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Everything posted by KYTOP

  1. The Firehouse he broke into is 1/2 a block from one of the largest Gay Nightclubs in the Country, The Connection. Yes one of the largest Gay night clubs is in Louisville KY. I was there with friends last Friday and again Sunday night. Lady Gaga even showed up there on stage a few months ago singing with the Drag Queens after her concert in Louisville. But I do not believe she visited the Firehouse down the street. But maybe next time she is in town.
  2. Cool to see KY has the highest percentage of Gays than any other Southern state and we have a higher percentage than New York. Cool. You wouldn't believe all the Closeted Gay Country Boys that make it to Louisville. The Gay Clubs were full during the recent Farm Machinary Show held here that pulls in several thousand people from out of town for the Tractor Pull.
  3. Now that is the way to advertise! Been taking PR classes?
  4. Ain't that the truth! LOL
  5. Both Airline's Boards approved the merger on Wednesday and Government approval, according to all the Business media, is a given. They will keep the name "American" but US Airways seems to be the controlling group due to the American bankruptcy.
  6. This just means a lot of service cuts, layoffs at un-needed hubs, and higher prices.
  7. KYTOP


    As someone that loves American History, I thought the movie was great. I saw it twice, with different friends, and all thought it deserves several Oscar nominations. Sally Field was great. She even traveled to the Mary Todd Lincln home in Lexington Ky to research her role. Even though many criticised Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln , many because he is British in such a historic role, I thought he to be exceptional. Lincoln was known as a story-teller and one of dry wit. I thought he did a great job bringing out that part of Lincoln's personality. I understand much research, including looking at old Congressional records, was done for the Congressional debate and grand standing portrayed in the film. Many often criticize today's Congress as horrrible and the worst in our History. I always tell people that they do not know American History then. Our present day Congress is tame and a Love fest when compared to it's past History as the film rightfully portrays. Another recent film, with some historical significance was Argo. It also was a very good film, very dramatic and filled with suspense. I almost had to drag a 20 something friend of mine to see it, he didn't think it would be interesting. Since it was history I knew the ending, he did not. He loved it and he has since seen it for a second time. I think Argo also deserves a couple Oscar nominations.
  8. Pirates of Penzance, it was the first Broadway Musical I saw and I can still hum a song or two from it. #2 for me, definitely... Momma Mia I actually fell asleep during Wicked the first time I saw it, even had good seats about 4 rows back center. So I had to see it again, stayed awake the second time and the seats weren't as good. LOL
  9. I have always had trouble when trying to list things for which I am thankful because too many times I just end up with a material list of some sort or mention something recent in my life. So when I am asked, or see a topic such as this I always think of my Grandmother, who was a very religious woman that truly believed that God is Love. She taught me to always in her words "Be Thankful that things are as well with you as they are." So for me I will just list that I am Thankful that things are as well with me as they are. (You can count that as 3+)
  10. I have much to be Thankful for and even though I try to be Thankful as I travel thru life I always really try to remember what the Day is for and to be especially Thankful. Happy Thanksgiving greetings also to all.
  11. I was in the Second Grade and my parents had taken me out of school early for a Doctor's Appointment. We were sitting in the waiting room when the receptionist started crying and leaned out the sign-in window, announcing to all in the office that the President had been shot. By the time we got to the car we heard on the radio that he was dead. We spent almost the whole weekend at my father's aunt's house (they had a color TV) watching everything on TV. I also remember being in front of the TV that weekend when Oswald was marched out in front of the TV camera's at the police station and then shot before our very eyes. The whole thing was such a shocking experience for a kid and I think everyone at that time. My family were Republicans and made it known they didn't vote for Kennedy but they respected anyone that was President and grieved with everyone else.
  12. Being in my mid-50's now and having the blessing of being able to travel broadly from my late 30's until my early 50's, it may seem strange but I had never attended a Gay Pride Celebration. I even had a BF in Chicago during this time and never got to Chicago Gay Pride which has one of the largest Gay Pride parades in the world when we were together. Well that has finally changed this year. I was able to attend Chicago Gay Pride in June and attend the parade that had always been on my to do list. I must admit I did feel much pride as I noted the politicans, Local TV coverage and local celebraties in the parade. The major corporations (even Walmart) as sponsors or having floats in the parade. My pride came from realizing how far we as Gay people have progressed from the time of my youth until today. I also found that pride lost upon my younger 20 something companions who could not seem to appreciate anything beyond the Party aspect of our trip. I found myself, as one who has always loved history anyway, lecturing them with stories of Gay History such as NYC's Stonewall Riots, and how 30 years ago it was common to be arrested for just entering a Gay Bar in our own city. Sure they still see some Gay bias and discrimination but their starting point in their view is so far down the scale of the past. Atlanta has changed their Gay Pride Celebration to the fall, this coming weekend, and again my 20 something companions will travel with me to my second Pride event. One has even been asked to march in Sunday's Parade. So as I again feel a great sense of pride at attending the South's Gay Celebration, an area were Gay Sex was still illegal just a decade or so ago, my friends will have to put up with my lectures again. This as I put up with their all night parting,hang-overs and stories of the hot guys they chased all weekend and maybe the couple of guys they actually caught. LOL.
  13. I must agree with your comments on the Pattaya Marriott. I am a Lifetime Marriott Platinum Elite and stayed at this hotel for every trip I made to Pattaya. This hotel always treated me like a king. I went into their membership lounge each morning for a light breakfast while reading an English paper and watching CNN headlines. Was always greeted by name as I passed the reception desk and in the lounge. One trip I was there on my birthday. While eating breakfast the manager and several hotel staff slipped up behind me with a birthday cake with candles and my name on it. The staff then sang Happy Birthday to me. One of the biggest surprises of my life. I think my smile was almost as big as my Thai friends that morning.
  14. I do not live in Indiana but found out I had been given an HIV test a few years ago while in the hospital in my state and my consent for that "specific test" was not asked of me. It seems that when one signs into the hospital you give your doctor consent to run any test he or she may want to run, a blanket consent as such. I found out as I was being discharged and the Doctor just mentioned as a "oh by the way" as I was leaving my room. He knew I was in a health field that comes in contact with blood often and also gay so I guess he thought it was a good idea? If he hadn't mentioned it as I was leaving I would have never known he had run the test. He considered it a routine lab/blood test and it is possible I had/have been tested on other hospital visits without my knowledge.
  15. A High School Counselor in San Antonio Texas found a unique way to end bullying in her High School. She got the Football coach to enlist a group of Football players to act as protectors. Her solution seems to be a great success. Read the Story here: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/education/article/High-school-football-players-fight-bullying-3472442.php
  16. I agree. The lack of respect or concern for privacy in this day and age, especially with the younger generation is unbelievable to me. It is my understanding that the facebook picture did show the last 4 digits of his credit card number, the type of credit card used not to mention how much money he spent and that he was at the restaurant and when, due to the time stamp. I am sure the waiter didn't even think twice about posting the receipt and actually thought he was paying Peyton a compliment about being a generous person.
  17. My thoughts exactly.
  18. Unlike many of my gay friends I am a big sports fan and I find the NCAA College Basketball Tournament (March Madness) to be the ultimate in sporting events. Of Course I have to be rooting for Kentucky to win it all this year even if I do dislike the coach. The teams and brackets are selected Sunday. So any other College hoops fans looking forward to the Madness and who do you favor to win? Let the Madness begin.
  19. I bought some oreo's in honor of it's birthday and ate the whole bag by myself in 2 days.I stepped on the scales this morning and noticed I had gained 2 pounds, hummmm. When I traveled a lot I found Oreo's and Pringles to be a universal snack around the world. The guys in Thailand and South America always seemed to enjoy that I aways had both in my hotel room.
  20. I don't know how many remember the old TV series from the 70's "Love Boat" but I think I watched it every week back then with all it's cheesy story lines and stupid jokes. Well sadly the Boat itself is headed to the scrap heap. The end of another era. http://www.eonline.com/news/mayday_mayday_love_boat_cruise_ship/300010?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories Geesh now I'll have The Love Boat theme song stuck in my head all day.
  21. Interesting especially since in my town of approx 1 millon people in the middle of the country, a Gay 55 room Bouquet Hotel is also under construction, actually a remodeled old building, a few blocks from the Gay Clubs.
  22. Yes I have always been very detailed in regards to my checking account.
  23. Not really "washed up" as you say. He has been making religious movies, very successfully for several years. There is a huge market for that type of film that appeals to a select audience. Remember there is a large religious population in the USA and other countries. My mother actually has 2 of his DVD's about the end of the world as mentioned in the Book of Revelation of the bible. I never watched it but my mother seem to like it a lot to have actually bought the things.
  24. Horrible news and simply tragic. A great voice lost. I remember her song "I want to dance with somebody" being so popular in the Clubs when I really first started going out. I am sure the Grammy Awards tomorrow night will change a bit now with her passing.
  25. KYTOP


    I just recently saw The Iron Lady with Meryl Strep and J Edgar with Leonardo Decaprio. Both have done poorly at the Box office but I enjoyed them both because I enjoy history. Sadly these types of movies are not popular in the age of teenage vampires and comic book movies. As for J Edgar I found out that young people don't even know who he is. I was out at a bar a month or so ago with some young friends and mentioned the Movie. One of the guys, who just graduated from the University with 2 degrees said "what is it about?" I said it is about J Edgar Hoover from history. He says, oh he was the President during the depression wasn't he? I busted out laughing and said no he was the FBI Director for decades under multiple Presidents and had a somewhat checkered life. He says "Oh". None of the 20 somethings in the crowd had a clue who J Edgar was. Oh well they are all cute and great eye candy so history doesn't have to be their strong suit. Plus Mr 2 degree Graduate lets me play with his hot chest after he takes his shirt off in the bar after a few drinks.
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