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Everything posted by KYTOP

  1. Cool painting, Thanks for sharing
  2. It has been reported that a few more items about ths situation have come to light. After the Navy checked the ship's computer they found many more of Capt Honors videos besides those given to the Virgina Newspaper, which was to be expected. But the problem now seems to be that he was ordered to stop with the Rauchy Videos in early 2007, when they were first brought to the attention of higher ups in the Navy. He did not follow those orders and continued to produce the videos until at least July of 2007, several months after the order to stop. Now this may be the career ending factor for the Captain. Failure to follow a direct order of his superiors.
  3. It has also now occurred in Sweden: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12118839 Plus smaller groups of birds have fallen in Northern Louisiana and Western Kentucky on New Year's Day. http://www.nola.com/pets/index.ssf/2011/01/hundreds_more_birds_found_dead.html
  4. I could agree with you if he wasn't a Commanding Officer. The ship is full of 18-20'ish sailors and one would expect some fratboy type of activities. But when these activities are lead by a Commander there is a problem. He is not "just one of the guys" he is a Commander. So when he has a sailor that harrasses females sailors, calling them "chicks" and wanting to watch them shower how does he discipline that sailor? Or a sailor that refers to Gays as "Fags"? But Captain how can you discipline me when I was just doing what you did!! It appears a whole class of sailors (SWOs),that are non-aviator support staff on the ship, he referred to as "Fags" in the videos. Does that make it ok for the rest of the ship to call them "Fags" also now? Well the Captain called them that too!!! Was that a form of bullying them? I do agree with him losing command of the ship. Whether it should be permanent or not I guess it depends on the outcome of the Navy investigation. Unless they find other stuff I hope he is not forced to resign from the Navy or Court Marshaled for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer. My biggest question would be to the Navy as to why now? Instead of 4 years ago when the videos were made and brought to their attention. Wonder how much the repeal of DADT plays into this.
  5. To me the New York Broadway productions have alot to do with the theatres themselves in addition to the actual performance. We have a great, large and impersonal performing arts center here where I live, that has many good preformances. But the shows just lack the feel of the New York Theatre.
  6. Sad news. He was one of my favorite artists from my youth. I always appreciated the instrumentals that went with his music. Thanks for sharing the video. I think I'll spend some of the evening listening to his music in his honor.
  7. After reading this article and watching the video with it, my reaction is that the USS Enterprise is a big floating frathouse. I can appreciate humor but what kind of leadership does this show. I am not sure of what I think about the whole situation except that Capt Honors definitely should not be allowed to remain the Commander of the Aircraft Carrier. It should be noted theses videos where created on board while the ship was deployed during war and it's planes were dropping bombs. A modern day McHale's Navy (for those who can remember that old TV series) but this one is real life. http://hamptonroads.com/2010/12/raunchy-videos-starring-enterprise-skipper-come-light Even though the Navy was aware of the videos years ago they will now investigate: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_LEWD_NAVY_VIDEO?SITE=VANOV&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT PS: Wasn't sure where to put this topic, maybe it should be in the main topic section?
  8. KYTOP

    Happy New

    Happy New Year to you as well and everyone else here that I have had the pleasure to meet and those that I have not also. To all....Happy New Year Year.
  9. If one can get to the core beliefs, and past the loonies, you would be surprised how much many of us have in common with some of the core Tea Party goals, I was. Looks like this guy almost showed his tea-bag : http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/man-strips-at-va-791764.html
  10. I think it has something to do with the perceived invasion of privacy issues with the Full Body scanners, searches of personal laptops (I think this has been discussed here before), and other similar privacy issues.
  11. KYTOP

    America's Shame

    But as a serviceman he falls under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Military Law and actually does not have all the rights that a non-military person may have such as confinement without charges. This is allowed under our constitution. Maybe he should have actually read some of those papers he signed when he chose to join the military. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Code_of_Military_Justice
  12. Guy runs in speedo for several miles in freezing tempertures to raise money for a family that lost their child in a fire before Christmas. http://www.wlky.com/news/26268706/detail.html
  13. KYTOP

    America's Shame

    Well I have read other news stories about this with a different take on things. For example he is not allowed sheets, or clothing other than shorts because he is considered a suicide risk. Imagine the story if he actually hung himself in his prison cell from a sheet, shirt, or other article of clothing while in Federal Custody. He has a light into his cell 24/7 so the guards can check to make sure he has not harmed himself. He is in solitary confinement and it is normal for such persons in any prison to only receive 1 hour out of their cell for exercise a day and that exercise can be limited. It is also normal to limit their time for television. I do not expect as a tax payor to pay for him to have 100 cable channels 24/7. It is also not unusual to limit someone like this from news reports. It should also be remembered he is still a soldier and therefore falls under military confinement rules. There is much more about his confinement and the reason, that this story has so conveniently left out in order to slant their take on the situation. Do I feel sorry for him? Easy answer... No.
  14. Before I retired I drove past this place fairly often. It was just down the street from a new office we were opening. It wasn't filled with cars then but was still in bad shape. The city was actually working hard to revise the area,(new streets, sidewalks, undergorund utilities and fiber optic cables) we were remodeling an old building to move our Indy offices to just down the street from the old stadium toward the interstate and the hospital area. But the recession was starting to hurt those efforts to revise the area by the city. The Minor League team moved to a new stadium downtown (Victory Field) several years ago next to the Convention Center.
  15. OK, so why doesn't something like this happen when I go shopping?
  16. From looking at her eyes it does seem like she could use some glasses. Guess her mom never told her you could go blind from that.
  17. Hopefully she will not be the next Brittany Spears or Lindsey Lohan. Seems like so many child stars or celebrities have such a hard time adjusting to adulthood.
  18. I am surprised that you of all people would already have this guy judged as innocent by trial in the media you have chosen to read a story from. I thought the courts were for that and not the San Francisco newspaper. Maybe you should just contact the Swedes and tell them so and maybe they will drop the charges? I read or scan 10-12 or more online newspapers or news sites each day. Including several from across the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Asia, and 1 from South America. I have seen similar stories as you linked but have also seen several stories stating the second woman when she found out he didn't have a condom told him to STOP!!! He didn't. Also seen stories were they say there did not seem to be an issue with the guy until the 2 women found out about each other. What is the old saying about a woman scorned? Also read stories about what the Swedes define as Rape by their laws as compared to the USA and some other countries. Seems like you will find multiple takes on this story depending upon which news site you wish to read. I am not a Swedish lawyer, Prosecuter, JUDGE, nor do I know very much about Swedish law. I do not know all the details of his alleged "Rape and Sexual Molestation charges" (Quote from a Montreal paper Friday) and do not presume him to be either guilty or "innocent". But he should have his day in Swedish Court for each side to present their case.
  19. It is obvious there are things in the compromise tax bill you do not like as there are things in it I do not like. They may be or not be the same. At the same time it is also obvious there are things the President does not like, the Democrats do not like, and the Republicans do not like. That is why it is a compromise and I think it is good that both sides are giving in some to get something done. Are the Democrats now to be the new "Party of NO?' As for the "Tax cut" for the rich, I still scratch my head on that one. With the Bush tax cuts, rates for all American's were cut across the board aproximately 10 years ago. So I look at it as a tax increase (not cut) if the tax rates go back to what they were 10 years ago. This new tax bill keeps the employment tax rates at their present levels for another 2 years for a total of 12 years at the same rate. How many years do rates have to stay the same for it to no longer be considered a tax cut. As for keeping the rates the same adding to the deficit. It really doesn't unless they budgeted for increased revenue from the tax increase when estimating future revenue. If people are serious about the deficit then just let the tax rates expire for everyone and go back to what they were 10 years ago. No need for a class warfare to result for it.
  20. You will find that multiple news organizations from CBS to the BBC to the UK Guardian and multiple more, have all stated he is wanted in Sweden for "Rape and sexual molestation charges" Google it. Again let him return to Sweden and let the courts figure it out.
  21. You should note that my comment says "MAY HAVE" not did. He has been accused of Rape. He should return to Sweden to face the allegations against him. I am not assuming he is innocent or guilty. It appears you have already declared him innocent of the charges. I thought that is what courts were for?
  22. It is actually nice to see some bi-partisanship for once instead of all the lip service. Neither side got exactly what they wanted, that is called compromise. Maybe this country would do a little better if we saw more of it instead of the "My way or the Highway" attitute from both sides.
  23. Ahhh, he may have raped 2 women. That's what he is under arrest for. Seems like people seem to just brush that aside.
  24. It was actually a fairly far reaching decision in Federal Court. The Mayor even apologized and I belive the Police Chief ended up leaving over the raid. Note lastest Atlanta Journal article (there have been several over the past few days): http://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta/atlanta-could-have-settled-771480.html
  25. It is not for the Republicans to propose anything, they are not the President!!!!! HE IS. If he can't do the Frickin job then get someone that can!!!!! Does he have a set written out jobs plan for this country? NOOOOOOO. even Liberal Newsweek Columnist Eleanor Cleft admits that. As for expecting clean energy to fuel the next employment boom, dream on. We are already importing wind turbines from China at the same time we are closing coal mines in Appalachia. How about a plan to increase manufacturing? Has he thought of a few one-on-ones with major US companies asking for jobs to be returned here. How about tariffs on China imports or revolking their favored trade status? I'm not the President, I don't have the answers. The problem Obama is the President and it is his job to fix it, he ain't doing sh*t. Enough of the blame Bullsh*t. Let's blame the present mess on a Democrat Congress that took over in 2006 for failing to control Fannie and Freddie instead of Bush. I don't care for the blame game. He is the President he needs to do his job. Yes I am as pissed about this as I have ever been about anything in my life. President Hoover didn't fix the economy either in his time, so based on Obama standards I guess he was a great President then. Enough already, everything else on the back burner. Fix the Damn Economy!!!!!!!! Where is his sense of urgency? He doesn't have one. Just let the problem fix itself. Geesh even Palin could do that. As for unemployment benefits, until this week you could collect unemployment benefits for 2 Years, and I am sure that will be extended again, with or without a way to pay for it. Like I said a new welfare program because we can't find people jobs so we will just have to pay for unemployment benefits for 2 years instead of the normal 26 weeks. The new norm?? As for California's unemployment fund, it has a huge deficit. Read here: http://www.sacbee.com/2010/11/10/3172924/bell-tolls-for-unemployment-insurance.html Spitting bullets here. If I was a drinker I think I could use one right now!!!
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