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Everything posted by marcanthony

  1. Not 100% sure I would wear those, but 100% positive I would take the model wearing them! Yumm and happy new year!
  2. August Rush is one of my favorite movies, where Freddie plays a savant of a different type (music). And yes I enjoyed The Good Doctor as well!
  3. yes. and because we are victims of our own pasts, my favorites tend to be ones from the 70's and 80's with the long shaggy haired kids from the street....
  4. there are a lot memorable names who posted on this thread back in 2013. Nostalgia....
  5. did anybody come to the realization that they were gay because watching The Brady Bunch or The Partridge family you liked the boys better than the girls?
  6. Generally I MUCH prefer live to film... But when Zac Efron is Link Larkin, it's really hard to beat.... that being said, I am definitely going to watch. Good morning, BALTIMORE!!
  7. hey welcome back Tomcall! great to hear from you and happy you have recovered (from your whole other story)!
  8. I agree. Worth it even now when it is crazy...
  9. I saw Randy play "Boq" in Wicked on Broadway when he was still a cute twink. Actually had a really nice voice and he was the right size for Boq and of course I was crushing so he could have been horrible and I would have still loved him....
  10. glad to have you home in one piece! (head attached to body)
  11. that was him, but not his BF. And yes, after that, as his Hollywood career began taking off, he denied/suppressed any of that past.
  12. He was in fact STUNNING when he was younger. But even then, and with a BF, he was insecure about being gay and shy about it. As OZ says, things have changed much for the better.
  13. happy he found the peace and strength to do so. As I mentioned before, I knew him when he was a very cute teen with a BF and when his acting career began, he chose to suppress all of that. Wishing him all the success and all the happiness as he finds comfort in his own skin.
  14. Sad. I would say that maybe one of the hottest, cutest boys that I ever hooked up with in my life was off the dance floor at LeBoy...
  15. The actor playing the dad was actually a child star himself, first playing Ponyboy Curtis in the television series "The Outsiders" back in the late 1980's. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwifsYyrvPnLAhVU6GMKHWgfCb0QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jayrferguson.net%2Fid8.html&psig=AFQjCNFRM6E8fP0cY0KIr6SDQj17T54zIw&ust=1460013497330731
  16. Absolutely love it. Really well done.
  17. when he was around 18 he did a photoshoot for XY magazine (young twink gay mag). He was "with" another slightly older and physically bigger guy from Texas all the time back then. A BF? Not so secret I think for those of us twinklovers who didn't miss a really hot cutie in a print mag. But I think the fear of hurting his blossoming acting career made him push it far underground. Happy he seems not as uptight about the entire past (and possibly future if you want to believe the thrust of this article).
  18. bottom line: if it works for both parties, then by definition it works for both parties.
  19. wishing him recovery and many more montreal trips in his future!
  20. Bigotry is never right, but I also think I would like the blond kid as a friend more than the person fliming. He got put in a bad spot having to deal with a situation that was created by his younger sister. He was pretty chill about it too... give him credit for that. And I agree with boiworship too, he's cute!
  21. Exactly. If you're not hard, you can't fuck (as the top). If you're not attracted, you're not hard.
  22. thanks for posting the link. After reading it... here's my 2 cents. Poster (escort) was timed out on other site. Came over here and was generally welcomed. Got into it with one poster here. Goes back to the other site after reinstatement and trashes this one generally (not just his one nemesis). not cool.
  23. wow. I just realized how old I feel now if Ellie May was 82 yo....
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