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Everything posted by BigK

  1. I've never tried poppers. What am I missing?
  2. All these are hot guys. The twink looks like he is in a good position to start getting busy.
  3. He's a pretty good looking guy.
  4. This is a fun clip. Ozzy has a big heart.
  5. It sure would be nice to be able to start getting a steady supply of Cuban Cigars. I would love to visit Cuba too.
  6. BigK

    Sleepy Sundays

    Which One (or couple) is the prize?
  7. I enjoyed Trick and Shelter. Thanks Lucky for the additional recommendations.
  8. That's a hot website. Thanks FourAces!
  9. Thanks for the great group of pics.
  10. I also enjoyed Summer Storm. But I've been disappointed by many of Netflix's Gay selections. I did enjoy The Conrad Boys and The Line of Beauty. Anybody have any other recommendations?
  11. or: A. Found On the Road Dead I'm happy for Ford's recent success especially since they didn't take a federal bail out.
  12. Good one! Welcome to the forum.
  13. Have him download your hard drive.
  14. I'm really surprised that the treatment by Best Buy salespeople is so universally poor. I have experienced the same thing. Hence I hardly ever shop there. Regardless of the type of store, it's really beneficial when you find a tech person that can really answer your questions rather then just giving you b.s.
  15. I love Breaking Bad. I missed the last few episodes when my cable company took AMC High Def, and although I get some High Def channels...apparently I need a converter box now just for AMC and Si Fi (which I don't watch much). As soon as it comes out on DVD I'll watch the season over and catch the missing episodes.
  16. What a remarkable women. I bet all that dancing kept her in good health... A nice long life.
  17. I never did meet Hooboy either, but enjoyed a couple of email exchanges with him. I met with other posters after his death to drink a toast in his honor. I'm sad that his old message board doesn't have the spirit it once had.
  18. BigK

    Eye Candy

    More Eye Candy: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Ca2kKyTlxk4/S55i72bYW7I/AAAAAAAAAqs/qwm3GcZeyVQ/s1600/tumblr_kyznl0U7Cj1qb3t6po1_500.jpg
  19. BigK

    Eye Candy

    Nice looking men. Hard to choose...or just hard.
  20. What a great travel log. Hope you have a wonderful trip.
  21. Very nice and comprehensive article. I first started watching Siskel & Ebert on public TV. I don't care for the current At the Movies. Still check Eberts reviews before seeing a movie.
  22. Very Cute 5 yo Very Funny Lucky
  23. It's a slogan for the Texas anti-littering program.
  24. BigK

    Twink Catagories?

    Blue eyes.
  25. Yes. Write a review. If you didn't feel rushed during the appointment, then I think the time is irrelevant.
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