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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Rentmen seems to be the go to website now.
  2. I want to see Graves but the Epix Channel is not on my cable system.
  3. I've wanted to meet him but when I contacted him about setting up an appointment he sort of freaked out on me and said he was having a really bad day.  I got a weird vibe from him and have not pursued it, but he really appeals to me physically.

    What experience did you have that would make you not want to comment or review?

    Thanks,  BigK



    1. keith30309


      I had tried to book him last year in Houston and he never showed up. He texted me later and said he had lost his phone.

      I decided to try again because his body and persona appealed to me as well.

      We set up a time... he texted me and said he was on his way. The texted again and asked if I had any condoms... I said "No" then he asked me how I felt about barebacking.  I declined so he stopped at a drugstore.


      Basically, he was tweaking. He bounced around my hotel room and was saying all kinds of weird stuff. I did get him into bed and wanted to kiss and move slowly but he pushed things along allot faster than I wanted. I asked him to slow down - I had booked 2 hours to have a slow, relaxed time, but he said that he did not enjoy sex - at all.... in any form... with anyone.   Oh-OK.

      So we fucked and got it over with.  I will give him credit - what you see on video is what you get. His body is just as it appears and he fucks like a champ.  

      After he bounced around the room more, jabbering about all kinds of stuff, and left a little bit early (saying his friend was waiting to pick him up outside the hotel).

      I'm glad I finally hired him but won't hire him again. There is something about his body and online personality that is really attractive to me, for some reason, but the mental part is bad news.

    2. BigK


      Got the same vibe after my communication with him.  Too bad.

  4. He's a real beauty!
  5. I wish Jeffrey the best. I selfishly hoped he would be able to fight this to the end and win. But, I realize that when the cards are stacked against you have to make unpleasant decisions. I think it is especially unjust to seize someone's funds when charged if it infringes on them being able to mount a strenuous defense.
  6. It's a little surprising that this case of forced morality is coming from the State of California, although the Attorney General is a women. The charge of conspiracy to commit pimping seems like a stretch. Seems like they really want to push the underage angle. This is such a waste of our public resources. Any instances of forced minor prostitution should be getting our policing resources.
  7. Oz, I'm enjoying Shameless too.
  8. I enjoyed the new Keiffer Sutherland series Designated Survivor.
  9. It must have been surreal to spend that week after at Disney World.
  10. I can't stand Paul either. I hope Nichole wins.
  11. Put me in the "no" column. I don't think a race based sexual preference has anything to do with racism. Of course, a racist might have a race based sexual preference but he/she's already a racist. I have racial preferences but more of a "LOOKS" preference and will consider any race. Like lookin, " my preferences have become more eclectic" as I have grown older.
  12. I was on the west coast then and woke up to the information. I was scheduled to fly home the next day and got stuck in San Francisco. A number of times over the subsequent 15 years I have made a point of flying on 9/11.
  13. That I might consider!
  14. I wish that I was only that pudgy. I'll exchange bodies any day, but not if the personality is included.
  15. Didn't you mean Anthony's Weiner!
  16. Such drama
  17. I hope he gets a good deal. The case against him stinks.
  18. I wonder if he's just uninhibited or just craving attention.
  19. Welcome Brian
  20. "The anti-gay violence, they contend, can be traced to Brazil’s culture of machismo and a brand of evangelical Christianity, exported from the United States, that is outspoken in its opposition to homosexuality." So it's the fault of the United States. What bullshit. I'm not endorsing the Violence against Gays in Rio...Just want Brazil to own its own guilt.
  21. What is the punishment for polygamy? 2 Wives
  22. I nominate Oz as a weight judge for ... Sumo Wrestlers.
  23. I thought this subject was going to refer to the picture of the lizard being eaten by the snake with it's jaws clamped on the body of the snake: http://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/lizard-fights-back-from-inside-belly-of-snake/
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