I've never really thought of Jobs as a marketing muddler. I think Apple's marketing must be pretty good to have created the "coolness" image of Apple. I'm still fond of Apple even though the last Apple I owned was the IIE (I even owned a Zebek 10 MB external hard drive). I finally threw it out about 7 years ago, but have been using PC'S for 20 years. I think Gates' greatest talent was out negotiating IBM.
  14. In my post I said being in the limelight was the last thing I'd think she'd want. That's I would think she would want. I was not stating that I knew her attitude. NO NEED TO SCREAM!!!
  15. This is the best point in her favor. But is there any substance there? With her tragic family history, the political "limelight" is the last thing I'd think she'd want.
  16. Seen them all. Pretty good list. I just watched Raging Bull for the first time in December.
  17. Ben Lyons of At the Movies just named Benjamin Button as best movie of the year. I think that is streaching it a bit, but it's definately worth seeing. Milk made both their top 10 lists.
  18. I'm with Conway, anti crowd and anti rip off.
  19. Not a very good picture of Spock. I'm willing to reconsider.
  20. I just watched Charolette Gray. Netflix rated 4 of 5. More like a 3. Performances sort of wooden. Charlotte (Cate Blanchett) is a Scottish woman searching for her missing pilot boyfriend during World War II. Going undercover as a housekeeper in a French town, she meets a local farmer (Michael Gambon) and his son, Julien (Billy Crudup), a leader in the resistance who's harboring two Jewish children. When the children's lives are threatened, Charlotte must choose between finding her lost love and taking a stand.
  21. I was on an airplaine. Lots of fun. Got in at 9pm. But did manage to stay up until 12pm. Don't leave me behind on the way to the party.
  22. I think the one playing Kirk is the hottest.
  23. BigK

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year to all. I think it's going to be a challenging year, and I plan to make the best of it.
  24. I also think this is a great idea. I used to really enjoy the message board on Hooboy's and don't participate there much anymore due to the usual reasons. I would really like to see this board get some active participation. I hope this works, oh, and would like to win the trip too!
  25. Rent Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas) a 2005 movie "Inspired by a true story, this heartwarming tale unfolds on Christmas Eve, 1914, in the midst of World War I. As the French, Scottish and German soldiers prepare to open their presents, a momentous event occurs that changes the destinies of four people: an Anglican priest, a French lieutenant, a world-class tenor and his soprano lover. Diane Kruger, Benno Furmann, Guillaume Canet, Gary Lewis, Dany Boon and Daniel Bruhl star." This a great movie and the perfect time of the year to watch it. 4 out of 5 stars on Netflix (Average of 133,185 votes). Has anyone seen Gran Torino yet?
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