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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. My take on this whole episode is consistent with MarcAnthony's and KYTOP's and that informed my comments early on. I stand by them. I would also like to reject the zero sum attitude expressed or implied in some posts that if you find fault with the escort then you actively support or passively lend support to or otherwise excuse the legislator. That position is simply bogus and totally without merit, and lends no support to any arguments advanced in this thread, IMO.
  2. I've never really listened.
  3. I'll volunteer this about a past BF of mine who shall remain anonymous. He was a bottom, of course, with no actual bottom experience prior to 'us'. He was a voracious and enthusiastic lover. It seems like every stroke I administered came out of his megaphone mouth as a yell, scream or roar. It was quite unsettling, especially when we stayed in a hotel. Definitely my most vociferous partner.
  4. TampaYankee

    Caption This!!

    No caption here just a thought. I didn't need this cover to tell me this lady is batshit.
  5. I get it for the articles.
  6. You are always underestimating yourself. Here is proof.
  7. Discretion goes with the profession. Unless the client commits an abusive act on the escort or another person, or credibly threatens abuse of the escort or others. For some individuals this can be hard to stomach. Discretion sometimes can be a burden to uphold as doctors and lawyers can tell you. The escort should decide whether the profession is right for him (there is more to it that the money) or whether a particular client is right for him. Nothing wrong with writing off a client for personal or professional reasons. Discretion should NOT be a personal choice of an escort on a case-by-case or escort-by-escort basis even though it sometimes is. It should not depend on whether he approves of the client's politics or faith or business practices. Sometimes it is hard to live with the professional responsibily of an escort but that is one aspect that makes a pro a pro, and makes the business work rationally and with confidence. There is a reason for this 'code'. If discretion is violated for one client then what can the next client expect? What sensitivies of the escort might that next client violate to give offense. Poor client behavior alone should not be enough. Threatening behavior should be the threshold. Not because the client deserves it but because the escort needs to have credibility with other cients that the escort is trustworthy. How many would hire this escort if they knew of this episode prior to meeting? Not many I suspect, even though they have no sympathy for the client in this case. I hate hyprocracy and mendacity as much as anyone, especially in politicians. I would like to see it exposed at every opportunity. That is my desire as a citizen. I welcome it from appropriate sources. As a client, that desire is trumped by an escort observing an unwavering vow of discretion for my sake. My confidence in that is shaken if I know that the reserves the right to pick and choose holding that discretion.
  8. I bet that pissed her off.
  9. Oz, you need to open up a restaurant. I need to consummate these teases.
  10. I never liked fish when I was young except tuna salad. On occasion I did eat fried freshwater pan fish and catfish caught by the family and some saltwater caught fish too. I did grow up in Florida afterall. But it was never a favorite. I never eat fish bought at a supermarket or fish market if I could find a hot dog or slice of chopped ham. I NEVER ate fish as an adult. That all changed in my 40's on my first trip to Seattle. I an a sucker for smoked foods. I smelled that alderwood smoked salmon which coaxed me take a chance. It was the second fish that ever tasted like a meat product to me. It did taste a bit fishy around the edges but that smoked aroma and meaty texture got me past that. The first fish I ever had that gave me a sense of eating tasty 'meat' was saltwater snook, a real delicacy IMO. Alas, it is game fish and legally only available when caught by licensed individuals for private use under strict catch limits. Eventually, that opened the door for me to eating a few other mild flavored white fish. I never could eat canned salmon. Not only was it fishy but the bones were gross. File under Different Strokes.
  11. Mmmmmm... chargrilled salmon. I'll take my avocado straight please with just a bit of lime juice salt and pepper. I'll take the apple for desert -- stuffed with brandy soaked raisins and cinnamon with a hint of allspice, all wrapped in a pie crust blanket and baked for 40 mins and served with a dollop of lightly sweetened creme fresh. Did I wander too far from the menu? Sorry to be a pain in the ass. I hate customers that do that. Really. I would never do that in a restaurant. I never quite accepted mixing sweet fruits in savory dishes. My palate finds it disorienting. For the same reason I'm not a big fan of cinnamon or mint in meat dishes. My palate tells me that I should be experiencing baked pastries or pies or candy of some sort. Some expectations I've yet to outgrow from childhood.
  12. This is playing right into the hands of the Santorum wacko right. He is now fearing that people will be allowed to marry paper towels, and in their confusion, napkins as well. I don't know about you guys, but I'm strictly a love em and leave em type when it comes to napkins and paper towels, and I don't make any distinction between them.
  13. The only city this MER official endorses, for walking only, is Montreal -- The Village and Old Montreal, specifically. Chinatown is a bit iffy. The endorsement stops there unless we are talking delis and restos. I endorse Vancouver, The West End, for people watching from a nice coffeeshop sidewalk table perched on Denman or Davie streets. Oz my have some recommendations for more distant locales.
  14. 15 Dangerous Cities for Driving By Colleen Kane | CNBC – Thu, Aug 4, 2011 7:06 PM EDT There are many ways one could gauge the danger of driving in a particular city, but this list uses the cities with the greatest number of vehicular deaths as a barometer of the danger level. U.S. cities with a population of 150,000 or more were up for consideration, using the most recent motor vehicle crash data available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System and General Estimates System. One particular region of the country, the South, is overrepresented, and within that region one state in particular sticks out like a panhandle: A full one-third of the cities in this list are in Florida. Why does Florida rank so badly? Some blame the high proportion of New York City expats—some driving for the first time in their lives — foreigners, tourists driving in unfamiliar territory, and senior citizens, not to mention spring breakers, who may have compromised vision or reflexes. Los Angeles didn’t make the most dangerous list, but had the most total fatalities overall, at 293. The city that’s the most dangerous for pedestrians, according to the data, is Pittsburgh, accounting for more than 50 percent of total fatalities. Here are the 15 cities that ranked the worst: 15. Oklahoma City, Okla. Population: 551,789 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 13.41 Total fatalities: 74 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 13.5 14. Birmingham, Ala. Population: 228,798 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 13.55 Total fatalities: 31 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 15.2 13. Tulsa, Okla. Population: 385,635 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 14.00 Total fatalities: 54 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 18.5 12. St. Petersburg, Fla. Population: 245,314 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 14.27 Total fatalities: 35 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 28.6 11. Jacksonville, Fla. Population: 807,815 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 14.36 Total fatalities: 116 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 13.8 10. Lubbock, Texas Population: 220,483 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 14.97 Total fatalities: 33 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 15.2 9. Memphis, Tenn. Population: 669,651 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 15.08 Total fatalities: 101 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 11.9 8. Jackson, Miss. Population: 173,861 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 15.53 Total fatalities: 27 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 18.5 7. Chattanooga, Tenn. Population: 170,880 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 16.39 Total fatalities: 28 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 17.9 6. Salt Lake City, Utah Population: 181,698 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 16.51 Total fatalities: 30 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 26.7 5. San Bernardino, Calif. Population: 198,580 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 17.12 Total fatalities: 38 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 15.8 4. Little Rock, Ark. Population: 189,515 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 17.94 Total fatalities: 34 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 26.5 3. Augusta-Richmond Co., Ga. Population: 194,149 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 19.57 Total fatalities: 38 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 15.8 2. Orlando, Fla. Population: 230,519 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 19.95 Total fatalities: 46 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 10.9 The most dangerous city to drive in: 1. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Population: 183,126 Total fatality rate per 100,000 population: 22.39 Total fatalities: 41 Percentage of fatalities that were pedestrians: 24.4 On the safer end of the spectrum, here are the 10 cities with the least fatalities per 100,000 population: Arlington CDP (census designated place), Va. (0.48) Vancouver, Wash. (1.23) Moreno Valley, Calif. (1.57) Rochester, N.Y. (1.93) Spokane, Wash. (1.98) Lincoln, Neb. (1.99) Aurora, Ill. (2.33) St. Paul, Minn. (2.50) Omaha, Neb. (2.51) Jersey See original article for additional link at: http://autos.yahoo.com/news/15-dangerous-cities-for-driving.html
  15. Actually it is no red herring. He does get the blame for most of it, rightfully, along with The Hammer and McConnel. Bush proposed the tax cut. The Hammer ruled the House with an Iron fist, so much so that he held the Prescription Drug Bill vote open all night until he could browbeat enough of his own party to pass it. (He made the Dems ask for a Pottie Pass to get access to the bathrooms.) McConnell failing to get the Tax Increase through a cloture vote in the Senate declared it a budget reconciliation bill which circumvented the cloture vote failure and permitted adoption with a simple majority the GOP had. So true, Congress did participate, but it essentially was a GOP simple majority Congress that rubber-stamped it without any substantial Dem support. So we can add McConnell and Tom Delay to the Bush 'hate' list you imagine.
  16. I think this could be just the thing to reinvigorate the bus transportation industry. I might consider interstate excursions just for the ride, certainly intercity. New York to Philly route could become very popular. Makes for a nice fantasy anyway.
  17. I think they could catch on.
  18. Personally, I want to make as many people happy as possible. For those that want to see an integrated forum, I would like to make them happy. For those who want to keep them segregated, I want to keep them happy and participating. Also, personally, I like a separate forum so that I do not have to wade through more posts to find the political posts. I do make an effort to read the segregated forum out of interest as as well as duty. (Big surprise here I know. ) On the other hand I would live easily enough with an integrated forum, knowing that many would appreciate it. Most people seem to prefer integration. The fewer who don't seem to take greater umbrage at potential encounters with undesired threads with strong enough feelings to possibly cause them to diminish their visits. I don't get that vibe from the integrators, if I may use that term. If we could institute a fool-proof flag system that might work as a compromise. But that is impossible since the software cannot recognize a 'political' post and posters will make mistakes, with me as a probable leading offender, unintentional mind you. I prefer to build participation rather than discourage it. I would not care to lose four or five visible and valuable posters who really prefer not to deal with politics, religion or war; and the ten fold factor of invisible readers who might be lost with them. If people want to generate greater readership, participation and excitement maybe we need to get some of our best posters to 'show a little more leg' and wear their Easter drag regalia more frequently. I know Oz, has a closet full of boas and wonderfully exotic feathered head pieces to go with his Dame Edna glasses. It is hard to keep him quiet when he dresses up. I can see Lucky dressed out in a golden Thai maiden outfit doing an exotic traditional Thai ceremonial dance. I single Lucky out for special attention because he deserves it (in the best way) for his August Post effort of last summer. We can also share our houseboys, legal age of course -- them that has em. Exotic masks allowed for those needing discretion. I know we could urge MarcAnthony to greater visibility if we made him our Spankmaster Of Ceremonies. He has never seen a twink that didn't need a little gentle discipline. For those that prefer greater visibility of politics threads, we could move the Politics Forum way up, as in second in the list. I know we can't please everyone all of the time but maybe this one time we could come close enough to keep everyone comfortable enough preserve all of our posters and posting enthusiasm? I just want to see something that works for all of us rather than some of us. Please excuse the levity used to lighten up my post in making my point. I'm expressing a voice as one site participant, not admin, in this thread and will leave the disposition of the issue up to Oz based on his interpretation of the wishes expressed and the goals we have for the community.
  19. Probably initial hysterics in the market that will smooth out and recover in days. I do not believe that anyone really believes that the dollar is not the safest currency in the world. the two other credit mavens have held their water. The world is astonished at the GOP publicly stated insanity and histrionics toward governing and the inability of our divided government to address debt problems, but then look at Europe. China is a paper tiger to steal a phrase. We are their biggest customer. If we go down the tubes then they have a really bad decade. They will not pull the legs out from under their best customer. My reply won't come as a surprise to anyone, I'm sure. The President and Sen. Reid called for a clean Debt Ceiling bill way back when. That would have avoided the three ring circus that went on the last few months. (S&P stated that perception was a significant part of the basis for their action -- inability for our government to come together to address a crisis.) Without it I suspect sleeping dogs would continue to lie for a while longer -- probably through the next election. Also, I'm not sure I would have been happy with it but Obama proposed and Boehner seemed onboard with a grand $4 Trillion bargain but Boehner couldn't sell it to his membership. S&P also stated that a major factor was that the final agreement really did little to address the long term debt outlook, i.e. no targeted entitlement cuts and NO revenues. The Grand Bargain would have set targets on both. You do the math as to who is at fault. I'll let someone for the other team place predominant blame on how the Dems did caused this, short of totally rolling over and playing dead. They came damn near that as it is.
  20. My personal opinion is that albacore (white) tuna sucks. It is dry and tasteless to my palate. Not much seems to help it. I do like canned light tuna in oil, preferably chunk or solid -- real chunks, not disintegrated chunks. The rest of it pretty much sucks. It must be packed in oil. Not necessarily olive oil, just any decent vegetable oil. LIght tuna packed in water is mushy, not fit for animal consumption much less humans, IMO.
  21. The layout of the article makes it too tedious to reproduce. Check it out at: http://shopping.yahoo.com/articles/yshoppingarticles/657/supermarket-standoff-canned-tuna/
  22. Not shoveling snow from the driveway and walkways or raking it off the eaves of my house. At my age it's a bitch
  23. The admin page indicates that your Gold status is active. Once you are logged in just click on the Gold Membership link and explore the options. We have no fireworks to greet Gold Members.... yet.
  24. I'm seeing my orthopedic surgeon on Tues. That will have to do me.
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