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I always liked James and all his jokes... So I go with James. Victor really deserved to win since the won so many competitions and kept coming back (plus he had nice nipples) ...but it was not to be.
Where were you/what were you doing as 9/11 unfolded back in 2001?
KYTOP replied to a topic in The Beer Bar
I was in my office in Kentucky. I had the only office with a television, so my office became the gathering point for everyone. I will never forget the office receptionist running from my office loudly sobbing as we all watched in horror as people jumped from the Towers. My Boss and the Company owner were stranded in Chicago as they were taken off their flight home, due to all flights being canceled. My office was close to the Airport, with the UPS air hub, and just East of the flight path. Very odd to see no flights for days. The Boss and owner were able to get one of the last rental cars left in Chicago. They had to sign an agreement to return the car to Chicago within a week because everyone renting cars were wanting to leave the cars in their destination city. Leaving ALL of Chicago's cars all over the country. We are 300 miles from Chicago. I was involved with a large ambulance service in Louisville. Our service was activated by the Feds because Louisville is a Medical receiving city during national disasters. We put staffed ambulances at the Air National Guard base at the airport to receive patients to relieve NYC if they were overwhelmed. No one came.... there were so few wounded survivors. -
I can't believe you guys are not going gah gah over the Tonga Flag bearer at the Olympics. Dude oiled his shirtless muscle body and just about brought the house down. Now everyone wants to know "Where the hell is Tonga?". His pictures are all over the internet but I never could figure out how to post pics, so here is a couple of links. I think I want to go to Tonga http://www.telegraph.co.uk/olympics/2016/08/06/tonga-flag-bearer-may-break-the-internet/ http://www.eonline.com/news/785728/tonga-s-olympic-flagbearer-steals-the-show-with-his-oily-bod?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories&cmpid=par-121113-outbrain-paid-links
Why should this be a surprise? The Catholic Church does not recognize same sex marriage nor allow their priest to marry same sex couples in their Churches. I realize he said a lot of things "Liberal" citizens of our country agree with but he also said things for the "Conservatives" in our country (i.e. anti-Gay marriage and Pro-Life). I found it very amusing when watching CNN coverage of his visit, they completely ignored his comments regarding Abortion, Gay Marriage (both mentioned in his address to Congress) and other Conservative view-points. But kept on raving about Climate Change and anti-death penalty. Very biased coverage.
He is very much in my thoughts and prayers, Hoping all will turn out well.
Now the LA Times has picked up the story: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-gay-porn-blackmail-20150401-story.html
Well Arizona also has a Religious Freedom Act, so you will be happy to know that you can still keep them on your most F**ked up state list. They had theirs well before Indiana. I don't say I agree or disagree with Indiana or the other states but, you will not find the Words "Sexual Orientation" in Indiana's law. So I still don't understand why not the out cry with the other states and calls for Boycotts that Indiana is receiving? What makes Indiana stand out in the crowd?
Per CNN Indiana is the 20th state to enact a "Religious Freedom Act" that is based on a 1993 Federal Religious Freedom Act signed into law by President Clinton. Some of the states with same or similar laws include Connecticut, Rhode Island, Texas, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Virginia, Florida, New Mexico, Kentucky, Etc... Here in Kentucky the Democrat Governor vetoed the Religious Freedom bill a few years ago but the veto was over-ridden, including by the Democrat House of the Legislature. The Kentucky Law came about because we have several Amish Communities. They were having trouble with state traffic laws being applied to their Horse and Buggies being used on state roads, including the reflective safety triangles that tractors must also have on the rear of the tractor. And the Amish were refusing to pay the traffic fines resulting in some being placed in jail. They also have several small farming, furniture, and vegetable stand businesses. The law doesn't just protect them but any religion. Even though we also had the argument about this law being a Gay issue here. To my knowledge we have had no such problems from the law as it relates to the Gay Community. The Catholics still sell Fish to Gays at the Parish Fish Fry, welcome their money at the Catholic picnics and Hobby Lobby still sells things to the Drag Queens I know here in town to make their costumes and outfits. So why NOW is there such a Brouhaha about Indiana when 19 other states, including some Democratic leaning states, have the same or similar laws? Is it because Indiana Governor Pence may run for President?
Are all the "Cookie monsters" ready for the Empire 2 hour season finale?
KYTOP replied to a topic in The Beer Bar
I have been amazed with this show since the first episode and told a few friends who also got quickly addicted to watching it. One watching it ON-Demand after I told him about it, sent me a text just about every time Cookie opened her mouth with an "LOL, Oh No she just....." I'm not one that watches a whole lot of TV but this is one show I anxiously looked forward to each week. It addressed a lot of issues and Cookie kept me laughing my ass off. -
I think we might all be surprised how often this type of thing happens that we do not hear about. It was good the Blackmail Victim actually got brave enough and went to the FBI.
It has been interesting to read one's opinions on the political situation that continues to repeat itself in Thailand. I have also followed this very closely in European and American media. The AP and BBC have actually had some fairly good coverage with a bit of Historical and Editorial content thrown into their reporting. From my observations, the majority of Thai's are poor and live in the rural areas. In any fair election their votes will continue to dominate, much to the displeasure of the minority but powerful elites in Bangkok. These elites will never allow the majority votes to put in place a Government they will agree with. Therefore the powerful elites, that includes Thailand's Judges, will always create anarchy until the Democratically elected Government is thrown out. Either by Judicial Rulings, Political unrest, or as always appears the end result...Military Coup.
Should A History of Smoking Crack Disqualify One From Office?
KYTOP replied to Lucky's topic in The Beer Bar
Should A History of Smoking Crack Disqualify One From Office? Yes, -
I did not know there was any gay political issues with this movie until I read the posts here. I hadn't read any other concerns on some of the Gay sites I occasionally visit. With that said, I have seen the movie. I noticed in a link provided by Hitoallusa that most that saw it rated it a B+, I would have to agree with that. It was actually a pretty good movie and #1 at the box office last weekend, though with weak competition. Would I have seen it had I known of the political issues? I don't know? There weren't any movies playing that I had not already seen that seemed interesting (Had seen Gravity and Bad Grandpa) and after seeing a preview for Ender's Game it won out. Some of the space and weightlessness scenes were good and the kid that played Ender was very good in the part. The movie had some moral or what might be considered Liberal type themes of debate between peace vs communication or talking, Strike first before they strike you, Hawk vs Dove type of debate, leadership vs bullying etc... It actually provided for good conversation with friends after we saw it.
I think that the Boycott thing has been used so much over the years to the point of over reaction and abuse, that John Q Public just doesn't pay any attention anymore. I hear another boycott announced and I just roll my eyes, as most people do now a days. Boycotts use to really stand for something, Like the Birmingham Bus Boycotts during the Civil Rights days. But now it has just been over used to the point of virtually meaning nothing. A good example was a few years ago Ford Motor stopped advertising in Gay print media for business reasons. So even with a strong History of support to the Gay Community several called for a boycott. It went nowhere and now in reflection with the rapid decline of print media everyone should see it was a smart business move for Ford to use those ad dollars elsewhere. It is the abuse of the "Boycott Call" like that, that has made a call to boycott almost useless.
Geesh, it was a rough day being the stunt double for Miley's Wrecking Ball Video.
Gays in Baton Rouge arrested under invalid sodomy law
KYTOP replied to KYTOP's topic in The Beer Bar
I should have noted that the story was in the Baton Rouge newspaper "The Advocate" and not the Gay newspaper "The Advocate". I think it does say something positive that the local newspaper dug into this and printed the story. -
A sheriff in Baton Rouge Louisiana has been arresting Gay men during sting operations for sodomy after agreeing to consensual sex in a private residence. This even though the Supreme Court ruled such laws unconstitutional years ago. Unbelievable, this is the USA not Russia. I ran across the story on another news site that referenced the original story in the Advocate that I have linked to: http://theadvocate.com/home/6580728-125/gays-in-baton-rouge-arrested Now after the negative publicity the Sheriff's office is backing off a little bit. But I love the Councilman's angry response to the Sheriff's office once he learned what the Sheriff's Office has been doing for at least 2 years. http://theadvocate.com/home/6631425-125/ebrso-park-arrests-needed-different
A Double Congratulations... One For New York and one for California.
Thanks, I still stick my head in here once in awhile but I am not as chatty in my old age as I once was.
Being born, raised, and still living in Kentucky, let me welcome you and your Family to their new home. I have had the blessing of traveling many places in my life but Kentucky is still my home. It is a very pretty and generally friendly place to live.
Let me also send Birthday wishes To Chuck50. We had the pleasure to meet over dinner years ago and I still remember the pleasant conversion and person that went with it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
You will note it is an old picture. As a Kentucky boy (years ago) man I am familiar with this "failed" restaurant concept. It was started after the Colonel sold out and the new owners decided to try a new restaurant concept, similar to Arby's, it failed badly. Now if you are looking for the KY Beef Oz favors you will find lots of it about the state, some in a few surprising places.
As a BIG Louisville Fan that lived 2 blocks from campus for over 20 years this was unbearable. But I think it was also unbearable for any sports fan to see such a horrible injury on live TV, regardless of who you are rooting for. Such an unexpected injury to happen in Basketball. It shook not only the other Louisville players up but even the game announcers. Louisville was favored in the tournament and now they just want to win for their team-mate. Good Luck to them and GO CARDS!!!!
12) And we didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that! I once asked my Grandmother, who died a few years ago well into her 90's, what was the greatest change or invention she saw in her life. She remembered a time without electricity (used kerosene lamps), wood burning stoves to heat and to cook, rode to town and church in horse and wagon, outside toilets, no telephone or television, plus numerous other lack of what she called "luxeries" and she raised 12 kids. Her response was the "Microwave oven". She thought it was the greatest thing ever and even heated her coffee in it during the day. It amazed me that was her answer, but if I had once cooked on a wood stove I might have said the same thing.
Gay porn star breaks into firehouse and masturbates on gear
KYTOP replied to a topic in The Beer Bar
Yep... http://www.theconnection.net/. Also btw, Kentucky's second largest city Lexington, in the middle of Bluegrass horse country, has an openly Gay man serving as it's Mayor. Louisville had one of the first Gay Rights Ordinances in the country, has an openly Gay female on the Metro City Council and the Louisville's Mayor's spokesperson is a Gay man. But our Gay Pride Parade sucks, and not in a good way.