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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. These guys are as good as the girls in their moves, which doesnt say all that much. Nevertheless, these hot guys are worth watching as eye candy. The guy in white seems to have something trying the leap out of those shorts.
  2. It's called 'product placement' and the phone co. probably pays dearly for it.
  3. Let me clarify what I mean by public. I do not mean a pubic event where he is dressed down in front of the the crew or superiors or anyone else, just that the repremand to his file be a matter of public record, not be treated as private confidential. Too bad this episode had to go as far as it did with him and probably his is not the last career to be ruined over this. Politics overtakes good sense.
  4. What's next? Shakespeare written in eight grade level midwestern English! The lesser part of this problem is that the books were cleansed. The real problem is that the schools/libraries rejected the originals causing this 'solution'. I don't fault him so much for the rewrite as the schools. That doesnt make the final result any better. It just places the responsibility where it belongs.
  5. I view a public reprimand as the lesser evil compared to a demotion. Without some public indication of wrong doing the inappropriate message he sent as discussed by KYTOP would not have been given any visible rebuke leaving many with the impression that this is not unacceptable behavior. His behaviorial indiscretion was public and so his rebuke should be IMO.
  6. I don't know when we will catch on as a nation. We are arrogant and inward looking. We rely on 'the market' for our national planning. That means we are reactive in nature, not forward looking.
  7. I do agree that it was terribly bad judgment and bad form for the XO. You make a good argument. I feel a public reprimand would have sent a sufficiently strong message to the enlisted as well as the officer corp. It.s moot now. His career is done. He will ride a desk until this subsides then he will be permitted to retire.
  8. I'm with you on this. From what I have seen reported I haven't seen any indication of bad intent (prosletyzing homophia, racism, mysogyny) or bad actions (hazing etc.) , only bad judgment in persuing a reasonable goal of morale maintenance. I don't believe this casts any shadow over his ability and worthiness as military officer. I'm sorry to see his career sacrificed over this harmless but ill-considered prank. A letter of reprimand to his file should have sufficed. This is more about politics at this point. Too bad.
  9. Nast vids. Not for mom.
  10. There are a number of Brit shows I'd like to watch, if only they had American subtitles. While we share a common language it is very clear that we do not share a common tongue, common ear or common colloquialisms. I cannot do the word processing at the rate the dialog is delivered.
  11. Every once in a blue moon I get an enraged communication complaining about the fact that his site screen name/email showed up in a google search and demand to be disenrolled immediately. What I don't understand is why people choose to enroll in a site of this nature using a sceen name or email address that they use for other purposes that another people might recognize from another context. What part of discretion do some people not get? Everybody should know that whatever shows up on the internet is there forever and can end up anywhere. If you want or need discretion then practice discretion in your online identity and contact info.
  12. Some balcony!! I suspect similar fireworks on the other side of the camera.
  13. TampaYankee

    Happy New

    I count both Steven and KYTOP as valued members, contributors and friends of the community -- two among many. I add my wishes to their's for a Happy Year to all and to them as well.
  14. I'm sure you are right but then why bother? What does one get out of it beyond keeping a show dog or race horse tended by groomers and trainers?
  15. I do believe they serve a legitimate purpose providing basic security checks of carry-on and checked luggage, and random checks of individual passengers. I wish they would do more interviews a-la Isreali procedures but we don't employ a system-wide staff capable of that. I like bomb sniffing dogs and machines and luggage x-rays. Frisking gradpa and groping grandma, not so much.
  16. It's obvious that they would come from over there, but the attraction would be either to interact with him or because of his reasons for coming here. It just never occured to me that anyone would come just because we named a forum in his honor some time after he had issued his August Challnege and raised high his profile here. In fact I still cannot believe that anyone came here because of that action. I know Lucky has some good friends but I'm unaware of any that would worship at the altar of his namesake. So what I am saying is that I cannot imgaine that the Lucky effect, whatever it is/was, had anything to do with the naming of the forum. It would have been the same with or without the name change IMO, with the possible exception that one or two might have resented it and dropped out. It truly was meant to be a public expression of appreciation, not a marketing ploy.
  17. A bit long in the tooth to be undertaking the demanding oddessy that is raising a child.
  18. This has got to be one of the more stupid criminal blunders on record -- stealng a million plus $ in very large demonination chips from the only place on earth that will cash them. What did the idiot think these were, bearer bonds. I guess he figured he could fence them for a percentage. That is, unless the casino decided to call in all outstanding chips and replace them. Yeah, pretty stupid. Not your basic criminal mastermind. I guess he can always melt them down for the plastic recycle dollars.
  19. what a great assignment. You sound like an very interesting prof to have. Not at all incompatible with my impression of you from your posts over the last decade.
  20. I'm aginst all of that too, but I never considered my self a Tea Party member. I'm not against the Dept of Homeland Security, only the dumb invasive shit that Congress has directed them to do. My gripe is with Congress, Customs and the TSA admin who believes that 98% if security is putting on a show.
  21. Gee, it never occurred to me when I proposed to Oz that naming the place after Lucky would be construed as an attempt to lure posters from over there. I was confident that anyone attracted by Lucky's presence would be for the purpose of interacting with him. My intention was only to honor his efforts on behalf of this site, to show our appreciation. Sometimes I'm a little obtuse to the persepctives that others might have. It's enlightening and helpful to be apprised the perspective of others that have gotten by me.
  22. These people are crazy. I can understand a right wing organization might be against civil rights orgs, unions, and orgs that question establishment power, but Homeland Security?
  23. Great news! (Pun intended ) It is a good start. There are so many newspapers archived on microfilm. It would be fantastic, if a duanting effort, to see all of that put online. In the past I had occasion to search civil war era Tennessee newspapers. It gave me fascinating insight into the times and taught me some history I was unaware of that didn't make it into my school books. One could spend a lifetime wandering through those archives observing the perspectives of those times and places.
  24. The HuffPost has posted some amazing NatGeo photos over there. The one that most attracted my fancy is 'Supercell Thunderstorm' by Sean Heavy: For more click on the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/29/national-geographic-photo-contest-2010_n_802060.html#216348
  25. I agree that it is likely to alienate some of Daddy's posters. Some of them have a stick up their ass thinking they have the sole rights to HooBoy and that MC is the holy grail. If they only knew the background story behind transition of that site, but that is little known history left to the past and those who know it. I agree with Oz that those who would get pushed out of shape would never post here anyway. I know Lucky wishes otherwise and for him I'm sorry for that, but for me I don't miss the smug attitudes at all. I also agree with lookin, that I find nothing lacking with the present appellation. It has character and recognizes the history of a long term community character. Nevertheless, things change as time goes by. With the arrival of the New Year it was time to revisit the issue per Oz's original announcement. Lucky suggested renaming in honor of Hooboy. It was an honor for the man not a slam at Daddy's site. We ought to decide what fits this site and not worry about ruffling skirts over there. Frankly, they are not on my radar.
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