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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Always enjoyable posts. Thanks AS!
  2. I don't watch these shows either but this guy really moved me. It doesn't hurt that he is so boyishly handsome. But overcoming his stutter is nothing short of amazing. I don't understand how he can sing like that when it seems to take him so much effort to control his stutter. I wondered if he could be faking the stutter, but given the back story footage that seems unlikely (although I understand that there isn't much TV producers wouldn't do). Hope he continues to do well.
  3. Funny. She's a hoot.
  4. Love his facial expressions...fantastic. Just listened to an hour of music on you tube because of this thread. Tina Turner & Proud Mary, Allman Brothers Whipping Post, Jerry Lee Lewis Whole lot of Shakin' going on (1957) and Chuck Berry Maybellene (1955) & Roll over Beethoven
  5. Watching the kids interact with the transformer was cute.
  6. I like catchers!
  7. Well I canceled that reservation even though it seemed like a good location on Avenida Atlantica and I had a sea view room. Working on getting Hotel Atlantico Copacabana now. Thanks for all the clarification.
  8. Thanks for all the great information.
  9. Hotel Atlantico Praia Avenida Atlantica, 1456 Copacabana Rio de Janeiro (Rio De Janeiro), 22021-000, Brazil
  10. http://www.priceline.com/hotel/hotelOverviewGuide.do?key=hv5skedf&propID=25899504&jsk=334a050a364a050a20140513221419f75010322524&plf=PCLH 4* vs 3* for Atlantico & has free internet. Does location outweigh the lower quality for a first time visit to Rio?
  11. Pay off my debts, establish education trust funds for my nieces and nephews, invest in my business, purchase a few vacation homes and travel.
  12. He's very handsome and has a great smile. Looks like he'd be fun to hang out (and make out) with.
  13. This is worth a look: https://homes.yahoo.com/blogs/spaces/new-york-photographer-reshoots-century-old-scenes-for-armchair-time-travelers-010659477.html
  14. Challenger...MAJOR MALFUNCTION I still remember that day as I'm sure all here born in the 1970's and earlier do. Still powerful footage.
  15. BigK


    Welcome ButtWilde. Great self introduction. Keep your tongue firmly in cheek.
  16. My vote would be for 1 and 4 too.
  17. Hope all's well and wishing you a Happy Birthday.
  18. Put me in the matter of fact category before and after. I'm more annoyed by people who don't move their bins forward while they proceed to unpack their bags and take off their clothes. Use zip lock baggies and empty your pockets before even getting in the security lane!
  19. Charlie...Sounds like your "friend" enjoyed his Corvair.
  20. I can't fast forward or change the channel or avert my eyes from an article fast enough over this nonsense. Nobody knows what happened and all this idle speculation for hour after hour and in article after article is stupid. I'll pay attention when some definitive proof is found.
  21. Clever ad.
  22. I can't believe how stupid the Brains group has been so far.
  23. We have a fight on our hands if you want #119.
  24. Great story. I don't think I'd ever read Thurber. I will have to read him some more.
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