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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. I predict big ratings in Milwaukee and Detroit! I predict everyone else will be glued to the 'Housewives of Timbuktu'.
  2. As a former Republican, it is sad to see the GOP to have sunk to a collection of rightwing kooks, nuts and rank opportunists who flip and flop to the flavor of the month. These types were isolated in the past to the John Brich Society and other radical wingnut groups. To be fair, there are some dedicated conservatives just happy to see the clock rolled back to the 20's with respect to regulations, labor laws and safety net benefits. The irony is that their policies combined with Wall St greed led us to calamitous collpase in this last decade which they portray as the good old days of sane policy. They push more of the same. The electorate, unhappy that Obama has not succeeded in pulling us out of the ditch yet, want something different. However, the only thing being offered by this collection of wing-nuts is the failed policies of the past, one-upped by the dismantalling of the economic, working and saftey net benefits achieved for the middle class, the elderly, and the young. We saw the outcome of those who voted their unhappiness in 2010. It worked especially well for those in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Florida where the got change they did not bargain for. Will we do it again? If there is a God then I hope Romney or one of the other dwarf kooks is NOT his plan for America -- certainly at least not their espoused policies.
  3. This is only the first shoe to fall showing the .xxx concept is worse than bad. More will come. I wonder how ICANN can justify this other than as camoflage for corruption and censorship.
  4. Tell me he wasn't in Naked Boys Singing?
  5. In a different context of hot guys on a subway... When I was in my early twenties I was visiting NYC for the first time. It was July and I staying with a friend in Queens. I hopped a train to Manhattan to do some sight seeing. The temperature was sweltering -- if not 100 degrees and humid, it felt like it. At one of the stations a young slim black dude hops on the train -- decked head to toe in tight leather: pants, jacket, hat. I was dying in casual pants and lose shirt. I understand style and fashion. I also understand dying from heat stroke.
  6. Obviously. I guess it wasn't to someone?
  7. Surprise, surprise... I knew it wouldn't last three episodes when it was first advertised for the coming season. I don't know how network execs keep jobs (or get them in the first place) when backing such obvious flame-outs. This was likely pushed by a some shallow thinking junior exec who saw the success of Mad Men and thought all that is needed is some 50s/60s period melodrama with a bit of spice. Unable to think of anything original he grasped for the obvious gimmick: the early Playboy clubs. Even more surpising, some big wig VP bought it. Can Pan AM be far behind?
  8. I just thought she was practicing submission to her husband as the good book teaches.
  9. Research Reveals Oral Sex May Be Leading Cause of Mouth, Throat Cancers By L.L. Woodard | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Tue, Oct 4, 2011.. Mouth and throat cancer, called oropharynx cancer, used to be a disease seen most commonly in elderly persons. Tobacco smoking and alcohol use were known to be the leading causes of oropharyngeal cancer. Today, oral sex is listed as the leading cause of cancer of the mouth and throat. New research, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, demonstrates that human papillomavirus, HPV, is the leading cause of cancer of the oropharnyx in the U.S. The number of people diagnosed with HPV-related oral cancers in the U.S. tripled from 1998 to 2004. Currently, as NPR reports, almost 10,000 new cases of oral and throat cancer are diagnosed each year, with a 28 percent increase in incidence since 1988. Interestingly, the majority of those who are being diagnosed with the HPV-related oropharyngeal cancers are men. This leads researchers to wonder if the vaccine against HPV that is recommended for teenage girls may be affording that gender with protection against oropharyngeal cancer, as well as the currently known protection against cervical cancer. Researchers have noted a marked drop in non-HPV-related mouth and throat cancers since the American population has begun to turn away from tobacco smoking. The oropharyngeal cancer most commonly affects the tonsils, palate, base of the tongue and the upper throat. Whereas this type of cancer was previously seen most often in aged patients, it is now more common at younger ages, including baby boomers and their juniors, reports Bloomberg News. HPV is the most commonly transmitted sexual disease, but as Dr. Gregory Masters, an oncologist at the Helen Graham Cancer Center in Delaware reminds us, research is not yet clear that oral sex is the main or only transmission factor in this cancer, Dr. Maura Gillison, author of the research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology states that persons who have had six or more partners on whom they've practiced unprotected oral sex are eight times more likely than those who have not had oral sex to develop the HPV-related mouth and throat cancers, reports CBS News. Merck, the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the HPV vaccine, has issued a statement that there are no current plans to research the usefulness of the vaccine against oropharyngeal cancers. See original story at: http://news.yahoo.com/research-reveals-oral-sex-may-leading-cause-mouth-195800608.html
  10. Not an overstatement. Consider not only his direct contributions but also all of the technology that stands on the shoulders of his contributions.
  11. 'Absolutely Fabulous' returns with Patsy and Edina by Tanner Stransky Ab Fab is back, darlings! As EW reported back in August, the cult British series is returning early next year on BBC America and Logo with a trio of new specials. But you don’t have to wait that long to reunite with the boozy Patsy (Joanna Lumley) and Edina (Jennifer Saunders): EW has the exclusive first look at how the fabulous duo are holding up in the new specials, which marks the first time they’ve reunited since the BBC America comedy Clatterford in 2006. As you might imagine, despite a teensy-weensy bit of age, Patsy and Edina haven’t changed much at all, as the two exclusive photos we’ve nabbed are classic Ab Fab: First, we have festooned shopping realness: Image Credit: BBC Followed by limo realness: Image Credit: BBC As always: fabulous, even 20 years after we first met Edina and Patsy. Earlier this year, Logo acquired all five seasons of the camp series and began airing episodes on Thursdays at 10 p.m.
  12. Not Guilty !! Amanda Knox Verdict: Murder Conviction Overturned Read it here
  13. Will someone fill me in on who the big fish and the small fish are? Haven't got a clue. Did everyone else get a Program with player descriptions? I guess I missed out somehow. Inquiring mind seeking to catch up. Seriously, I don't have a clue. We try to maintain a level playing field here for everyone.
  14. Actually my preferred alternative to the death penalty for the truly guilty, for the truly heinous acts against humanity, in the singular or in the large: I would launch them in space capsule with fifty years of food and water on a one-way trip to eternity. This would be true solitary confinement. Budget considerations preclude exercising this merciful alternative.
  15. Pretty much. I sort of organized it on the fly and on a whim. My first poll I ever created. The polling software had some wrinkles I was unaware of that were not very forgiving. I figured out a patch that worked. I do some things differently to reduce confusion at the onset but the basic set up would be much the same, as the software has limits that must be obeyed. It still could be an interesting poll if more people chose to participate. Apparently, some got offended at the early short comings and retired from the field of battle. So be it. It is voluntary just as most things in life are, excepting death and taxes.
  16. I agree. Unfortunately, posting for most escorts, IMO, is a no win proposition. All too frequently in the past, escorts have been drawn into minor controversies either by an irate client wannabe or maybe another escort posting under an anonymous non de plume or just by someone with a different opinion. It can easily get out of hand. Eventually someone always manages to lob a broadside at an escort who hangs around for long. But escorts have reputations and a business to hurt whereas other posters do not. Some posters take advantage of that to take a piece out of a working guy. I don't know why. I cannot explain the phenomenon. Escort posters that successfully navigate the treacherous waters are usually bit more mature and possess a good sense of humor to disarm potentially inflammatory situations. Some cultivate a coven of supporters that help them weather attacks on the site. Other who don't have an organized following tend to limit their participation to an occasional basis to keep themselves from becoming a target. In my observations over the years, the most successful long term high profile escort posters usually receive some sort of sympathetic support from site management. That may extend to some behind the scenes mediation with troublesome parties or more. Few escorts hang around for long taking continuing grief and flaming from other posters although some few do come to mind. Eventually they leave too or scale way back their appearances. So particpating is a bit of a high wire act for escorts with potential benefits and pitfalls. They put their business on the line and their income too when they do it. It is not surpising that most do not see an ovewhelming upside to posting on a regular basis.
  17. Ditto.
  18. It is apparent from the posts of some members what their position preference is for anal sex. Not everyone is so revealing though and others do not post at all. This poll is inspired by a post the Porn and Photos Forum, http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7846-the-way-to-a-gay-mans-heart/ which, as an aside to the scenery, speculates about whether there are more bottom than tops. I have included five categories. Where "Total" appears interpret this as 'Exlcusively'. If one doesn't engage in anal sex, then I have included entry 'Does Not Apply'. This poll is totally anonymous so please take a second to participate so that my idle curiosity may be sated. Hopefully, my learning process has resulted in this poll being more straightforward to participate in than the earlier 'Where Do You Reside' Poll. Thanks for your participation.
  19. Lurker, Thanks for sharing this interesting experience. It provokes lots of questions of which some are already on the table. I look forward to reading more.
  20. Sounds like sushi to me.
  21. Never heard of it, only green, black and orange.
  22. It must be April 1st.
  23. The charades continue...
  24. Super Committee's Cuts Anything But Automatic Ryan Grim Huffingtonpost.com WASHINGTON -- The 12-member super committee created to slash the federal deficit is powered by the threat that if it doesn't come up with $1.2 trillion in savings, automatic, across-the-board cuts will be instituted to reach that same goal, with half of those cuts hitting the Pentagon. Don't believe it. The supposed across-the-board cuts aren't slated to go into effect until January 1, 2013. Put more simply: They might not ever go into effect. The automatic cuts -- known as sequestration -- are often discussed in Washington as if they're certain, an inevitability that Congress won't be able to prevent. But on the same day those cuts would go into effect, the Bush tax rates, which President Obama extended for two years, are set to expire, leading to an "automatic" tax hike that is treated in Washington as anything but inevitable. (That the two coming policy changes are approached so differently -- cuts are expected; expiring tax breaks for the wealthy are brushed aside -- is a window into Washington's priorities.) A host of other tax cuts and credits will expire on the same day, including the alternative minimum tax, ethanol tax credits, renewable energy credits and others important to businesses, the wealthy and the middle class. A lame duck Congress would have two months after the 2012 election to stave off the expiration of both that tax policy and the super committee's "automatic" cuts. The most likely scenario: The super committee locks up along partisan lines and, after the 2012 election, bipartisan negotiators deal with the tax cuts and the super committee's sequestration cuts, along with a basket of other expiring provisions, in one set of negotiations. Democrats will be pressured by the coming sequestration, while Republicans will be motivated by the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. And all of their negotiations will take place in a political and economic climate impossible to predict today. "All of this at some point comes together," said Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) of the Bush tax cuts and the sequestration. "One thing about this place, the paces just keep repeating themselves." While many have portrayed the super committee as having some sort of automatic axe, other observers haven't bought the idea. Stan Collender, a Democratic budget expert and consultant to Wall Street and Washington lobbyists, saw through it quickly, writing a report for Qorvis Communications downplaying the likelihood of the automatic cuts. "There is a high probability that the super committee won't be able to agree on a deficit reduction deal and that the across-the-board spending cuts that are supposed to be triggered if that happens will NOT go into effect as scheduled in 2013," he wrote. "Federal budget agreements have seldom, if ever, gone the distance. Instead, they have always been changed, waived, ignored or abandoned." Former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), who is running again for an Orlando seat, noted in a blog post Monday that the Constitution is not on the side of those pushing for automatic cuts. "Under Article I, Section 7 of our Constitution, each Congress has the same right as another other Congress to legislate. This includes 'raising Revenue' and 'Appropriation of Money,'" he wrote. "So our 112th Congress can 'pass a Bill' setting the federal deficit for this year and next year, but that's about it. Anything that goes beyond the first week of January, 2013, when the 113th Congress will be sworn in, is subject to change by that Congress, and every subsequent Congress." Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chair of the Senate's tax-writing committee and a member of the super committee, told HuffPost that the panel is looking at the Bush tax cuts as well as other expiring credits. "The committee is sure talking of those provisions and there are others too, and we are talking about all of them," he said. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), whose more than two decades in the Senate have made him witness to his share of negotiations, said that both the Bush taxs cuts and the sequestration cuts will be negotiated as one large piece during the lame duck session. "At that time, at that time," Harkin said. "Not now. At that time." Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who recently resigned from leadership so he can spend more time on bipartisan legislating and less on partisan messaging, agreed with HuffPost that the automatic cuts were not necessarily automatic. "That’s a good point," he said. "Congress can always pass a law if it chooses to do that, but the president can veto it, and 40 senators can stop it. So I think while it's technically possible for that to happen, I think there's the fact that 38 senators of both parties signed a letter encouraging the committee to think even bigger. It's a very good sign that something is likely to happen here." Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), the Senate minority whip and a super committee member, also saw roping the tux cuts and sequestration together as an option. "I don't think sequestration will take place, for one thing," he said, saying there are "lots of different options, possibilities. Who knows?" Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said that the committee should think of the possibility of automatic cuts as motivation, but agreed that they're heavily dependent on Congress. "The automatic spending cuts take effect not based upon the joint committee; it’s based upon congressional action," he said. Dealing with the spending cuts and expiring tax cuts together will give Democrats a negotiating advantage, highlighting how tax policy has contributed to budget hole, Democrats said. "Since those tax cuts and Bush deregulation and the two wars and the bailout to drug and insurance companies in '03/'04 created almost all the deficit, clearly that should be part of the solution," said Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio). "Speaking for the Democrats, we want to see a comprehensive approach," said Cardin. "We think the revenue issues need to be on the table. We have been pretty clear about what we think about the Bush-era tax rates for the higher income." There may also be political will to prevent the automatic cuts from going into effect, if only to save the Pentagon's budget. "I am very concerned about broad cuts across the board, particularly as it relates the Department of Defense," Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) told HuffPost. And the cuts already agreed to earlier this year, as part of the bargain that created the super committee, may end up being just as fantastical. "[T]he approximately $900 billion in spending reductions put in place by the Budget Control Act are far more likely to be projected rather than realized," Collender wrote in his report. "Although the agreement put spending caps in place every year through fiscal 2021, only the $30 billion or so projected for fiscal 2012 -- which will start in about a month on October 1 -- should be considered likely to occur. The presumed spending reductions for fiscal 2013 and beyond will occur after the 2012 presidential and congressional elections and during the time frame when virtually all other federal budget agreements have fallen apart or changed. In all probability, that will happen in this case as well." See original article with video at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/27/super-congress-super-committee-deficit-cuts_n_982770.html
  25. She may or may not be guilty but for sure the prosecutors and justice system have failed miserably to prove it. I believe the prosecutors are prosecuting for their reputation now, not for justice. I find it astonishing that a supposedly democratic government can get by with such an apparent incompetent institution as this seems to go beyond just one bad prosecutor. But then Italy has a history of misfeasance and malfeasance of government or governments, as so many have failed over the last 40 years. Look at Berlesconi now -- maybe better spelled Burlesqoni.
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