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Everything posted by flguy

  1. It appears the drug test in question may be from December, not even from the current event.
  2. Every morning when I get up around 4 am I take my coffee out on the lanai and spend and hour or so reading my news feeds on my phone. For some reason I get a lot of stories from Australia even though I am in Florida. I'm a bit tired of all the countries that whine about lockdowns and increased death counts from Covid and then the kicker, as they have less than 1000 deaths total for the country since the beginning of the virus. It's probably more jealousy than anything but with such a poor job done in the US with the virus and death totals around 635,000 here I get tired of the alarms raised when a country gets 20 new Covid cases. I understand they have obviously done something very right about battling the virus that the US just couldn't handle due mostly to the selfishness of the US citizens to do what is best for the country and their family and neighbors. I live in a very small county by Florida standards and we had over 1000 new cases last week and Florida had over 1700 deaths last week alone, thanks mostly to Gov DeathSentance. I have stayed home, cancelled a vacation that was to start next week and mostly lead a secluded life for 18 months even as Florida has been wide open for business since late last year. No one is forcing this lifestyle on me and it's all my own doing to safeguard my health and that of others. I got my second shot in early February and plan on getting the booster when it becomes available. So to those countries that have done STELLER work keeping the virus at bay, you really don't realize how lucky you are and everything you have suffered is worth it and far better than the alternative. Please, get the shot and wear a mask to protect yourself AND others until we get a better handle on this menace.
  3. There was once a catholic priest who was a member elsewhere many years ago...could this be him?
  4. be prepared for extreme sticker shock when you get quotes of insurance and property taxes. I'm getting ready to leave florida after 30 plus years as the heat, hurricanes and costs of home ownership continue to rise. I would suggest you rent for a year before you buy as prices could fall quite a bit when the frenzy is over.
  5. 1200 miles but expect to close that gap in the future
  6. My immediate thought when I saw this on TV was how will they get the gas out???
  7. I got Disney plus for free for a year. Other than Mandalorian and a few others there was very little content. Wouldn't waste my money if I had to actually pay for it.
  8. Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip has died just weeks before his 100th birthday. How will this effect the family turmoil currently going on?
  9. Peter's thoughts were well written and shows more empathy than our world has seen for a time. Glad to see it
  10. He was found unconscious on his apartment floor a number of weeks ago. Upon admittance to hospital he tested positive for Covid and placed on a ventilator. They attempted to remove him a number of times but were unsuccessful.
  11. I believe the obituary said he was 61, too young and to nice a guy to be gone that soon.
  12. Depression has definitely gotten worse over the past year but PROCRATINATION has gone through the roof. I just read an article this weekend explaining why this has become a problem during the pandemic.
  13. I would guess Phillip also.
  14. HooRay
  15. Having two other forum members over for Roast Ham dinner with all the trimmings. Will be a pleasant change after sequestering in home for 9 months for all three of us. Merry Christmas to everyone.
  16. President Trump and Melania have now tested positive for Corona Virus. Any thoughts?
  17. The west coast is certainly safer than the Palm Beach to Miami corridor however not sure this was the time for a trip but whatever floats your boat. One thing I notice as I watch the numbers for Tampa to Naples is the death rate in ration to positive cases is extremely high for sarasota and charlotte counties, over 10 percent. Possibly because of the average age of our residents. I have no plans to do much of anything but stay at home, its safer that way.
  18. Yes Lucky continue forward with the show. Can't remember but one season I believe they went with a prequel series to season one. Good show with lots of eye candy and twisted stories.
  19. flguy

    The Organ

    Welcome back Annie
  20. Axiom The other site only closed for a couple of days, the beta version is running at the same web address
  21. Thanks for the travelog and photos, its something that makes my morning when I wake up.
  22. Maybe the forum will return as a monthly pay for use site.
  23. So the other site's owner is shutting down the forum for the month of December. Probably not the smartest thing to do when you are begging for money because your reserves are down to 16 percent. Get ready and fire up the reserve computers, things are going to get busy here.
  24. Would anyone actually use the jacuzzi? Public hot tubs are not known to be very safe, I would never get in one.
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