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Everything posted by BigK

  1. I think Paterson needs to get a sense of humor.
  2. BigK

    Dad at 13

    Last I heard Connie was hosting the Big Brother shows.
  3. I'd like to take him in my bed too!
  4. I think Stephen the Internet Marketing guy is cute in a nerdy sort of way. Any other guys turn you on?
  5. I vote for The Reader. I liked Rourke in The Wrestler. But I still haven't seen Milk or Frost/Nixon. Hope to see them soon.
  6. I enjoy the living off the land aspect a la Robinson Crusoe and the exotic locals. I never pay attention to the stupid competetitions...great opportunity to multi task while this show is on..
  7. I also endorse Costco's $1.50 1/4 lb hot dog and soda. I often plan my Costco run for mid day to enjoy this cheap lunch.
  8. I've got nothing against Rentboy, and I know Brandon and consider him a friend, but I don't intend to vote for something they call an International Award when I'm limited in my selection to Rentboy Escorts. It's their Award so they can make their own rules, it's just the use of the word International seems sort of grandiose to me and too all encompassing to use when there's a limited choice to vote from.
  9. There is probably more to the story...but that being said, I think on balance it must be more true than false for it to have been reported so widely.
  10. I knew I forgot something important. Unfortunately, it was and all to brief (no pun intended) view of him full frontal.
  11. Warning: Possible Spoiler Alert I saw this movie and loved it. I didn't get that the opening scene with Ralph Fiennes as a set up for an extended flash back, and midway through the movie I was wondering what all the fuss was about. Then, long after I'd forgotten about him, Ralph Fiennes shows up again and the movie becomes great. It's not Ralph Fiennes that I'm raving about, but the story itself. It's gripping. I really loved how the movie drew me in. Did anyone else like (or even hate) the movie. Any other favorite movies out there?
  12. I like Josh Elliot & Brent Everett too. Also George Bastian when he takes it up his oh so cute butt.
  13. I love Pandora and listen to it daily. I've created about 4 stations which I keep playing softly on my office computer. Great for hotel rooms as well.
  14. Sure sounds like Rio is a great destination. I will try to make it to Carnival sometime during my life time. I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans for about a decade with a group of friends. Always had a great time.
  15. Wow...a lot of exotic destinations. In the US, I like San Francisco & Las Vegas. Been a while, but I've had good times in Ft. Lauderdale as well.
  16. I've sure enjoyed the additional posters here...some very old friends. Unfortunately have given up on Daddy's quite a while ago.
  17. I'd love a copy. I don't like crowds, so this will be a fun way to experience the fair. I'll send you my email. Thanks Lucky.
  18. The Seattle Dispatch Intelligencer, after failing to sell itself, is shutting down. That's a major American city!
  19. Hey Four Aces, We never did succeed in meeting up in Vegas. Let me know if you ever come to Houston.
  20. Aggressively handling the Mortgage problem would go a long way in stimulating the economy. The current discussion is the government offering 4 % mortgage refinancing. They say this would lower the average payment $4-500 per month. That would be ongoing stimulus month after month. I'm also in favor of reducing principal when fair market value has plunged. The most recent example was the Resolution Trust Corporation Bush the First created to absorb the troubled assets of the Savings & Loans in the 1980's. I can't remember what the final report card said, but I'm pretty sure it was positive and not a huge failure. It cleaned up our related economic problems much faster then Japan where they did not take decisive action.
  21. This is very sad. But then the only constant in life is change. And we're seeing a lot of change these days. Whole industries are on the brink of going under like Newspapers. It's important to constantly reinvent your business to stay relevant.
  22. Yep...Kelloggs dropped him. No Wheaties or Frosted Flakes in Phelps future.
  23. BigK


    I vividly remember the silence and sniffles and muffled sobs as the credits rolled for Brokeback Mountain. I certainly was one of the sniffler's. Still haven't seen Milk yet. Not playing anywhere near me...I guess not so surprising in Texas.
  24. So what. I'm willing to believe that he's not a daily toker given that he's so goal driven and works out so hard most of the year. Not at all surprising to me that he's tried smoking pot, probably a majority of our population over 18 and under 60 have smoked pot.
  25. In many respects he would be a logical choice. Isn't he a Doctor? But most of the scuttlebutt seems to be that he is not in favor with the Obama team.
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