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Everything posted by flguy

  1. I thought you were supposed to be relaxing, not that your post really looked like work but one thing leads to another. Get Well Soon
  2. Brighton is only about a 45 minute ride by train from London and I think cost about 20 pounds for the ticket. I would think most London guys would be more than willing to come down to the seaside for some fun times.
  3. I believe fantasy is the operative word as I am sure this guy appears or appeared on Rentboy in the Miami area and was less than stellar in his work. I remember a number of threads in regards to this exact thing. First pic doesn't look familiar but the rest do. As a fantasy it works, as reality it doesn't.
  4. Just happened when I went from the forum back to the home page. "Page Expired" hit refresh.........
  5. Why when I look at the top ten profiles and then go back to the main home page do I get a "Page Expired" notice and have to hit refresh??? This also happens some times in the forum, when going back to the home page and I think has happened when returning to other pages than the home page. This has been happening for awhile now, but seems to be getting more prevalent. Thanks
  6. Thanks Stephan, You sound like another "Apple" friend of mine......After I did all of the above in my last reply the X's went away, but there always seems to be a new problem cropping up. Thanks for your offer and next time I will shoot you an email.
  7. It's on most all sites, and I dumped my cache and cookies and all that, plus cleaned my drive about 5 days ago. I think that is probably when it started. I can try and do it again and see if that helps. Many buttons (like reply) are just red x's also.
  8. It started about 2 days ago, on my laptop I get lots of red X's where pictures and logo's should be. I am on a Sony running Windows XP and using internet explorer. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks in advance.
  9. Marc, I had the same experience but then clicked on "Add Reply" and you start without the entire text being repeated. Don't know if this is the way it is planned, but it worked for me.
  10. OZ Congratulations, and I truly hope this story get passed around to many sites. This IS what people, friends, peers, family etc. are supposed to do, help someone else through selflessness on our own part. What a tremendous inspiration for many to read and pass on to others. All I can really say is THANK YOU for so many people that will benefit from this on the receiving end and hopefully encourage other on the giving end.
  11. I'm not really surprised that he hasn't shown even a hair on his head, but where in the world in Benji? Even Skrubber has been almost silent lately. I would think this has to be hurting his business now that he can't come to the boards anylonger. On another note the first named storm of the season is here, time to find someone to cuddle up with to ride it out.
  12. I just switched from Verizon to Alltel, they promised to call yesterday but they never did. So much for promises and customer service. I have found out that www.handango.com is where I can download the voice recognition software so I did. I won't load because it is for OS 4.2 and Alltel runs on OS 4.1.....and because of that the download is $6 per month for Alltel instead of $6 one time charge. 3 years ago I switched from Alltel to Verizon because of poor service and I guess things haven't changed.
  13. All is well this morning, something on my end and wish I knew what it was.
  14. Boy is this going Slooooooooooooooooow right now, or is it just me?
  15. OZ, When is this going to be available? I have been fighting for two days now with BB 8703e from Alltel and am getting ready to return it. There seems to be little or no help getting the phone to do what it is supposed to do. I can't seem to get the voice recognition software into it so its about worthless in the car with a bluethooth headset on. The instructions, if you call them that, with the phone tell you next to nothing. Anyone else experiencing similar problems, or is it just a LONG learning curve?
  16. Oz and TY, In the forum listing page it shows the most recent post in Businedss Travel to be about Central MI Travel by Bubble Boy but it does not appear when you go into the forum. You may want to check it out.
  17. OZ and TY, For some reason when I go to the site, I bypass the "I Agree" screen and go directly to the main page. I does seem to work between pages much faster.....YEA Thanks
  18. BUMP this to TY please. Is this still in the line for repair? Thought I would check in and ask again. Thanks
  19. Still not fixed TY ? At least for me it still is not working, just checking as it's been a few weeks that I can't view the European men. Thanks
  20. TY or Oz, For the past week or thereabouts, when you click on the boys on the home page there is no link for their profiles. These are the guys from Europe. It takes you to a page with choices of guys, but they are not there. Is it just me? Thanks
  21. Hey Rip, Scott made the first couple of posts, then Oz and RR replied. Maybe you aren't seeing all the posts.
  22. flguy

    Site Speed

    Thanks BG I will take a look, but I do have spyware and antivirus installed. It seems a little better this morning so I'm not sure if the cable connection is also part of the problem. I talked with someone who stayed here for some time recently and he said he had no problems, so it must be my computer. Thanks all
  23. flguy

    Site Speed

    I have been finding for the past month or so my computer seems to go very slowly on many sites, but MER seems to be one of the worst. It sometimes takes up to a minute to go from one page to another or even back to the previous page. My computer is new and should be speedy, is this my computers fault? I saw someone posted about this in another forum but thought more people might see it here and post a response. Thanks
  24. The DVD is due out today of the first 4 hours of season 6, especially good since I missed it.
  25. Completely Agree, No Kissing, No Deal
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