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Everything posted by BigK

  1. I flew today too. Have flown frequently on 9/11 just to express my disdain for the terrorists.
  2. I'm flying. Have done it a number of times on purpose.
  3. I'm flying. Have done it a number of times on purpose.
  4. I'm flying. Have done it a number of times on purpose.
  5. Looked at the offer and it looks like you would need to spend 40 nights by the end of the year to earn 80,000 points. As I read their reward redemption levels that would get you 3 nights at a Crown Plaza with 5,000 points left over. Looks like it might get you 8 nights at a Holiday Inn. Oz, does it look like I'm interpreting this correctly?
  6. Didn't seem to accept my vote: An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#10355] You must cast your vote in each question of the poll. I voted Texas and there is 1 showing in results. Could be my response or someone else's.
  7. I love this show!!! I agree that Nancy's son Shane is one the best characters. The scene where he takes out the evil sister in law with the golf club by the pool was great. Hunter Parish is so hot. I could swear I saw him doing gay porn years ago. Wish I remembered the name of the porn vid.
  8. BigK

    Breaking Bad

    Love this show. Unfortunately, I haven't started watching this season. AMC channel went away for a while on my cable so I missed episodes. I've was waiting to catch up before starting the new season. Now that I've caught up I'm waiting for a current season marathon.
  9. I attended a Jesuit University and even in the early 80's we had a Gay/Straight Alliance.
  10. I've heard that Costco gets the most returned T.V.'s right after the super bowl.
  11. Not out, but this is so widely believed to be true that it likely is true.
  12. I'd love to hear the answer to that question too.
  13. Loved the movie. The scenery was also great. Loved the plantation house that Skeeter lived in with her parents especially the partially overgrown front yard with the massive crepe myrtles. Today's maids seem mostly Hispanic and Eastern European.
  14. I agree...couldn't be less interested.
  15. Mark Wahlberg did use a prosthetic penis. The movie was Boogie Nights and he played Dirk Diggler.
  16. Gcursor should be impressed by this bit of creative writing.
  17. BigK

    The last 3 movies

    Super 8 - Loved it Green Lantern - Fun Midnight in Paris - Woodie Allen Lite. Enjoyable.
  18. This really is a heart wrenching story. The inhumanity of some people never ceases to amaze me.
  19. I've used both Priceline and Hotwire, and I definitely prefer Priceline. The small bed issue is a known concern in cities like New York and San Francisco. I always notice warnings about this on Priceline. Have not used Hotwire in a very long time.
  20. I never said that free enterprise is the answer for everything. That's what the obfuscation in your reply was about. Me thinks thou dost protest too much about ideology.
  21. I could have used that feature in the past.
  22. Good one. I love black and white movies!
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