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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Berkshire is at a real low market price right now. Also Buffett goes into some detail of the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th to pay insurance they've issued on Derivatives contracts. If we the taxpayers keep bailing out the AIG's of this world, Berkshire may end up with a relatively small payout on that insurance. Also one of Buffett's self admitted big mistake was taking a stake on Connoco Phillips at near the top of the oil prices. I don't think I'll bet on oil staying low forever.
  2. Wow...Thanks everyone for the lively discussion. It really seems to me that legalization could solve so many problems. Besides the sales tax revenue, I think so many businesses could benefit as stated in my original post on this topic. And let the Mexicans import...It will keep the prices under control and provide our neighbors a legal way to earn a living. I agree that some of the tax revenue should go to education, but I still also believe we'll need residential care facilities for those who take it too far. Also we'll need the equivalent of of drunk driving laws...could make law enforcements job a little more complicated. So we end up with free choice, but just like alcohol, our freedom of choice ends at endangering others. And leave it to AdamSmith to point out the other benefits....once we're in a legalization frame of mind the next target to legalize would be the commercial sex trade.
  3. So doesn't anyone else here have views on drug legalization? I was hoping that this thread would have some lively discussion.
  4. What a hoot. And timely too. I just watched the breakfast clip. Going back to watch a few more.
  5. Thanks for posting this letter. I've just read the whole letter from the link you provided. Very informative for all interested in our current economic & financial troubles and sound investment principals.
  6. It's very smart about the alone time OneFinger. I also like the Tour Guide idea.
  7. You mean besides this one... I like the overall feel and graphics and selection on men4rentnow. You must search home city also and learn to tell which ones are inactive. Many don't like the overly long selection because of the inactive thrown in, but their fairly easy to spot. Most still seem to rave about Rentboy.com, but I don't like the graphics much. Good luck on your return.
  8. I've always been in favor of the legalization of all drugs. Tax it and use some of the tax proceeds to build nut case facilities to house those among us who choose to fry their brains. Use the rest of the tax proceeds to pay down our national and state debt. Let U.S. farmers grow it, the cigarette companies, among others, to sell it to consumers. Let U.S. Drug companies produce safer and better pharmaceutical drugs & market it them through Drug Stores like Walgreen's or Liquor stores. The South American Drug Cartels can sell to us also...It will keep the U.S. companies pricing in line. Prices will go down, and prisons will empty on non violent criminals. Let's do it NOW.
  9. Well this should be interesting. He sounds guilty as sin. Posted on Jason Sechrest on 2/24. http://www.jasoncurious.com/desk/index.html The Trial of Harlow Cuadra Begins Opening statements were made this morning in the trial of porn star and escort Harlow Cuadra, 24, accused of murdering 44 year old Cobra Video owner Bryan Kocis. The prosecution's opening statement from Assistant District Attorney Michael Melnick lasted for one hour and twenty-four minutes this morning, painting Cuadra as the cold-blooded killer of Koics, seeking to eliminate the gay porn producer as a competitor. Cuadra's mother, seated in the front row of the courtroom, cried as the prosecution described how Kocis died, being nearly decapitated in one fell swoop and stabbed 28 times, while Cuadra himself wrote notes in a yellow legal pad. Melnick said a knife used in the killing plus a rental car to get to the home of Kocis can be traced directly back to Harlow Cuadra and also cited telephone, cell phone and computer records as more evidence against him that will be seen during the trial. Menawhile defense attorney Joseph D'Andrea's opening statement was only fifteen minutes in length as he summed up that Harlow Cuadra is innocent in the killing of Bryan Kocis and cites three other possible killers. D'Andrea claims he will prove Sean Lockhart better known as porn star Brent Corrigan, his partner Grant Roy and Cuadra's own partner, Joseph Kerekes (who plead guilty to second-degree murder in the case earlier this year and is sentenced to life in prison) all had the motive and ability to kill Kocis. "Our defense is simple," D'Andrea stated before jurors. "Harlow didn't do it. This young man did not slash anyone's throat, stab 28 times or set his house on fire. ... You'll hear testimony that Grant Roy and Sean Lockhart hated Bryan Kocis, they even wanted him dead." D'Andrea described Kerekes, Cuadra's professed first love and only boyfriend, as being dominant and controlling over his client, alleging Cuadra was under his spell and control. "[Kerekes] was prostituting his lover Harlow to make money. It was money that motivated Joseph Kerekes. Harlow sits here innocent and he has the protection of innocence throughout this trial." News footage shortly following the arrest of Cuadra was featured recently on the here! TV program, "Everything You Wanted To Know About Gay Porn Stars (*But Were Afraid To Ask)." One of the most chilling moments features reporters asking Cuadra, being led in handcuffs, if he committed the murder of Bryan Kocis. "I didn't do it," he responded. When asked by a reporter if he knew who did, he responded, "Ask Sean and Grant." Melnick also read in his opening statement today from the infamous wiretapped conversations Cuadra allegedly had with Corrigan and Roy in April 2007 at a nude beach in San Diego. Melnick read Cuadra's quote, "It was quick. He never saw it coming. Actually, seeing him going down, made me feel better inside." posted by Jason Sechrest at 12:01 PM
  10. Glad you finally got an apointment.
  11. 25 votes now. Good luck Greg.
  12. I'll take number 3 from the 1st batch of photo's. Is shipping included?
  13. Sorry to hear Birmingham didn't work out for you. I'd send inquiries to Small Town John & Jason Carter (Dallas). They do alot of traveling. Another way to get going on the traveling circuit would be to extend your stay when traveling to see a client and post in the traveling escort section in that same city. At least your travel costs are covered...and if nothing else transpires, at least you'll have another city to explore. Good Luck.
  14. The novel sounds great. Is the title Georgiana, or The Duchess (same as the movie). I'm going to check it out.
  15. Way to go mineallmine...keep improving on the fantasy.
  16. I guess I had Kate Winslet on the mind. It was Keira Knightly in the Duchess. I'm also glad Kate won best Actress. Not surprising, since she also did a great job in Revolutionary Road.
  17. Oz, Is the show any good? Don't currently watch anything on Disney (loved Wonderful World of Disney as a child).
  18. You're so right about Vince...Yummmmmmmm
  19. My initial reaction is that this is a great story and very encouraging. I suppose that the Homecoming King may have a different opinion. It would be interesting to know whether or not he kissed the Queen. Now this is becoming a hot fantasy.
  20. What's done is done. No way do I want anyone coming anywhere near my dick with a knife!
  21. Thanks to both Oz and Townie for sharing this uplifting story. Way to go Brits! Boo Hiss for Fred and Shirley Phelps!!
  22. Just saw The Duchess today, and another fine performance by Kate Winslet. I recall someone complained about Ralph Fiennes performance, but I don't see he had much choice on how the play the part of the dour self centered Duke.
  23. Bump...Glad to hear Oz and others enjoyed The Reader as much as I did mentioned in the other thread.
  24. Bump...With the MER contest and Academy Awards on Sunday I just wanted to get the full list of nominee's nicely provided by Expat back at the top of the forum.
  25. The only way, imho, to "watch" SNL these days is to record it and then fast forward through most of the crappy skits.
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