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Everything posted by BigK

  1. What did you do FourAces to wear your Doctor out????
  2. BigK

    Live On F4F Now

    I tried to find some reviews of that site but couldn't find any. I would be very suspicious of anything of this sort.
  3. Beliebers...lol, that's pretty funny.
  4. I don't get it either. I'm working to lose weight!
  5. Etchings...Ha Ha Ha.
  6. BigK

    Happy Birthday OZ

    Happy Birthdaly OZ. Pretty nice gift.
  7. I haven't heard of One Million Moms. What's their claim to fame besides not having a sense of humor?
  9. And the intern was really cute.
  10. BigK

    "Missing" on ABC

    Is the missing son at least hot? He must be to fit the Hollywood formula, otherwise people wouldn't watch.
  11. He turned down a plea agreement that would have resulted in probation. He now may be deported to India. We've lost so much of (given away) our privacy in this digital world. Will we ever relearn how to protect our privacy and respect others privacy?
  12. BigK

    Cartoon of the day

    Like it. Pretty funny.
  13. BigK

    "Missing" on ABC

    My usual tendency is to not start a new series until it's proven to be a hit, tickles my fancy and then, watch the first season when available and start in on the second season when it start (most recently started watching Justified this way). I must admit some curiosity about this one. Thanks for your comments. I may give it a spin.
  14. I'd probably read it.
  15. How much do you want to pick up his contract for a week?
  16. While he's not necessarily my cup of tea, I wouldn't go so far as calling him ugly.
  17. I didn't know the story. Thanks Expat. While not a big fan of the current Vampire/Werewolf craze, this look interesting and I plan to see it.
  18. BigK


    Well the new series is premiering as we speak, and it looks promising. Gotta love the name of the Southern California news babe "Bridget Sanchez-Fong", and of course with name like that she's African American.
  19. You're a parents dream. :D
  20. That's not very Adam Smith of you.
  21. I largely agree with Hit. To the extent I would like to have the government involved is just to make civil unions the law of the land. Let individual religions handle same sex marriages as they'd like. Gays and Lesbians can patronize the religions that accept same sex marriages.
  22. I think the fake Amanda did it.
  23. Barely got through the first episode of The River. Has it been canceled yet? Do you still like it Expat? I was really looking forward to it.
  24. I'm more in the 20-30% range. Interestingly, I like a higher percentage of the Pics here at MER than over at the other site.
  25. It must be something in the water. After losing a significant amount of weight last year I've bounced up and down since the first of the year.
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