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Everything posted by flguy

  1. An earlier post last week linked Str8UpGayPorn to the battle of porn stars/escorts personal differences. Announced today that Twitter has banned tweets from the site. http://www.edgemedianetwork.com/entertainment/culture/news//203427/twitter_bans_popular_gay_porn_sites_account
  2. I believe it is September 1 today. All traffic will be coming to this site because today is when JD shuts the other site down. He's been telling us that for a couple months now. Better take a look while you can, before its gone forever.
  3. I just noticed that RockhardNYC was online here at Boytoy in the last 24 hours. Could this be the amusing poster that entertained us many years ago???? If so, please come back and let us know what kind of underwear you are buying these days.
  4. Never serve tomatoes cold, I would set salad out for and hour or so before dinner and the flavor will be much more intense. Great meal and pretty easy also. Thanks
  5. I'm not sure you are a bad person, but mentally ill is a great possibility and you need to seek help. As it appears you are the only one to believe your posts says your denial of the facts says volumes about your mental health. Please get help... I know for a fact you are still texting people and harassing them just as you did when you solicited their votes for EOY. GIVE IT UP and get professional help.
  6. Wow, this is really eye opening especially in light of the events of the last few weeks. Was anything ever said in regard to Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
  7. I have no problems logging on but not sure I like the text and content of threads only covering about half of the actual page. Why not use the full page as in the past?
  8. flguy


    Yes, please sign me up to play with that!
  9. flguy


    Hello, this is very confusing.
  10. WONDERFUL having Rockhard back and now if only Fin Fang Foom would return, THEN the quality of conversations would really take a new direction.
  11. Chgo Boy, now there is a blast from the past. Also was sent this link from our very own JimBoiNotBN https://mobile.twitter.com/jimboivyo We will need to give out the "Cybil" award for the most screen names used by an individual poster.
  12. I believe it was yesterday that Callipygian posted a rather nasty thread about the "other" site. I see this thread is no longer in the forum. I thought BoyToy didn't delete threads but moved abusive threads to the sand box?
  13. The offices of Rentboy in NYC have been raided and 7 arrested with charges of prostitution and money laundering. Just google and all the articles will come up. Could be a bumpy ride for some other sites.
  14. Why did my post have a line through everything?
  15. I can only see a sliver of the guys on either side but as others said, I need my resolution.When I tried to come into the site where you check the "I Agree" and enter, these are not available. I had to go into my past visited pages to get into the forum.
  16. Same thing for me, haven't been any photos for about 6 weeks.
  17. I am refering to profiles here on BoyToy. They used to have phone numbers and a way to email the escort. PM only works if the escorts actually check in and few of them do. We might get a bit more escort traffic here if the site actually brought them some business. Profiles for guys looking for business without contact information isn't really worth much to the escort or the client.
  18. I may be missing something but I remember months ago people asking the same question.......How do you contact an escort from his profile? Why have profiles if the client can't contact them? Maybe I am just missing something?
  19. It just happend, 10:23 am EST. Was reading this thread and all was well. Backspaced twice to go back to topics and got the page "Internet Explorer Can Not Display This Page." Had to exit completely and start by loading home page again.
  20. Same here, started yesterday for me. When I click on a thread to read it says it can not load. Have to go backwards a few pages to get anything and start all over.
  21. Does anyone know what you can do with the actual fruit from the Kaffir Lime tree? For some reason mine is loaded this year. My lemon grass also did well and i had the best Thai Basil in years grown in pots this year. Fall is coming quickly and will have to get the trees into the winter green house so would love to know if you can use the fruits for some recipe. thanks
  22. I have mostly calphalon also which is probably 25 years old. For that reason the the 6qt simer pot I would go with gordons set. You really need to know the thickness of the metal in the bottom of the pan. Don't know if you can find that info anywhere.
  23. Now it is being reported that White Castle gave him coupons for free burgers, and he complained they wanted to charge him for the cheese...... Get a life, people like this are why the justice system is all clogged up, probably like this guys arteries.
  24. I've been a fan for over 10 years now. I always have a bottle in the fridge and enjoy it on almost anything. Thanks for the thread.
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