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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Watch out for Paul Ryan in 2016 and the New Jersey blowhard, Christie. The present VA Governor will make an attempt too and fail. Rubio has potential but too early to say if he'll be ready.
  2. I doubt that is in the cards next time given the losing class of 2012... or the class of losers, meaning lack of class as in gravitas. I do not think the GOP establishment will be quite so laissez faire for so long next time around. Gingrich has really scared the shit of em!! They are engaging in all out warfare to undermine Newt which is doing great damage to party cohesion. That could likely cause Mitt a loss in the General that he might otherwise win. It's certainly a big gamble anyway. They probably would have done the same to any of the other candidates if they became a serious threat to Romney. The irony is that the establishment really didn't want Romney but he is the best of a bad lot. He cleans up well for a night on the town or at a joint session of Congress, compared to the others who are clowns of one fashion or another.
  3. We are just flush with statistical birth oddities here at MER. My grandfather on my mother's side was born before the Civil War. He fathered my mother and two other siblings while in his early 70s. His father died in the Civil War. That my grandfather's virility was long-lived, as was his amorous desires, was clearly demonstrated.
  4. I believe that the GOP establishment will run Gringrich over with a bus before they let him win. You heard it here first!!
  5. Which begs the question: Where does one put $100 billion to sit on given that banks are so risky? Short-term and medium-term treasuries?
  6. LOL.... Bless me Lucky. Will no one rid me of that damned Beethoven!! Each of these might be more fitting depending on the day.
  7. Hmmm... the lawyer slant huh? Reminds me of a few lawyer jokes. What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the Sea? A good start. But present company excepted. Lucky is endearing in a prickly sort of way.
  8. How do I apply for the position of 'Official Taster'? Ummm... I think I'm ready to toil in the fields. I wonder if that dual sausage combo could give one gout? I'd offer the backpacker a ride on my pony. But it looks like he already has one -- ride that is. ... the stuff that dreams are made of... damp dreams.
  9. Good speech for opening the Obama campaign. As for Daniels, he would have been serious competition in a general election. Much better response than I would have expected from most GOPers. Half his speech was a reasonable case for a serious rational opposition. The other half was a SOP to the rabid base with the usual bull-shit talking-points and catch-words. That was Daniel's weakness for the primaries -- too rational in opposition, not play enough to the base. Why he couldn't win and Newt is where he is. Newt still has my prayers.
  10. No war, just an expressive opinion about how I like my own words used. As for babies and bathwater, I don't have any to toss. I too await the next installment of Lucky's travelogue. Notice the French spelling, hoping that Lucky will get the hint to hit Viet Nam on the way back. Those hotties he posted were... well... hot!. BTW, If I had Mitt's pockets I'd send you along to carry EXPAT's luggage. Recalling your back issues, I'd have to come along too to carry all the luggage. But given my knees I'd have to ask lookin' to come along to organize all the luggage boys needed to carry all that luggage. Ummmmm... who else am I leaving off this fantasy trip Oh yes, several more come to mind including lurker... and... and... For the want of Mitt's pockets... Is it envy No just fantasy fueled by lust. and maybe a little complex.
  11. TampaYankee


    Let me join in the Welcome line. Always room for more participants. As a former lurker you are familiar with the crowd so just jump in when the mood suits you.
  12. Well, he is. I wish him well in his quest.
  13. Kiss my butt Lucky!! That is NOT my stated goal. Cut the shit. I do not like people that put words in my mouth or twist them to make something unintended. I'm all for declaring EXPAT the winner, paying him first, second, and third place prizes, sending him to Rio for a month, and let the complainers shape the forum they want, but I am not running the contest.
  14. If one thinks their post worthy of note and it gets assigned to page two by lesser posts then nothing stops one from 'bumping it' to the top for further consideration. I've certainly done that in my life. If, on the other hand, two or three bumps do not entice a bite or even a nibble then maybe democracy has decided.
  15. No changing the rules in the middle of the race. Besides, Expat has posted many excellent messages. I don't hang on every one but he posts great pics and has become essentially our Hollywood Reporter and shares the hot LA Club scene both verbally and pictorially. Then there is his enthusiastic political contributions. As I said, I don't hang on his every post but I do read lots and he has taken the contest to heart. Many of his posts warrant a lot more attention and comment than they are given but that's ok too. Participation is totally voluntary around here and if you can pick up a few hundred dollars along the way why bitch at that. I'm not sure which is worse: too disinterested to post or too disinterested to read. Fortunately, a few are interested enough to bitch -- any sign of life is good.
  16. Classy lady. She's made her contribution and sacrifice to the country. Too bad Boener couldn't be bothered to visit her to wish her well in her recovery during past opportunities when he visited locally.
  17. I couldn't be happier for the GOP as they ride high through this primary season. Over the last three years they've lied, distorted, prevaricated and obstructed to further their own ideological agenda over the interests of the people and the country as a whole. They've embraced wackos either as visionaries or 'useful idiots' to push their agenda. Now the party base has been swept up in the wackos fervor. While the base cannot decide who they favor, they have overwhelmingly decided who they do not favor. Maybe at the end of this raucous road they will come together in a seamless united front. Maybe not. Here's hoping...
  18. I hope this goes to appeal.
  19. Finally!! Something worth drinking at a Starbucks.
  20. Sharing site Filesonic.com shuts down. Looks like a chilling effect. Here is the message they display: All sharing functionality on FileSonic is now disabled. Our service can only be used to upload and retrieve files that you have uploaded personally. If this file belongs to you, please login to download it directly from your file manager.
  21. Gingerich eats cake while Romney heat humble pie in SC.
  22. Newt 40%, Mitt 28%. So if this goes to a deadlocked convention who will be brought in from the wings to unite the party? I suspect he won't be Mormon. It also begs the question: whether a national campaign structure can be put in place for the candidate? There is only sixty to seventy days from convention to election day. Given the modern structure of campaigns where the individual candidate's team puts together, several months in advance, the national campaign structure with the help of the RNC/DNC, this will put the heavy lifting on the RNC to have a national campaign appartus-get out the vote structure in place. Maybe this will be the purist test yet of whether money/ads alone can win an election?
  23. It ain't over till it's over... Seems to be an issue who and how this will be enforced before it actually can take effect. Also, I believe the Vivid CEO said if this actually comes to pass that most if not all of the industry will leave LA. I suspect that is a threat to get the city fathers to reconsider. I also expect it will probably happen if not reconsidered. I could see the industry relocating to San Diego or Vegas among other places, if not just outside LA borders somewhere. Stay tuned.
  24. Could Obama have hoped for any better circumstance? A drawn out Tong War between Newt and Mitt! Newt can deliver devastating bombast at will... and will. All to be captured on youtube. lol Mitt has the money and the organization, which is unlikely to be overcome in the end. It promises a long bloody battle unless the establishment (or Romney) puts out a contract on Newt. Must-see cable TV for Winter and Spring.
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