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Everything posted by flguy

  1. You probably should make that 2 totally ignorant idiots. Of course in all reality you need the new version to be fairly dummy proof since most users I feel are not rocket scientists when it comes to computers.
  2. I have traveled Mexico fairly extensively over the past 15 years mainly for scuba diving. I was never in love with the place (except maybe La Paz) and always felt they only reason people really went there was because of the price. I always felt safe in the country but I also haven't been there in about 5 years. There are just too many other places I would prefer to explore in the future.
  3. Oz and TY, I would be glad to help if you would like. I sent you a message but not sure if it went through. Send me an email if I can help. Thanks Allen
  4. I posted this same question in the MER Comments and Questions forum couple of days ago and got no response. Is it just me or have all the forum topics gone to threaded mode? I prefer Linear but can't figure out how to change it back. Not sure why it changed in the first place. THanks
  5. It seems for the past couple days now when I go to the forum to view topics the responses have changed from linear view to threaded. I have tried to find where to change this back but to no avail. Anybody tell me how?
  6. Agree completely with marc, thanks again for a great site!!
  7. It never ceases to amaze me that at Daddy's and Muscle Forum how many people ask for Info on a guy with no link to see who they are talking about. You would think that when the poster wants info he would attempt to make it convenient and encouraging for someone to answer his question. Also amazes me when they get no response and bump and or express question as to why no one has responded. Many like Steven Draker, Tom Isern and Eric generally step up to the plate to furnish the link. We seem much better over here in that regard. In particular a poster with over 5000 posts who chimes in on every thread numerous times with his expert opinion who NEVER posts a link because he doesn't know how. How many times do you think the instructions have been listed in the forums? Get a life, get off your ass and for a change give us some useful information.
  8. The biggest problem with Daddy's seems to lie in taking up to 3 months to post a review, or submitted reviews never getting posted, or trying to submit reviews numerous times only to lose everything in the process. This site is TIMELY, as HooBoy used to be.
  9. Great to hear Lucky, this is my morning fix with coffee so when a regular sort of disappears it always raises some concern. Well maybe not every regular who disappears.
  10. Here is a great example of what many guys have been talking about, this appears in today's reviews on the other site. A first time review by a first time reviewer. Sorry, but it tells me absolutely nothing. http://www.daddysreviews.com/newest.php?wh...ston&page=0
  11. Has anyone heard from KyTop, He seems to have vanished from the scene, hoping he is well.
  12. OZ, I have been fortunate to have some insight into Hooboy's past thanks to certain Escorts that he had befriended and helped. He truly was a fun loving, caring, and giving person. Outside of helping many escorts, I think you can't forget what he did for many clients. He helped many I am sure, like myself to come out and also experience later in life what for 25 years I denied myself. THANKS Hooboy, your ideas and life appear to live again through this site.
  13. This site that OZ and TY put together I feel in every way is far superior and more importantly timely and much much more professionally run. I have said before the exact thing that Epiginos is voicing, I can't understand why the forum has never taken off. More importantly I feel the people behind this site have spent their time putting together a place that is more civil and appears to be run with the client/escort placed first in priority as opposed to making profits. A perfect example is when all members were going to have to upgrade and pay for membership if they wanted certain perks. The decision to allow participating members a "Free" membership was something that rings of the old "HooBoy" days. I don't think you ever have to worry that Daddy will do anything special for you or actually even care about the participants. How many clients have tried to post reviews on the other site and have not had their reviews posted? And Daddy and Deej's response???? Well, we all know what their response is. Not exactly as HooBoy had originally intended. The admin's of this site CARE, a perfect reason to support this site and forum. I guess we all need to make a more concerted effort to respond to the message boards and try to up the ante on communicating. Thanks OZ and TY for the opportunity you have placed before us.
  14. However, I still have to refresh most of the time when I go from anyscreen BACK to the home page screen.
  15. I'm running XP Pro on 15" laptop and it doesn't cover anything up either.
  16. Why is Lookins post count not changing????
  17. Happy New Year to Stef and everyone. 11 degrees this morning in Asheville NC and I think it's time to go home to southern FLorida except I understand it is to go down to below 30 there tonight. Hope we all have a better 2008.
  18. OZ and TY, Thank you for today's consideration and it is very much appreciated. FlGuy
  19. Well OZ, I use this site pretty much expressly what it was meant for. The movies in your post don't and won't interest me. I'm just a bit miffed that those who have really contributed will be those paying for the site. The escorts and the site owners profit by this site, not the clients. But it seems we are the ones now being asked to ante up. The blowing up of pics (if they are large enough in the first place to be expanded) is the only advantage for me of paying for a membership, and I certainly don't feel its worth almost $100 per year.
  20. Am I the only one that gets a pop up when I hit the accept button to sign onto the home page? This is truly annoying and wonder if someone has attached this to the site, or is it a paid advertisement?
  21. After all the people I have told about this site and the many "Bois" I have guided to sign up here I will not be paying for additional services. In fact, this is the best site because it's really the only one with profiles AND legitimate reviews. However, I have a problem being the person in this triangle that's stands no chance of making money, but has to pay for window shopping as well. Why can't the thousands of escorts pay a little to be listed? The other choice is to charge members by the individual post, and hope you can convince JT Brooklyn to join. His wothless posts would make you a fortune. I appreciate all the work TY and OZ have done and as owners of this site SHOULD make money from it. I'm just not sure that the clients who already pay in the end should also be the ones who pay for the escorts to advertise. It's a great site, but I guess I will go elsewhere for larger photos when the need arises.
  22. TY and OZ, I have read your note on the home page that our free membership with upgrade features will expire on Dec. 15. I went to "JoinUs" as directed and the actual only benefit I see is to be able to enlarge pictures. But the real point of this post is that if you go and try to upgrade your membership there is no price quoted? I love this site and the people on it, I rarely post at Daddy's due to conflicts with Daddy and Deej. However, this site just hasn't really jumped up and gotten busy. But I guess there is no way for us to tell if thousands of guys are coming to the site but only a handful participate in the forums. I certainly hope this is the right decision and direction for you. Thanks for a great site but howmuch is it going to cost the users to enlarge pictures?
  23. Gee, Is Jordann's pic permanently pinned to the top of the home page? I would guess he must be working overtime clicking on his own profile. I thought we were finished with that once the boys from Norfolk Escorts went to jail.
  24. Whoa......I usually dislike tattoos but this one really is a work of art. I kind of like a little pain so maybe there is hope for me yet. Thanks OZ
  25. I think I would keep it zipped for the trip. Just not worth the chance of never coming home for a roll in the hay.
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