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Everything posted by marcanthony

  1. one of the posters that I actually had the pleasure of meeting in person (in NY). Fun, smart, engaging. RIP.
  2. Agree. Definitely hard to hook up in 2020. Also seriously curtailed traveling, which was both a pleasure in and of itself, and a facilitator of pleasure. Like you, hoping for successful and widespread vaccination efforts, and then a slow return to the "joys of the flesh."
  3. CDC issued a level 3 warning (essential travel only to anywhere in China). That's pretty compelling that you would cancel... https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/s0128-travelers-avoid-china.html
  4. That's great! It's like the one about the 4 men sitting around bragging about their sons. The first said my son is a world famous engineer. He makes so much money and invents electric cars like the newest Tesla model. Well said the second, that's pretty good but mine is financier on Wall Street, and he makes so much money that he owns multiple penthouse properties in Manhattan! Pretty good, says the 3rd guy. But my son is an entrepreneur and his start ups are so successful that he owns a fleet of private jets. The 4th father was quiet for a while, but finally offered up... my son is gay and he is a male prostitute. The other 3 men looked a bit shocked and then profusely consoled the 4th father. We're so sorry, they said. He replied, "Nah, he's my son and I love him. Plus, he does pretty well for himself. Just this Xmas alone he got a Tesla, a NY penthouse, and a private jet as Christmas presents."
  5. depends what you call a "lap dance." but a long time ago Montreal strip clubs in particular (and some other clubs in other places as well) had actual doors that could be secured in the rooms where you went for lap dances. So the definition of lap dance could be expanded... and in that case, the answer for me would be yes!
  6. You are allowed to block people on twitter. The issue with Trump and AOC is not the twitter part, but what they use twitter for. Apparently the court ruled that since they are elected officials and they use their twitter accounts to conduct "official business" to communicate their agendas to their constituents, the comment section of twitter essentially becomes a "public forum." Elected officials are not allowed to block individuals from expressing opinions on public forums under the First Amendment. That's my understanding of the Appellate court ruling.
  7. Your post reminded me of the unfortunate (for him... but maybe fortunate for us) poor judgement by Dean-Charles Chapman, the very cute twink who played King Tommen Baratheon on Games of Thrones. When he was 18, he and his cousin had a video where they were masturbating for (apparently) some girl via webcam. The leak of the footage was quite an embarrassment for the young monarch as it spread pretty far and wide. He's quite cute as you know, and "gifted" based on my viewing of the video! haha. Fortunately for him, his career survived the "scandal" and he's been cast in several other series since.
  8. "The young use respect as a mechanism to keep their elders at a remove, so we don’t remind them of an unpleasant truth: Nothing lasts." Varys, Game of Thrones. Season 8, Episode 1
  9. Normally I would agree with you. My point is that 2.5 years into the current administration and the sobering thought given another 4 years of the same the SCOTUS could conceivably curtail equal protection under the law for the next 20 years, I don't need to vet any of the candidates to know that any one of them would be better than what we have now. That's enough incentive for me not to weaken any of them. Sorry we'll just have to disagree.
  10. Did I mention that Ginsburg and Breyer are 85 and 80 yo respectively, and Gorusch and Kavanaugh are 51 and 54.
  11. At some point, one of the candidates for the democratic nomination will secure/win that nomination, and he/she will likely run against Donald Trump. If part of the democratic base stays home like the Bernie Bros did last year, there's a good chance we have 4 more years of the same. I am not sure much could be worse than that. It's why though I have my reasons for wanting Beto to be that candidate, I say nothing about the flaws of Harris, Warren, Biden, Booker, Sanders, Kloubacher, etc etc... because ONE of them will ultimately be MY candidate. If the Dems lose this election, we deserve what we get. Fool me once, shame on you (Republicans), fool me twice, shame on me (Democrats).
  12. My wallet didn't open as broadly, but I too sent $$$ to Beto within minutes of his announcement. yes he's vague on specific issues and solutions. yes he does not have much executive experience. but yes we are in the 3rd year of the current administration, and like comfort food, the words that come out of his mouth about what's right and what's good just make me feel that there's hope for our divided country! Just the right thing at the right time.
  13. Saw it. TERRIBLE movie, and I loved every minute of it!!!
  14. haha... and see above. This is why I won't read the reviews... just look at the boys and listen to the music!
  15. Heading to see it this weekend regardless what people say. It has: 1) Music by ABBA, 2) TWINKS, 3) Cher It therefore at the very least will be entertaining. I have such good memories of this show. The musical blew me away. And once, I actually picked up a very cute young man from right behind the cash register of Bergdorff Goodman (I actually went to check out in his line because he was so cute) because I had an extra ticket to see it when it was running on Broadway, and the evening was... well... magical. MAMMA MIA!
  16. He's cute! And I finally saw "Dunkirk" on a plane and really felt that he's a credible actor as well.
  17. you got me hooked when you said Evan Peters. Beautiful guy!
  18. marcanthony


    where's that darned time machine when you need it!! I think I was in grade school and i got hard!
  19. It's been YEARS since I looked at that site (and certainly never donated money). The trigger for me was when there was some kind of "incident" (I think it was a squabble between posters on one topic), and the owner decided to shut down the forum for a few weeks as a time out. I actually wrote to him and complained about that move, making the point that the content was all created by the participants, for use by the participants, and that it seemed very heavy handed to operate with disregard for the suppliers of the actual value. In a nutshell, this is the biggest problem I've always had about his attitude and the culture created there. He owns the platform, but the participants create all the content and arguably therefore all of the value (reviews, forum posts, etc). His reply was dismissive and rude, and the site remained shut down, and that was the end of it for me. I didn't need to be abused twice. Of course when I first stopped going there, I missed it a little. But the internet is such a wonderful and entertaining place... it you're not finding fulfillment somewhere, you're not looking hard enough. It's like smoking or drinking or any other vice. If you want to quit, the only real way to do it successfully is just to quit. If you're periodically stepping your toe back in the water, it won't be long before you have to jump in the pool. And without a doubt, regardless of our addictions, the one thing that is pretty universal, is that if you have an addiction, you'll pay for it. That last paragraph was a rambling and long winded way to say that I quit looking at that site many many years ago and the result of it is that: 1). I no longer miss it 2). I no longer even think about the owner 3). I don't care if people give money to him or not, whether he's rich or poor, or whether he's legitimately worried about some law or not Life is good! (PS: I understand why Oz has to continue to look there since it's a business competitor.... keep your friends close and your enemies closer)
  20. happy birthday, Oz!!!! Hope you celebrated appropriately!
  21. Haha... I went to a friend's 20 something birthday party last night at the Abbey/Chapel in West Hollywood. If this pic is defined as sexual harrassment, then guilty as charged. Well me and about 20 other people! lol
  22. marcanthony


    just awesome!
  23. As someone who was lucky enough to hang with Oz and Hooboy in Montreal, NYC, etc back in the day (never made it to Thailand with them), I can vouch for genuine fondness that Oz had for Hoo, and for his desire to do what he thought Hoo would want (i.e. the plan above). Some nostalgic memories of those times for sure. We were younger and the west was wilder....
  24. And I would take this model as well!!
  25. woof!
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