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Everything posted by KYTOP

  1. He was one of the first to oppose DADT and advocate for it's repeal. He has consistantly opposed the Patriot Act and it's reauthorization due to individual privacy concerns. He has been a strong supporter of stem cell research. He has supported the authorization of tarriffs against countries that purposely deflate their currency, like China does, and he actually opposed NAFTA against the wishes of Pres Clinton.
  2. He was unique and funny and had some good positions. But he was in up to his neck with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and bears a good deal of responsibility for the real estate mortgage collapse that is the foundation of our current econonmic mess. He constantly opposed and openly blocked legislation in committee that would have reigned in Freedie and Fannie for years and pushed for them to have no oversight and a free hand for bad loan guarantees until it was too late. Why say he was such a great Congressman just because he is Gay? I think he should have quit when Fannie and Freddie had to be bailed out and both probably will have to be bailed out even more in the near future.
  3. I found the article very interesting and timely on my part due the following quote about the Smart car that is actually a Mercedes product: "2011 Smart Fortwo McElroy says the jerky transmission in this tiny two-door has hurt it the worst — he called it “the worst transmission maybe of all time.” The car has reportedly lost more money than it has made for the Daimler family since its launch in the late 1990s; rumors have circulated for years that the company will shutter the brand. An agreement to share a new platform with Renault could mean a big improvement for the coupe in a few years." Last Monday I took my best friend to the Mercedes dealer to look at and test drive his dream car.... a Smart car. He has wanted one every since I brought back a brouchure from a trip to Europe before they were available here in the USA. During the test drive he said the transmission was very jerky, and kinda sucked while trying to drive, shifting at strange times with a jerk. As a passenger I thought it was going to flip over on a windy day while traveling a small curve on the expressway. So sadly for my friend The Smart car is no longer his dream car and his bubble was burst on the test drive. Now he is thinking about a Mini-Cooper. I keep trying to get him to take a look at an American car but he likes small European cars.
  4. It is not about wanting or needing it is about being. I AM GAY and have had a great life. What would being straight add to my life or happiness? But one must also realize that first and foremost we are human beings and being Gay is just a part of who we are and that part of my life has been just that.... a "Part" of who I am. Your responses makes one think you think it is a bad thing to be Gay?
  5. Interesting question but to me to say I would choose not to be Gay is like saying there is something wrong with being Gay. I will admit when I was younger, growing up in a conservative Baptist family, I may have wished I was not Gay. But it would have been because of what others wanted for me and not really what I myself wanted. Unlike many Gay men I actually have 2 grown children and 3 grandkids that I am very proud of. That as a result of "trying" to be straight at a younger age, because that is what others wanted for me. I do not regret those younger days because of my children but if I was born in a different time, 20 or so years later, I doubt my children would exist. I can now look back on my life as a "Gay man" and I can happily say I have had a great life and can not imagine how in my wildest dreams it could have been a better life to have been straight. So NO, I would not choose to be straight if I could. Now if I could choose to still have my hair instead of balding or to have a bigger cock I might choose that.
  6. He also had the guy's cell phone and that is how they tracked him down.
  7. Depends on how horny he was I guess. This is stupid because a quick paternity test could end (or create) all the gossip dead in it's tracks. But let it drag out to get all the teenage girls to buy his new CD to show their support for him. Let the PR machine grind and the gullible keep on buying.
  8. So if the Federal Agencies have blown 77% of the deadlines and this is the major issue, Why aren't they protesting outside the White House since the last time I checked The President was in charge of the Federal Agencies? And as for Dodd and Frank, both of those guys were up to their necks in helping create this crisis with Dodd and Countryside and both protecting Fannie and Freddy. Why do you think Dodd didn't run for re-election?
  9. KYTOP

    New York's Finest

    New York's finest are not the only ones with problems. I read numerous newspapers online daily and police issues are getting out of control all over the country. Reading the Miami Herald and the Miami police are becoming a disgrace. Millons of dollars in payouts in Atlanta to police abuse victims. Federal Civil Rights convictions against officers in New Orleans over killing people and covering it up. Denver is replacing their Police Chief after numerous Police Brutality issues. The saddest has to be the beating death of the young homeless man by the Fullerton California Police. To hear the recording of the young man with mental issues yelling for his daddy to help him as he is beat to death is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. Sadly this is just a beginning of what is a long list of Police issues across the USA. From reading it appears to be getting out of control.
  10. OK, as a Wall Street protester you would have a "reason" but when the media talks to them I NEVER hear what you are saying like you did from any of these people. I hear stuff all over the place, even saw one guy protesting for Communism and numerous wanting their college loans forgiven. NEVER hear a solution from anyone they have interviewed. So go protest, this is America and I defend anyone's right to protest (but not necessarily to occupy public or private space forever). But give some solutions also instead of bitching like a Tea Party person. So you and others don't like the banks, what is your solution? Maybe you can invite the homeless to your private property to occupy for a while? So what is YOUR solution since you have a protest issue? The protest in my city stopped after the media quit covering it on the news every night. Even though the city gave them access to a city park across from City Hall to get them off a private plaza. I want to protest all the people that do nothing but bitch and never offer a solution.
  11. Is it really any different than when people said one was a racist for criticizng President Obama but now it is not racist for people to criticize Herman Cain?
  12. Well the PM of Greece fired his top military men today also. Greece has had military coups in the past. Wonder how the EU would deal with a military coup in Greece like Thailand had a few years ago?
  13. Glad to hear Ryan is well. I remember seeing him for a few hours in NYC and then met you and the bf at Stella's afterward. It was my first time to to Stella's and I've still never been hit on so many times in anyplace I've ever visited. I felt like they thought I was a human ATM machine or something. I remember Ryan and your BF wanted to go out Clubbing but you begged off. They invited me along and seemed to enjoy showing this Southern guy, NYC newby the NYC Club scene. I was afraid they might find younger company and abandon me but they both were great host, tour guides, and company that night never leaving me alone until they put me in a taxi back to my hotel sometime in the AM. Good memories.
  14. KYTOP

    Your Type Poll

    I have known many Latino and Asian guys that are the "Fit Fratboy" type.
  15. I have seen a few stories were these "protests" are becoming homes to many of the homeless population. I'm still trying to figure out what their real message is except that they are mad at someone or something. The only thing I've been able to gather so far is that they don't like the banks and all the college age people want all of their college loans forgiven. That wouldn't be fair to those that didn't get a free college education or didn't go because they couldn't afford it. Hell I'm not a big fan of my bank either but I realize it is a necessity and the only time I stand outside it is waiting for it to open in the morning. Looks like just a different group of tea party protesters to me but not as organized.
  16. If this were a Gay Couple it would be being used as a reason to not allow Gay Marriage. So much for the argument of Straights and the sanctity of marriage. These heterosexuals trampeled all over anything sanctity about marriage and made a fortune off it to boot.
  17. I was at a local gay bar that had just 3 strippers in part of the bar on weekends. They rotated between local and out of town guys. One weekend they had an awesome guy that was a student from Indiana University visiting and stripping. We talked a great deal and became friendly on Friday night. On the next night, Saturday, we talked a lot and in the conversation he offered to come to my house for $100 when he got off and the stud said he bottomed. I nervously said ok. I was setting in a corner of the bar and he stopped by later and instead of chatting he backed up to me blocking anyone's view. He then unzipped me there in the bar, played with me until hard, pulled aside the back of his g-string and rubbed my cock up and down his crack and then said "I just wanted to make sure you didn't want to change your mind." DUH!!! Guy was HOT in bed and he said he never "escorted" but saw me everytime he came to town. He also danced at Madrigals in Chicago once a month and we also hooked up there in my Hotel a few times. Shortly after that I saw Talvin DeMachio's website and told myself if I ever had the chance I'd hire him. He had a link to Tony Cummings (Atlanta) website and I was going there on business and ended up hiring Tony instead, so he was basicly my first offical "Escort" I guess. Tony was great and even took me to dinner at Mary Mac's Tearoom after our play time ended. Great first time experience with an escort. Talvin also had a link to the original "Hooboy" site and that's were I learned of it. Also OZ, you might be interested, shortly after hiring Tony I was headed to NYC for a 4-5 days. I decided to to call a certain NYC Escort agency and hired 3 or 4 different guys for a few days of my stay. The guy I talked to on the phone was easy to deal with (cough, cough) and the escorts he helped me arrange were great, plus a few visits to the Gaeity on that trip and I was hooked from then on. Strangely on a trip to Montreal after that, when I first met Marc Anthony at the bar "Taboo", he introduced to another guy at his table and that guy immediately said "I know you!" I thought he was crazy but it seems he was the guy on the other end of the phone at the NYC escort agency.
  18. I looked at the website before it went down. The pictures of the middle aged man, laying on the bed in his underwear, appeared to have his eyes closed and possibly be asleep. One wonders if the pictures of the man and his ID's were taken as he was asleep? Ever fell asleep with an escort and left your wallet, ID, etc... laying out? Not every Hotel room has a safe.
  19. Oh my, another politican and rentboy accusation. The Short of the story: A NJ Mayor visiting Orange County Ca. and seeks a Rentboy at 3am to his hotel room. Mr Mayor allegedly pays $500 for giving said rentboy a blowjob and jacking off. Then in moment of sexual afterglow and conversation, Mr Mayor allegedly promises Rentboy $20,000 of recording equipment and a BMW 6 Series car. When Mr Mayor does not follow thru on verbal promise to one night stand Rentboy, Rentboy starts website and e-mails link to various persons and NJ media to ruin Mr Mayor's reputation. Mr Mayor is married with 2 kids, a military vet and past Republican candidate for Congress that supported REPEAL of DADT. Here is a link to the story and the story contains a link to the unamed escort's website where he names the Mayor but escort remains anonymous. http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/local/burlington_county_times_news/website-alleges-mayor-paid-for-sex/article_b5cd3228-4e56-55c8-a8fc-a5d7859220fc.html Now why wouldn't this be considered Blackmail or Extortion on the part of the Escort? I could make multiple comments and observations about this story but I think my comments might be too long.
  20. There have been many interesting stories today surrounding the first offical day of the repeal of DADT. Some soldiers decided to get married today and a gay soldier that decided to come out to his Dad today. His Dad lives in Alabama and he called him from Afganistan, video taped the call and posted it on youtube, BTW the Dad tells him he still loves him and is proud of him. Here is a link to the story and the youtube video is part of the story. http://blog.sfgate.com/hottopics/2011/09/20/us-soldier-comes-out-to-his-father/
  21. As a border state many parts of KY relate more to the Mid-West, primarily the Northern populous areas. The area I live in relates more to the Chicago area actually but 70 miles northeast of where I live you would think you where in Ohio. Cincinnati Ohio's's airport is even in Northern KY. The Central, Southern, and Bluegarss areas are very Southern and extreme Western KY sometimes seems like they are part of Missouri or Illinois. The mountains area of Appalachia seem to be in a world of their own but does have more of a southern feel to the people especially and speak with a distinct Southern accent. But I do consider myself a Southerner. The areas of KY are very varied, part of the charm of the state that was originally part of Virginia.
  22. When I traveled a lot I was almost always an exclusive Marriott points guy and knew the ends and outs on getting double and extra points. I almost always got great upgrades even in places like NYC,and Chicago. The JW Marriott in Bangkok always upgraded me to a 2 room suite and the Marriott in Pattaya surprised me a with birthday cake while eating a late Breakfast in the lounge on my birthday. You should have heard their staff sing Happy Birthday to me in English that morning. I became even more loyal to Marriott after I got stranded in New Orleans for days after Hurricane Katrina (some of you know my story about that) with the effort they took to protect me and the other guests and the efforts they took to get us out of New Orleans at their expense. They took care of me (including food)during and after the Hurricane and never charged me a dime for what they did. Even got a hand written note from Mr Marriott himself after I got safely home.
  23. So now you compare me to a couple of Lesbians? Not sure how to take that my friend.
  24. I will reply to your personal message sent to me about this if that is ok? But let me add, you will note that my comments about the Representative not giving his Blackberry and other things willing was posted BEFORE the IndyStar story telling the Representive's side of the story. But really everyone ought to think about one thing closely. Who, even any of you, would willingly give up your Blackberry to someone you just met knowing all the info and contacts that it contains. Much less an elected official especially to someone you met for the first time on CL. Hell you wouldn't give the damn thing to your best friend. That is the common sense Number 1 fact of this situation. Also the Escort was in possession of the Representative's Capitol ID. Now why would the Representative give him that? That is common sense Number #2 fact of this situation.
  25. Maybe he is bi-sexual and decided to try out that part of his sexual thoughts?
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