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Everything posted by KYTOP

  1. I am old, but well. Don't travel now and am deeply involved with family and grandchildren now. Have guardianship of a teenager since the sudden death of my daughter from Covid. Raising a teenager at my age, OMG pray for me. I see you are still well traveled. Hope you are well and enjoying life. Yes I miss our St Augustine friend and trips there
  2. I was watching Fareed Zakaria on CNN Sunday morning and was impressed with his full Opening monologue and his quote of some interesting statistics in the opening segment. I think he hit the nail on the head with his comments as to WHY? Below is the unedited link to the first 10-11 minutes of his show. It is worth a watch if you got 10 minutes:
  3. Well the Republicans flipped the Senate as expected but with more wins than expected. Picking up West Virginia was a given and Senator Tester's loss in Montana was no surprise. But Senator Brown losing in Ohio followed by Senator Casey in Pa was a bit more surprising. So the Republicans have picked up 4 seats and will have a 53 to 47 Majority in the Senate. This is huge combined with Trumps win. And ALL 3 of those Democrat Senators that lost had a lot of seniority. Most people give all their attention to the Presidential and then the House/Senate. But I am a Court junkie and I always try to keep my eye on the Third and EQUAL branch of our Government. So again Trump, with the help of a Republican Senate, will control who sits upon our Court benches. His power to further move the Courts, especially the Circuit and Supreme Courts cannot be under estimated. If Thomas and Alito were both to retire, then President Trump will have appointed 5 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices. One President. If something happens to any of the 3 Liberal Justices, Sotomayor is rumored to be in poor health, it could be 6 out of 9. Think about that for a second. The impact of this will play out for decades and generations. Now in the future the President and Congress can flip back and forth every few years. But Judges are LIFETIME appointments and there is no big change every few years. The Courts makeup can be set in stone for years, especially if younger Judges are appointed. Trumps Judges were generally young with many years to Serve on the Bench. I have been doing some research in my spare time on the political balance shift in the US Circuit Courts. I will post it in a thread when I get time to finish. Some may find it interesting.
  4. I would agree with that especially when she turns on her own
  5. I would not disagree with these polls but what I said is that most of the Country has moved on. What happened has happened, what is going to be done about it has been done. The majority agrees on the blame but have moved on. Beating this dead horse will not make it raise up and win the Kentucky Derby. It was dragged from the track in the Horse Ambulance and ground into the Dog and Cat food your pet ate months ago. If the Democrats do not move on to the People's present needs and concerns they will be left in the rearview mirror. Most People don't give a shit about it anymore, they care about inflation, high interest rates were they can't buy a new car or house. If a convicted felon can solve their problems they don't care what he may have or may not have done.
  6. He thinks he is the modern day Bill Clinton. He has already said he will not be running for McConnell's senate seat in 2026. He won't confirm the reason, but we that follow Kentucky politics know it is because he expects to be running for President. Just yesterday he was already giving a speech in OHIO. Big bucks attorney John Morgan of Morgan and Morgan Injury Lawyers with his non-stop attorney commercials is ready to throw big bucks to support him.
  7. Really Steven, why would anyone think that any poll is right after this election? Was it Mark Twain that said; There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Polls are nothing more than statistics. Mr Twain is laughing from his grave this week.
  8. Ok, so multiple people, and talking heads, over the past several months have been paid 6 figures plus, to tell us where the election was headed and why. Many with a very bias slant. Ended up they didn't know shit and probably still don't. We don't get payed the big bucks but I think we know as much as them. So where do you think she went wrong? What if anything could she have done different? The line that James Carville gave to Clinton still holds true today, "Its the Economy stupid". She and Biden could say inflation was falling and the economy was getting better but most working class people just don't see it. They aren't comparing prices between now and a month ago. They are comparing prices between now and 4 years ago. Instead of parading Celebrities around, people wanted an answer as to what she would do different for the Economy, she didn't give them an answer they could believe. The Trump economy was really very good before Covid hit, inflation was low. People remember that. I had always said Trump would have won in 2020 if COVID had not happened. I still believe that. COVID is now in the rearview mirror and couldn't help Harris as it did Biden. Parading Liz Cheney all around the country along with an endless list of singers and actors I think blew up in her face. It was Elitist, like they think they know more than me. Do you think Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga know how much a gallon of milk costs. Harris do us all a favor and take all your celebrity friends on a field trip to the grocery store. Scarborough on MSNBC was shocked the day after the election to find out what the cost of butter was. This is why she lost, she doesn't know either. Does Trump, maybe not, but working at McDonalds, Giving a news conference from the cab of a garbage truck, Riding with a Teamster in a Semi, showing up at a grocery store, sure made him look like he knew them better than Harris did. Her response to any Trump attack ad was, he's a fascist he's a Nazi, on and on. The Anti-Harris ad about her support of Trans in women's sport, she did not respond to. Trump internal info shows that one ad repeated during multiple Football games, moved the needle 2.7% in Trump's favor. It got support from men of all races and suburban women who have daughters playing high school and college sports. I think the list is endless and now that I really think about it, I am surprised that i was surprised she lost. PS Trump will receive OVER 50% of Americans votes. That Majority are NOT Fascist, Nazi's or garbage. They are people just trying to make ends meet and put food on their table. So try to be nice but what did she do wrong or what did Trump do right?
  9. I am a Centrist, I think your list is fair to a certain extent. Let me add a few, from my viewpoint of course. Winners: Hopefully the US economy since I do believe that is why most people voted for Trump. Governor Newson of California, Governor Braesher of Kentucky, and others, who can now continue with their plans run for President in 2028, that had been sidetracked with Biden dropping out. Democracy, the people spoke and surprised us all AGAIN. WE the People is to never be underestimated or taken for granted. Losers: Pelosi, Clooney, Obama and all the other Elite Democrats that stabbed Biden in the back in favor of Harris. Liz Cheney, I hope to never hear from her on anything again. As for the January 6th preachers, The MAJORITY of Americans have moved on. That horse is dead, stop beating it , it just won't work. This Election showed that. I would like to refer some people to the old Children's Book Henny Penny. The Sky is NOT falling and our democracy is not failing.
  10. UPDATE: The former Abercrombie & Fitch has now been arrested on sex trafficking charges along with 2 others https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/22/business/abercrombie-ceo-mike-jeffries-arrested-sex-trafficking/index.html https://www.cnbc.com/2024/10/22/former-abercrombie-ceo-mike-jeffries-arrested-in-sex-trafficking-case.html
  11. I think the point was to me that most Americans feel that is a waste of their tax dollars. The deficit is a big issue for me. One thing to note toward the end Mr Baier said he has 2 more questions, he didn't get to ask them, The interview did not go the full 30 minutes and he was given the STOP signal, I understand several times by the Harris people. I wonder what the 2 questions were? I would have hoped the economy was one of them. We will never know I guess unless they are talking about it on FOX News?
  12. I watched and I thought Mr Baier tried to ask some good questions. I particularly wanted her answer as to when she realized of President Biden's Cognitive decline and why was she part of the Administration coverup of his decline. But she did not give an answer, just punted. To my knowledge no other Media person has been brave enough to ask her that question. I still would like to her answer and wish others would push her for an answer. They wasted 10 minutes, about a third of the interview, talking over each other on immigration. I thought his question was reasonable, everyone admits immigration is a big mess, she admitted it. So what will she do different than the Biden-Harris Administration has done in the last 3 1/2 years? I still don't see anything there different. I did learn something I did not know, that one of their first acts over 3 years ago, when Dems controlled Congress, was an immigration bill. It did not pass because 6 Democrat Senators voted against it. Harris spent too much time bashing Trump and not laying out what she will do Different from the current Administration she is a part of. She needs to realize the bashing doesn't work. Everyone I know already has an opinion of the man, good, bad, indifferent, or just look past any new Trump Negatives. There have been so many, most people just don't pay attention to it anymore. It is like scar tissue, it is already seared over. Other than her desire to bring back Roe v Wade, her abortion position I don't see much meat in what she wants to do. I still want to know more about what she will do from her own mouth, not just Trump bashing. No I do not want to do as she says and check her website, read her 18-30 or what ever pages of a position paper. Just in plain simple non rambling English what will you do about all this country's multiple problems. I think that is reasonable. I did not see her 60 minutes interview, I have been planning to go back and view it but haven't yet had time. I thought her appearances on the View and Colbert were terrible. Learned nothing. Constant vote for me because I call Trump every bad, evil thing that can be thought of, just might not work. And she needs to realize that real Damn quick before she loses. When people go to the Grocery and are reminded how much groceries have gone up in 3 years, she needs to give some answers. I saw on CNN a few months back during the primaries the reporter outside a polling place talked to people after they had voted. The reporter reminded a lady that inflation was cooling. She replied "I don't know whose wallet they are looking at, it sure ain't mine." Vice-President Harris needs to be reminded of that lady every day until the election. If that lady thinks Trump can do something about her High Grocery bill, then Harris will lose and the lady doesn't care how many bad things Harris says about Trump.
  13. There is an old saying, "there are lies, damned lies, and statistics' ( I believe it was Mark Twain). Polls are nothing more than statistics and I expect them to bounce about a bit until November. With answers depending on who is asking who, and who is paying for the stats. I've always enjoyed Stats and polls and they can tell us much about the past and we wish to use them to know the future. But they really are not that good of a crystal ball. Like most statistics you can twist them and almost always find some that will come close to what we want to believe. This is true I think of both sides. I put little stock in any of them at this point, especially a National Poll. In a national poll if they poll heavy in California or New York you will have one result, if they poll heavy in Texas or the South they get another answer. One poll says Trump is ahead, another says Biden but I notice they are all relatively close in the so called "battle ground states". Due to the Electoral College, required by our Constitution, individual state polls are really the polls that matter.
  14. I am sure the US State Dept was actually glad for this interview. Any opportunity for them to observe Putin is gold to them and I am sure they have picked the interview to pieces. There have been numerous rumors for the past few years about Putin's health, using body doubles, mental capacity etc... The Government or administration may criticize the interview for political reasons, but for the CIA, state dept, and others any content in person content of Putin is valuable.
  15. Very good summary. I am more of the visual type. As far as fetish, I am very much into a guy's pecs and Nipples. Much more of a turn on for me is a hot pecs with quarter size Plus nipples. I have never been a big cock person. In most cases I would rather play with a guy's nipples than their cock. Probably why I absolutely love male strippers and strip clubs.
  16. For many Americans the Holocaust is the only background information they have concerning the Jewish people and their situation. (Or Charleston Heston as Moses leading them put of Egypt) It is also the reason many Americans have sympathy and support for the Jewish people.
  17. First let me say no one should be forced to have sex if they don't want to and drugging someone to sexually take advantage of them is beyond deplorable. With that said this BBC A&F expose leaves me with mixed thoughts. Rich and famous guys pay to have sex with sexy young frat boy type males and years later the Frat boys are just now trying to raise a stink. Even they are not sure they were drugged but still make a claim to such. They were told sex would be involved yet still went on their own accord and accepted the money. Some guys interviewed by the BBC admitted to past "commercial Sex". That would be defined as a male escort I believe. US Government may investigate as "sex trafficking" because they were paid to cross state or country boundaries for sex. As we know, lots of rich and non rich people pay both Female and Male for sex. So sleaze ball or just a guy with the means to have sex with sexy men that he would otherwise never have the chance with them. Well sex always sells and every gay guy and straight girl went crazy over the A&F models. So the BBC may as well try to cash in on it too. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-66889779 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66957726
  18. The Hill https://thehill.com/ Roll Call https://rollcall.com/ Politico https://www.politico.com/ Real Clear Politics https://www.realclearpolitics.com/ This site has a random collection of article links, from multiple viewpoints, in addition to their own content. Also they have a daily update of polls with a running average combined from multiple polls. For Judges: How Appealing https://howappealing.abovethelaw.com/ Courthouse News Service https://www.courthousenews.com/ The Vetting Room https://vettingroom.org/ Plus the various twitter accounts of: Lawrence Hurley John Doe @fedjudges Madison Alder
  19. A fairly good assessment of Kentucky Governor race. It is definitely Beshear's to lose. Even though McConnell is believed to be behind a PAC that supported Cameron, to the tune of a couple Mil, he kept a low profile in the race, mainly due to Trump. Also McConnell, as referenced by Ky political commentator Al Cross, did not want Cameron to run for Governor but for the Senate as his possible successor. It is expected that McConnell will retire at the end of his term. His polio as a youth is now causing him mobility and other issues as an aged adult. Factors in the race are Trump and Blue Dog Democrats that now are registered Republicans in KY. Trump is still immensely popular in ALL areas outside Louisville, Frankfort and Lexington. A visit by him to Eastern Ky mountains regions or Western Ky may help Cameron. Also, Kentucky for decades was a Democrat state and many of those Democrats, now registered as Republicans, still want to vote for a Democrat if they are not too liberal. Beshear knows this and so far is successfully walking that tight rope by staying away from such things as an assault weapons ban and playing up a big increase in the State Police salaries, showing support for law enforcement. Also Beshear has a HUGE war chest that there is no way Cameron can catchup to. There aren't many Political Races nationally in November and so Ky will be in the spotlight a bit this year. The Democratic Governors organization has already paid for a 6 figure ad buy that is already running on TV stations in the state.
  20. I appreciate your comments. My intent was to try to fuel a conversation about what the possibility of a third party candidate would have on the 2024 election. You have done that, thanks. As for my state , Kentucky, I have watched dumbfounded as the dynamics of the Democrats have shifted here. The 2 Urban areas, Louisville and Lexington are still Democrat areas and somewhat liberal. I live in one of those cities and I have a Democrat Representative in the US Congress. He lives about a mile and a half from my home. Until about 5 years or so ago the Democrats still controlled the state legislature. This was due to the Urban area Democrats and the UMW (United Mine Workers) Democrats of the Eastern Ky Mountain areas. But after the Trump Election the Eastern Ky UMW Democrats became Trump Republicans almost overnight, amazing. The Democrats then lost the State Legislature with the Eastern Ky shift. Now the KY urban areas and state Capital are Democrat and the rest of the state has turned from the Democrat party. Yes we have a very popular Democrat Governor. This actually has little to due to KYNect, most people don't even know what it is. WE had 2 very large natural disasters within months of each other. First a Big Tornado that flattened a whole town in Western Ky. A very conservation area. Then a huge flash flood in the Eastern Ky Mountains that wiped out hundreds of homes, the former UMW Democrat area. Many lives were lost in both disasters. Governor Breshear was on the ground in these areas fast and daily getting resources in and hugging every old lady in sight and telling them everything would taken care of. He had a great response to these disasters and his popularity skyrocketed. My Mother is an Eisenhower Republican. Eisenhower was the first person she voted for and she has been a Republican every since. Even she has praise for the Democrat Governor. I asked if she will vote for him this November and she was non committal but she did not say no. But to show what a politician Breshear is, we had a recent mass shooting here and our Democrat Congressman and our Democrat Mayor both immediately called for a banning of assault weapons and other gun control laws. Our Democrat Governor on assault weapons..... Silence. He was attending all News Conferences on the Mass shooting, but was conveniently absent at that news conference were gun control was brought up. He did raise the issue of a Red Flag law for those with mental health issues. Why the silence? He would immediately lose many of the Western Ky rural and Eastern Ky UMW voters if he advocates for Gun Control. His reelection campaign would suddenly go dead in the water. This is a smart move to remain silent if he wants to be reelected. I do expect the Kentucky Democrat Governor will easily win reelection unless something unexpected, like gun control, become issues. I also expect that he will run for the US Senate to replace McConnell, especially if McConnell decides not to run for another term.
  21. Yes I think the word extreme depends on many things like what area of the country you live or even if you live in the US. Biden is not oatmeal, Bill Clinton was more oatmeal as you say. Biden's policies are way left of were Clinton was at. I live in a state that had 2 Democrats for every Republican. A year and a half ago the Republicans passed the Democrats in voter registration with Independents also making gains, all at the expense of the Democrats. Why is that do you think? I hear the Democrat party left me, I didn't leave them very often. They do not like the, in their opinion, the extreme leftward turn of the Democrats since they voted for Bill Clinton. In Machin's West Virginia the same thing is happening. W Va. was rock solid Democrat and the UMW (United Mine Workers) dominated the party. Sen Byrd of W. VA was one of the most powerful Democratic Senators ever. Now it has rapidly changed since Manchin served as the W Va. Governor. Of course the city of Los Angeles has twice the population of W. Virginia. So the Democrats of Left Coast and Northeast easily rule the Democratic party now. What California thinks as normal is extreme for former Democratic states. And many Republicans are tired of Trump. Maybe Manchin gives those Republicans and Flyover Country Democrats a candidate more toward their thinking? I think a no body but Biden thinking is sick because I do believe the man has a mental decline due to age.
  22. Yes I live in the US and no that is not a sick reason. If Manchin runs you will see issues arise and debated that might not be part of the debate between Biden and Trump. A lively exchange of views and debate are one of the basic foundations of our democracy. Yes I do think a real debate on issues is entertaining and of great interest.
  23. I have seen suggestions that Manchin run for President as an Independent. I think the Media is pushing the conversation because it will make for a an even livelier election for them if he runs a campaign. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3982358-manchin-third-party-white-house-bid/ I personally hopes he runs because it will make for a very entertaining election season. Would Manchin running as a 3rd party hurt Biden? Would the moderate Democrats that have tired of the extreme leftward turn of their party vote for him? Would it hurt Trump giving anti-Trump republicans a place to land? The real decision voters in this country are now Independent voters. Where would they land? Would Manchin appeal to the suburban soccer mom voters? Does a 3rd party candidate really stand a chance in a USA Presidential election? They usually just serve as a spoiler that can change an election. Bush would have won a second term if Ross Perot had not have run, giving the Election to Clinton. Obviously more questions than answers but interesting to consider what happens if Manchin does run.
  24. And CNN "parted ways", in other words fired, Don Lemon today. I was not a fan of Lemon or Carlson. Looks like a bad day for Cable news talking heads and a good day for Cable watchers.
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