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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. No, we are an essential public health service. We help the afflicted with the syndromes 'Blues-Ballsius' and 'Itching Prostate' locate practitioners who treat and alleviate those syndromes, even if only temporary relief. Our compassion for the afflicted is no less than that of Mother Theresa, just more narrowly focused.
  2. Trust me, we do not meet that criterion.
  3. It was a fiasco. They actually let an unvetted audience have at Romney that submitted primarily hostile questions. Also, the warmth on stage between old enemies wouldn't melt an ice cube in an hour. I guess McCain hates Santorum more.
  4. TampaYankee


    No, it's not bad but it is not good either. It could have been significantly better if the GOP had not acted as obstructionists for purely political reasons. The GOP has refused to join Obama in economic programs and legislation that they have clearly supported in the past under other presidents of both parties, such as infrastructure iimprovements. Not sure the electorate sees that clearly.
  5. Money buys most elections where there is a significant disparity in funding. There can be no other rational explanation. Also, I agree that SC will be the point of no return for Perry. Either he catches fire and big support or the flames out for good. I suspect my previous view was ill considered, that he might be a magnet for the business and evangelical wings at this point. He may just hang around to kill Santorum faster that Santorum might naturally collapse.
  6. Good for them. Hopefully other mainstream sites will join.
  7. At least it gets the ball rolling. As for a SCOTUS challenge, that assumes the Court will choose to hear it. That is far from a forgone conclusion, IMO.
  8. Rick Perry is on to South Carolina. He is the only candidate standing that is acceptable to tea party, the right wing social conservatives and the business arm of the party. He has the deep pockets. Santorum's shelf life is a month at best -- toooo much baggage, nooooo money, no organization. Not to say Perry will prevail but the right wing wackos are not ready to concede to Romney. The establish Repubs will not concede to Paul. As for Perry not being reelected, or Senator, surely you jest. Texas has half a dozen wackos & idiots elected to Congress (Louie Gohmert is an prime example) and has voted for Perry three times. Texas is probably the only State that celebrates it's a broad lack of mental acuity. Have you seen what they try to do to their educational standards? They have officially sanctioned dumbing-down the schools. Only people who already know it all do that.
  9. Romney is happier than a pig in shit. Santorum benefited from timing as the least recently tarnished nonRomney candidate. He'll have is three weeks of fame and fortune and bogus puffing up by the press. All politicians without deep pockets delude themselves.
  10. TampaYankee

    Donald's Debate

    Not at all. He remarked it was a terrible loss to All Mankind and a few days later publicly disenrolled from the Republican Party with some threat that he might run a third party party candidacy. The only thing that made that not-a-lie was the word 'might'. The Donald 'might' shit banana flavored marshmallows too. I give the latter a nonvanishing finite probability and the former a zero probability. Trump deals in wind and bluster for blowing up his ego and real estate and TV ratings for fattening up his wallet. That's it.
  11. Easy Lucky, I'm not participating. Thus my brevity poses no threat. As for Expat's brief intro to offering an interesting article link, well, I think initiating a thread with substance is sufficient.
  12. The reserves are literally a drop in the bucket of usual consumption.
  13. I'm of the opinion that Murdoch finds Santorum to be a minimally adequate 'useful idiot'. Neocons and Big Oil found Bush II performed just fine. It looks like the most sought after potential 'useful idiot' hit strong headwinds that even his money supporters couldn't overcome -- Rick Perry. Texas must be feeling embarassed to know that they have chosen a real idiot not once, not twice, but three times to run their state. At least the rich got richer as the state dropped in health care and education. A fourth term and Texas may make Mississippi look good in contrast.
  14. Unfortunately, there is a significant minority in the country all to ready to support wackos. Look at the audiences of Limbaugh, Hannity, Bachman, Santorum, Herman Cain, Paul... The list could go on and on.
  15. He is not too smart and his ego can be contained by nothing short of the known universe, however, NFW he will run. His ego cannot handle the thought of an embarassing third place showing. The only thing rivaling his ego in size would be his mouth. He is very adept at using that. And the shill press plays it up always pretending he is serious about a run. They did the same with Carabou Barbie when she had no intention of running anywhere except to the bank. The press has little credibility whether it is Faux News, HuffPost or NY Times. There main purpose is to foster controversy and notorious personalities for circulation or ratings instead of accurate and truthful information. Trump could certainly put a wrinkle in the election and possible influence the outcome. But he could never win and publicly losing just isn't something his ego can handle. He has never been a serious candidate and won't be running. You can take that to the bank.
  16. Very interesting indeed.
  17. Donate 6k in sponsorships and undertake a less rigorious condtioning regimen. You are not as young as you used to be. I know, neither am I.
  18. Rapes are better reported to the local authorities. As for bank credit card shenanigans, try reporting to your State Attortney General Office. They have a business fraud unit. You need to keep up better. We published a no-show review just this last week.
  19. They had a scam where they were 'ordering' credit charge acct debits in order to maximize overdraft fees. They applied larger charges first, out of order, to achieve overdraft status so they could then slap all of the other charges on top of that, each with its own over charge fee. It was not against law but it was certainly an unconscionable business practice, one they discontinued once the word got out. Shows you where their heart lies. Years ago, my state bank was gobbled up by a national bank which started all sorts of ridiculous charges like charging me to see my acct balance at their ATM. I dropped them for another state bank faster than lightening flashes. That bank got gobbled up too but so far they have not been too unreasonable. They did institute new charges recently but because of my long record with them those charges were waived. I also joined a local credit union and now have my mortgage with them as well as other accounts. And I still have a credit union acct I joined more than forty years ago when I was a teacher. I just have a hard time living with people and business shitting on me or other customers not any different from me.
  20. how much. I loved the chrome trim and and bumpers on cars back in the old days before mileage standards came into play. It made cars sexy and hood ornaments were works of art. Sadly it was replaced with plastics and vinyl. Today, I tried the Chrome Browser for the first time. I'm not one to rush in to be a beta tester... lol. Let someone else find all the bugs and other issues. My IE 8 was getting slower and slower and my son (an internet software engineer) convinced me that Chrome was ready for prime time. So I downloaded it today. WOW is it fast. It's not very sexy looking unlike the chrome of yesteryear but runs like hell, just as those cars of yesteryear did. I'm impressed so far.
  21. These guys missed the boat entirely. From everything I've read and heard the hottest gay destination goes too Bangkok or Pattay(splitting hairs?). The most humid too.
  22. For the record, I'd also take that deal. I might even negotiate down a bit. And yes, Brad Pitt would be free.
  23. Very good news for Europeans. Any customer who hasn't cancelled their WF account is begging for a screwing. They've already had their way with thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, of customers.
  24. I used to have a few names registered with GoDaddy. If I still had them I'd be moving them. SOPA as envisioned in the bill will kill the small guys on the internet. SOPA ends 'Due Process' in the taking of domains as one example. I always said the internet will remain free in content and spirit and as a level playing field for entry as long as it remains small beans. When it realizes real money, Big Business will take it over and coopt government to make it so. First big step went to the telecoms who got 'real' net neutrality defeated. Now SOPA.
  25. The same sensitivity can also apply in MTL. There is a spectrum of personalities and with them interpretations of actions and gratitude expression in personal interactions. Some guys are quite cut and dried. Others view friendly accommodations as a measure of friendship and respect. Don't assume one size fits all. Be sensitive to your companion less you unintentionally offend someone that could be a wonderful friend. I assume the same would apply in Columbia or any latino society. That's my guess anyway.
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