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Everything posted by BigK

  1. BigK

    Bdays saturday

    Don't really understand the post Sparklie, but if it's you birthday ... Happy Birthday!
  2. With the emphasis on SHIT! Congratulations Adam!!
  3. Check out the Squatty Potty! https://www.squattypotty.com/
  4. How big is your collateral?
  5. Is this photoshopped? If it's real I'd love to see the audience reaction.
  6. I had a pretty good pretzel wrapped hot dog at Chicago O'Hare last week at Auntie Anne's Pretzel.
  7. United does this too. Just take the bag you want to check to the gate and you can most likely get your bag checked for free.
  8. San Francisco is my favorite. Especially the Boudin Sourdough Bread/Sandwich store in the United Terminal. Order the Italian with double meat and balsamic dressing. They cut it in half and I ask them to wrap each half separately so I can stretch it into 2 meals. It's right next to the Asian Cafe with Dim Sum, another good choice.
  9. He needs to be mounted.
  10. Nice body, although he's overdressed.
  11. I've been doing the carry on only thing for 30 years. Since Airlines have begun been charging for checked bags boarding has become a zoo. These bin's are a good idea, but will the airlines embrace them if it means losing revenue on checked baggage? It makes too much sense to me, so I'm betting against mass adoption of the new bins.
  12. They're all wearing lederhosen. Cute.
  13. According to Jeopardy contentant: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/jeopardy-response-will-make-you-cringe-115741055730.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma
  14. BigK

    Wolf Hall

    I really like the actor playing Woolsley and love the character. Cromwell is another interesting figure in History. Henry VIII looked a lot better than most of the Henry VIII's I've seen.
  15. Happy Easter to all!
  16. I hadn't heard him before. He's quite handsome. Here's his breakout hit Budapest.
  17. Darn... Bloodline is not available on Netflix DVD. Netflix must really want people to move to streaming instead of DVD service. I'm ornery enough to stick with DVD though. In the past few weeks I've watched the recently released Whiplash, Birdman, Nightcrawler, Foxcatcher and The Judge.
  18. Wow...incredible car.
  19. Of course they did. My point is that sometimes the devil you know is better then the devil you don't know. I believe George H W Bush got it right when he didn't push all the way into Iraq during the 1st Gulf War leaving Sadam in power. Carter should have backed the Shah rather than taking the moral high ground. Our own actions (or lack of action) contributed to the instability in Iran. Just like George W. Bush should have stayed out of Iraq. Now we own the current instability of both Iran and Iraq. And let's not forget Libya. We were not skilled enough to fool around with the Middle East. But you broke it you bought it. We should provide any and all assistance to the forces against Isis short of providing troops. After all, they are killing our citizens and encouraging terrorist actions in the U. S. Obama is not doing enough.
  20. I only watched the Academy Awards sporadically. I really enjoyed the Sound of Music segment and Lady Gaga's singing. Here's an interesting story about the truth about the real Von Trapp family: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31658799
  21. I never watched him on TV. The interview revealed a profound and well rounded man. As I compare and contrast a man like that to the majority of us today with our faces buried looking at our phones I wonder when we will all lose the ability to interact with one another in person. What a daily schedule he outlined. Sounds like he only slept 3 1/2 hours a night. I hope he took naps.
  22. Sort of like how Carter broke Iran.
  23. I have high hopes for this show. Loved Breaking Bad and always enjoyed the Saul Goodman character.
  24. Bathing beauties all!
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