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It has been well over ten years but I had great times, including great sex 😁 in both countries . Always felt safe and I would walk about BKK and Pattaya with never a fear for my safety, day or night. Except for the time I almost got run over by an elephant on a street in Pattaya lol. I never had any problems getting around and going places, doing what ever, even though I still can't speak a bit of the Thai language. It truly was the Land of Smiles for me. On every trip to Brazil, Sao Paulo and Rio, I always hired a young guide I was introduced to by a major poster here. The guide was from Sao Paulo and not an escort and no sex was involved with him. I paid him $100USD per day and he stayed with me throughout my trip and stayed with me in my hotel room. He was a great tour guide of tourist sites and the Saunas, Gay life, beaches and restaurants. We became good friends. Always had my back, many times when walking he would say "lets cross the street" or change directions if he was suspicious of someone following us, and always made sure no one put anything in my drinks. Stood guard at ATMs and Currency exchange and was very guarded. He of course spoke the language and English, was fantastic when dealing with the guys at the saunas. We did have an incident with the police. The taxi, he, a sauna guy, and myself were riding in was stopped by a police officer. The Cop asked Driver, my guide and the sauna guy to step out of the Taxi and show ID's but not me. The cop then talked to the driver for a bit. After the driver got back in and we pulled away my guide said I needed to give the driver an extra amount to money to cover the bribe he gave to the cop. Cop said someone didn't have a seat belt on or something or other. On one trip we saw a couple get robbed right outside the street café we were eating at. I don't think I would feel comfortable visiting Rio by myself. But I absolutely love Brazil. I also traveled to Colombia a few times, but to see a specific guy I met on F4F. It seemed safer than Rio but crime was still an issue. Back then they had Security cops in military fatigues at the ATM machines with AK 47s. Cars were checked, including mirror looks under the car, when entering the Mall car park. And Cops in military fatigues with AK 47 type weapons' walked patrolling the malls. 2 of them stood on each side of me once to have our pictures taken, they got a big laugh out of it. Once, My friend and his friends rapidly escorted me from a public restaurant/ park area when a fight broke out. But I would walk to a mall close to my hotel and McDonalds and never had a problem. Colombia is a beautiful country with many beautiful men. When I was visiting Brazil, Thailand, and Colombia they all 3 seemed to be bargains to me then, especially compared to Europe. I am sure inflation has hit them some since my last trips. Honestly I do not think I would feel safe Visiting Boystown or other parts of Chicago, Portland and some other US cities right now either.
NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site
KYTOP replied to KYTOP's topic in The Beer Bar
Same here and many family and friends think I am a dinosaur because I am not on facebook. I am from an age when Privacy was an important possession to be protected. -
NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site
KYTOP replied to KYTOP's topic in The Beer Bar
Yes of course I remember him visiting while we where there. In response to your earlier post about Ray. Yes I knew about Ray. On my last visit w Ray in St Augustine he was not doing very well. I understand he passed within a year after I last saw him. Miss him, he was the first person from the Old Hooboy site I met. -
NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site
KYTOP replied to KYTOP's topic in The Beer Bar
Humming "Thanks for the memories" 🙂 -
NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site
KYTOP replied to KYTOP's topic in The Beer Bar
Over the past few years I have randomly watched Senate Committee Judicial confirmation hearings live on the Judiciary Committee's website. Yea a bit geeky I guess. It has been very interesting to see some of these now Judges try to backtrack, explain, apologize, and squirm when confronted with their past social media posts. Post that are very partisan, yet they are promising to be non partisan as a Judge. Posts that have criticized some of the very Senators by name that they now sit in front off. Many of these social media posts were made as Law students or when they were defending or commenting on a specific past ruling or judgement. Many of these past posts have been critical of a Supreme Court ruling that as a Judge they now will have to uphold. I have found the groveling and backtracking and sidestepping actually very funny and entertaining. So far I haven't seen any questions about any possible nude pictures. LOL -
NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site
KYTOP replied to KYTOP's topic in The Beer Bar
Hey Rob its been at least 14 -15 yrs I think. Hope you are well. In spite of 2 heart attacks w a triple by-pass, 4 colon surgeries and just plain getting old I am doing quite well. Thanks for asking. I said I would stop hiring escorts when I turned 50 and actually stopped when I was 51 (15 years ago). My last escort was Michael Vincenzo, geez he was great. I had to retire early and unexpectedly, during the 2009 recession, so I also stopped the traveling but I became a full time Grandpa and grandkid driver. Nothing like grandkids. -
This veteran NYC cable channel weatherman was fired over nude photos sent to his boss taken from a nude cam website this guy apparently performed on. https://nypost.com/2022/09/19/nyc-weatherman-fired-after-webcam-nudes-sent-to-boss/ I must saw I do feel sorry for the guy but I have a few questions, like: Which web cam site? As my interest in now peaked and I would like to see more.😜 Was someone trying to extort him? He is trying to sue the sender of the photos. Can he really expect privacy from his boss or others when he has put him self out there. Is it fair to lose a job for this? I guess so, but seems it might of increased their viewership. 😁
George C Scott will always be Patton
Tell me what state (US) you are from, or country (world) in 2 words
KYTOP replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
Horses Bourbon -
What 3 Words would you say to your 18 year old self?
KYTOP replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
Should've taken typing , I had just finished high school and never took typing. Back then only girls took typing. Back then any man that made it very far in the Office would have a secretary. I got high enough to have a secretary and then BOOM the computer age and word processor. After a computer entered my office the secretary soon disappeared and buckle up bucko it is easy to do your own typing and correct mistakes at ease. BUT I CAN'T TYPE. As I type this I am still hunting and pecking with 2 fingers. Many things have changed since High School, and I still regret I did not take typing. -
Yes it is him. He starred with the late River Phoenix. There is one scene were River keeps tweaking Keanu's nipple while they are lying in bed. I remember Keanu had great nipples.😊
Truly very sad to hear this. I also met him in Montreal years ago when several of us would meet there. Sat in many Clubs with him and shared many a meal in his company. All great memories of him. Very sad , RIP my Traveling Friend.
So what is the difference between hiring a guy off the internet or a Club Stage for the same purpose? I am sure you did not take your high priced internet hire to a Motel 6. And if your telling yourself he is not with you because he wants the money then you are delusional. And sadly for you, you really did miss the true meaning of the story.
I got Starz for free as part of my cable the last time I moved about 10 yrs ago. Watched each season as it came out. The Actors illness and death was a big topic of conversation on entertainment sites at the time. You are correct he was a truly sexy man. It reminded me of Actor Jon-Erik Hexum who died in 1984 on the set of the TV Series Cover-up. He dies when he was playing with a blank gun and shot himself. Wading from the blank entered his brain and he died. I was only 18 at the time and had a huge crush on him. He was also very sexy and often shirtless on the show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon-Erik_Hexum
Your comment reminds me I learned that from my first trip to Bangkok. My first trip to a Thai Boy Club I was a bit taken back and felt uneasy. Attractive Guys parading on stage in skimpy underwear with a number attached seemed like a meat market and I was very uncomfortable. But after talking to the guys I realized, as you stated, many had traveled from country villages to Bangkok for the sole purpose of being a sex worker. And I realized I was not only in a different country but a different culture and sex culture. I actively hired escorts for about 10 years around the world, throughout my 40's and was a very active reviewer at the Old Hooboys site and a few here when Oz first started this site. The last escort I hired was when I turned 50 (2 heart attacks and 4 colon surgeries later I am now in my early 60's). I always stayed in a suite at the JW Marriott in Bangkok (this is important to the story). From my many trips to Thailand the one guy that still sticks out in my mind above all was on one of the first nights of my first trip. I met a cute tall guy at one of the smaller clubs. He returned to my room and after some play we ordered room service. He was truly thrilled and I asked him to spend the night. Then breakfast in the members lounge the next morning. I learned that he was from a farming village on the Burma -Thai border and came to Bangkok to be a sex worker, and had not been working long. His family knew why he came to Bangkok and he sent money back home. It was considered honorable. In the village he made money collecting dry-land fish, from a nearby river, and sold them in the village. For those that don't know, that is fish that remains on land after a river or stream recedes after a flood or high water. He lived in Bangkok with about a half dozen or more other guys where they shared one room. So the night in a suite at the Marriott was a big thing for him. I noticed when he was on stage he wore a battered dirty old pair of white tennis shoes without laces that barely stayed on this feet. After breakfast I asked him if he had other shoes, answer no. I asked the hotel if there was a department store near. There was a very nice one just a few blocks away. I asked him to go with me before he left. He did and I took him up the escalator to the shoe dept and told him to pick out a pair, whatever he wanted. I then saw the perfect picture of the Land of smiles on his face. He kept asking about this shoe or that one, I said whatever you want. I stood back laughing while he was sitting in the floor surrounded by a dozen boxes it seemed trying to pick. I think it brought me as much joy as it did him. He settled on a nice pair of Nikes if I remember correctly. Outside he was still smiling big, thanked me again, bowed and we parted. That night I went back to the small club and as I walked in he was sitting off to the side with other guys, wearing his new shoes, waiting for their turn to rotate on stage. As I sat down he pointed toward me and said something to the other guys. As some of them rotated off stage they come over to me, bowed, and thanked me for being kind to their friend. They did not ask to go with me, instead thanked me for their friend. Now I don't know if he was "desperate", but I do know he was just working to support himself and family in a job he came to Bangkok to do and he thought it to be an honorable job. I had great sex with many sexy guys while hiring, including from a certain Escort Agency in NYC , and remember many of these great encounters. But I remember absolutely nothing about the sex with him. But I still remember his reactions at the Luxury Hotel and how good I felt to make him so happy and put that big smile on his face. Yes he did spend the night with me more than once on two different trips. In those 10 years I hired around 200 guys or so (plus repeats) and had close to 150 reviews on the OLD Hooboy site. I have no regrets nor feel guilty about anyone I hired, did not inquire as to their desperation for funds, and met some truly great people that I had much respect for. I had a monthly regular in Indianapolis I met at a strip club. He was 'str8' but our 2 hr visit made his truck payment each month. His girlfriend had used a strapon with him but he loved the real thing more and was a fantastic bottom. Was he desperate for money? Don't know but he was great in bed and got this truck payment made. He got so hard with a cock in him I think he come out of the deal pretty good. I hired several Escorts that were teachers needing to pay off student loans. Were they desperate? Don't know but they were great companions and great in the sack. Anyone that works, does it at least partly for the money, regardless of the profession. Even the rich.
From reading this article by The Hill's investigative reporter it would seem to conflict with some items in the article you referenced. From reading The Hill investigative article I could understand why there might be a conversation Between the Ukrainian and US Presidents (Governments) concerning the Burisma investigation and possible interference of a former US Government official(s) into this investigation. The Ukraine is notorious for corruption so who knows where this goes. And Yes the US Government, present and past administrations, would be justified in withholding funds over corruption concerns just as it has with several other countries in the past. Link to the Hill article: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/463307-solomon-these-once-secret-memos-cast-doubt-on-joe-bidens-ukraine-story I do not think this whole mess will help either Biden or Trump. Biden may be the biggest loser though and I'm thinking it may be time to prepare myself for President Warren. In the meantime I wish to hibernate until it is all over. Don't care for all the Hate and fighting.
Yes in Montreal but there was some very firm contact from the dancer. One big muscled gym at Campus would put my cock in his mouth as soon as we got in the back and wouldn't stop until I came in his mouth. Didn't want me to touch him so I just went with it and it happened more than once during my trip. The most embarrassing was at Stock. A dancer was rubbing his ass and hole so hard against the front of my pants I was almost penetrating him and almost came. But I was wearing Khaki pants. Upon exiting the booth I looked down and I had the biggest longest skid marks down the front of my pants, he basically used me as his toilet paper. Covering my front with my hands I excused myself from my friends to my Hotel room to change. Never got those pants clean enough to wear again. BTW i never wore khakis to Montreal again. LOL
I do not visit here very often as in past years and comment even less. But reading this topic thread for the first time has left me with several thoughts and personal observations. A few thoughts from reading this: Lucky started this thread to state he felt Biden is a flawed Presidential candidate. Back on topic I agree. There are several interesting alternatives that many here and across the country should be researching and see what you find or like in these persons. Warren? Harris? Mayor Pete? Yang? etc... Is some Socialist proposals the direction America wants to go? But this thread turned in to a Hate Trump thread and no debate on not hating him is allowed or you are a racist. (you should use that word carefully). My Mother slapped me across the face the first time I used the word Hate in front of her. "You can dislike something but NEVER HATE" was her advice. I remember this advice more often these last few months and while reading this thread. I neither Hate nor Love Trump and wish sometimes he would just keep his damn mouth shut. But the Trump Hate dominates this thread and from reading it the Hate is so thick I personally just discount many comments do to the Hate that comes from the comments. The loose use of the word 'racist' against those who have opinions you do not agree with has become the New McCarthyism of our day. By calling anyone who doesn't Hate Trump a racist you are not changing their opinions you are just chasing them into the closet. A large number of Trump supporters I know will not put up a yard sign, bumper sticker, admit it in public, nor God forbid wear red hat in public for fear of being called a racist or attacked or their car or property being damaged. These closeted Trump supporters also will probably not properly show up in a poll because they will not admit their support. How this is affecting the polls no one knows. This is America so please Vote for whomever you wish... Biden? Warren? Trump? Sanders? Yang? but please keep your Hate out of your opinion it only makes you look biased and your not winning anyone to your side. As for me I am the voter everyone fears. My votes can not be taken for granted by any Political Party or person. I am the ultimate ticket split er, I vote for Democrats and Republicans (boos and hisses from the gallery) and I have no idea yet who I will vote for. Is it possible I could vote for Trump, yes it depends on the economy and a strong military but I find Yang and Mayor Pete interesting. Sanders and Warren are the same from my view point but I think I'd take Warren over Sanders. Biden he better damn sure have a strong VP running mate, not to be mean but I truly feel he is bordering on dementia. A concern I also have with Trump and Sanders. If Your Hate is visible in your opinions it is still HATE. Is your hate really any different than any other hate? Sadly for many here your Hate is showing and it does not suit you well. Enjoy your debates.
Sex for sale is not a constitutional right rules 9th Circuit Court upholding California's prostitution laws. Interesting articles: https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Sex-for-sale-is-not-a-constitutional-right-court-12505404.php http://reason.com/blog/2018/01/17/no-right-to-earn-a-living-via-sex
I only occasionally stick my head into this site, even though I was one of the first members here. I am just now seeing this for the first time and I am deeply saddened by this horrible news. My thoughts and prayers are for his family and close friends, many of them here. May he Rest in Peace.
Amazon/Bezo is rumored to want to extend its holdings in the Media sector and has started preparation to branch into the online Pharmacy business, insurance plus many other areas. When you have the cash, not just stock paper wealth, a company will put that cash some wheres besides the bank. If they are successful with their planned/proposed expansion areas, yes I expect some Government action in the next few years. I also believe there are Justice Dept lawyers that are looking closely, ready to pounce, when they feel Amazon has crossed the line of too much economy domination. The companies you mentioned do not operate with Amazon's diversity and planned expansion. IBM has had to divest past holdings to steer clear of Government intervention some years ago.
Since I am not a Prime member it takes at least a week plus if I buy from Amazon which, if I count correctly has 7 warehouses less than 100 miles from my home. Bought the grand-kids Christmas toys from Walmart.com and got each item in 3 days w free shipping. The 2 toys I got from amazon, 7 days. Of course Christmas is a few weeks away, so no panic. I believe Mr Bezo and Amazon will soon be the target of Federal Anti-trust Laws, just like the Rockefellers, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, etc... The Anti-trust laws, if applied correctly, are meant to keep anyone person, or Company from controlling an excessive amount of the US Economy. With Mr Bezo and Amazon's continued expansion into multiple industries, don't be surprised when the Justice Dept steps in.
I live about 1 hour from the Ark Amusement Park and all is well, NO Flood. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble. The screen shot in the original post is from pre-opening construction of the Ark from a few years ago. We haven't had enough rain to create a Flood anywhere near here for sometime. 1-2 inch of rain here does not a flood create. I would say Fake News.... even though i cringe when i use that term. Sorry, the place is open and drawing big crowds from all over the USA, foreign visitors, and bus tours from Canada are almost daily visitors. The biggest problem seems to be since the area is so rural, there are few hotel rooms in the area forcing visitors to stay in the Northern KY/Cincinnati area. As for Kentucky just a few facts for you. The University of Louisville and the City of Louisville is considered one of the Country's Gay friendliest University's and Gay friendliest Cities in the country. Louisville has a large Gay population that is fueled from the many rural areas of Southern Indiana and Ky. Kentucky's second largest City, Lexington, has an openly Gay Mayor who is in his second term. I notice much more gay bashing in larger Northern Cities and states than you ever hear around here. I love living in Kentucky and know many very good religious people. So please do not Judge All religious people from the negative examples you can can easily find.
12 Countries for me: Canada, England, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Colombia, and Australia. I found 4 countries so much to my liking that I ended up returning to them multiple times instead of seeing new ones. They are Canada, Brazil, Thailand and Colombia.
Sorry guys but the rural areas and 'fly-over' country' still loves the guy and Yes they think he is doing what he promised. That includes where I live outside the 2 main cities. What has he done some are asking? Illegal Immigration and the start of deportations, Pipelines, working on a Healthcare plan they think they can afford and hoping for the Expanded Medicaid welfare ride to end, because our state like most others can't afford it since the Feds reduced their share forcing it on state budgets. 500,000 NEW Medicaid insured, the ONLY reason the uninsured rate went down in my state. A steady stream of companies deciding to stay and expand here. A Supreme Court nominee they absolutely love, Expanding the Military etc... This is why people voted for him. You may not like these things but they do. Hillary won the popular vote but look where her winning margin was.... California. She won Cal by 4.3 million...Nationwide by 2.8-2.9 million. http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/its-official-clintons-popular-vote-win-came-entirely-from-california/ I haven't checked the numbers but I was told her LA County margin alone was more than 2.8 million. Remove California from the equation and Trump had the Popular vote. What does it take for people to realize that if you get off the Damn coast it is a different country and yes, like it or not Trump rules the Heartland....Sorry guys. I personally am just sitting back hoping for the best and trying to give him a chance just like I did Bush and Obama with as open a mind as I can TRY to have. No I don't see a Republican Congress, and a few Red state Dems, voting for impeachment anytime soon.