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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. Well, I would have never thought to compare NC to a developing country. Guess because I never seriously considered living in a developing country. I'm sure it compares much more favorably in that arena.
  2. Works for me. That's BF material. He is great looking and has a body that won't quit. I assume he possesses that famous 'latin passion'. Now, would he bottom?
  3. I used to have a very favorable opinion of North Carolina. The western part of the state is beautiful. I often thought it would be nice to live in Ashville. The Research Triangle tapped the synergy of good schools and industry to bring a modern competitive environment to the State that compares well with other similar hybrid communities. It is a banking center for the country. All very impressive. Then I had a friend, looking for a change, move to Charlotte to take a high school librarian job. Even though certifications were reviewed and deemed acceptable for transfer from one state to the other by local officials, it seems the state bureaucracy couldn't get it done. They couldnt find their asses with both hands. So, after two months of not getting anything done, this person switched to a teaching position with transferred credentials which the bureaucracy thought it could handle. Then at the school, although the department heads were motivated, the staff and teachers seemed unable to care any less. It was not obvious that many were competent to hold their positions. In fact it seemed that many were not competent to hold their position. The students were unmotivated, combative and threatening. My friend found this lax attitude prevalent everywhere: grocery stores, service stations, banks, etc. People acted like they couldn't be bothered. After four months, my friend returned home to teaching at the same school left earlier. It left quite a bad taste after all of that. Now this Amendment One added to the list of state attributes, well... it doesn't make it smell any sweeter to me. Too bad, it is a beautiful state. But I'll pass. There are many other beautiful states without so much baggage.
  4. My God, Obama ought to play this daily in a 30 second spot on every TV station in the country, along with a graph of median income growth vs top three percent, averaged, during the GOP and DEM administrations over the last fifty years. How does the GOP sell the bullshit that it does is beyond my comprehension other than most of the country is ignorant about our recent economic history -- even those who think they know and even though many millions lived through the period. It boggles my mind how people delude themselves or allow others to do it to them. Sure, I understand that the big boys in Business don't care about those stats. They care about power and running the economy for their benefit, not for the country as whole. They make little pretense either as they say all the good that goes to them will trickle down to the main street. The only problem is those stats above do not support that -- but just the opposite.
  5. ... by TV standards anyway. The Firm also seems to be among the 'missing' no pun intended... well maybe just a little. Not surprising as it was treated by NBC as a stepchild, on Saturday night no less. Not feelin' the love at all. Most potted plants get better treatment -- those that live anyway. As usual, I'm going to have to rely on the higher cable channels for the bulk of my TV box entertainment.
  6. Au contraire, it should have been relatively short IMO -- two paragraphs, one for infidelity (very short) and one for irreconcilable differences. Two subparagraphs each: one for kids, the other for money and property - prorated by duration of bliss and capped. After all, one needs to save something for the second and maybe third wives.
  7. Andrew Sullivan has done Obama no service here. Neither has Newsweek.
  8. I would have preferred he hold this until after the election. I much prefer maximizing the prospects for carrying Virgina and North Carolina over short-term feel-good symbolism. This lowers those odds.
  9. Yes and no. The article has it right. Many of us do stupid things when we are young. The question is do we grow out of it? Most of us do, some of us don't. Which is it with Mitt? Well, he had a great opportunity to prove it by admitting to the episode with a sincere apology to all involved. He chose not to do that. What was there to fear in showing he has grown up? An apology for bullying would have offended no one but possibly some in his base. Is he playing to their desire to have a bully of gays in the White House? Are they going to demand that he stick by his prior immature bullying tactics? Where are they going to go if he apologized? This episode reflects poorly on him to much of the undecided middle, especially women. His actions do not comport with those of an adult who has outgrown his immature ways. Will this swing the election? No. But it is one more burden that the question of his character must carry. These failings add up over time. I believe it is a net negative, as it should be. He could have completely neutralized it by owing up to it and apologizing. It would have been a one-day story. Instead it lasted a week and still hangs as a cloud over his character. This guy is the most inept Presidential Candidate that I have ever seen. He is a walking cluster-fu*k.
  10. TampaYankee

    For EXPAT

    Great songstress.
  11. Teny years too late.
  12. For all the images and dust-up see: http://shine.yahoo.c...-172200662.html
  13. I cannot breathe CW air. It gives me 'helium head' which is not my kind of head. Gawd!!! Newton Minnow did not know how right he was.
  14. The new dramas look to have potential. Clearly, CBS is way out front of the others, to my taste anyway. Almost half their shows are worth watching or giving a chance.
  15. I would never tune in to watch Howard Stern period. I have no use for his juvenile & bathroom humor. The fact that he may be on the show might not drive me away if he cleans is act up. I never watch the show until they clean all the crap acts off the show. Eventually in the season, they end of with an hour of good entertainment.
  16. Count me in for Scandal & DWTS. Castle is ok. For the rest... ugh! They tanked Missing for this crap!! F**king idiots!!!!!
  17. Only the football for me, depending on the game.
  18. There was no doubt in my mind where her support iay. She has always been an astute, perceptive, common sense woman. As to the effect of her endorsement, like most others, little to none.
  19. Not much worth watching in that line-up. I'll reserve judgment on the new dramas as I am hopeful.
  20. I read somewhere that 30 Rock was renewed for 13 shows to wrap up the series. Maybe that changed? The only one I really regret is 'Missing' and that is conditional on the present story line being wrapped up this season. I'm not interested in a continuing saga-soap opera of their equivalent of the 'one-armed man'. However, I do not seem to need to worry about that anymore. Overall, the cancelled shows were pretty weak as are many continuing shows.
  21. ...and the GOP is dying to let them off of whatever weak leash Dodd-Frank provides. BRING BACK Glass-Steagle!!!!! Break those bastards up into real banks and casinos and let the casino guys play with their own money with winnings taxed as ordinary income like all other gambling winnings are.
  22. It's one thing to be antiwar, another to offer aid, comfort and propaganda support to the enemy. She might have been shot in WWII as what she did was little different from Tokyo Rose with the exception that Jane is an American citizen, the engagement was shorter lived but had a much wider impact, through TV. She has apologized and I'm willing to not revisit the past but I can see why feelings remain strong about her. That type of 'treason' has a very long shelf life, even if she was young and stupid at the time.
  23. Just say "NO"! Let me make one thing clear: I'm using them, I'm not letting them use me. If they approach me with something I'm not interested in (and they do sometimes) I ignore it or say no, whichever is appropriate. This is true of amazon.com and consumers union and many others. They have their agendas, I have mine. When they overlap I take advantage of it and support them too.
  24. I concur in a multifaceted approach on multiple fronts. Bringing attention to one source doesn't mean excluding others. Putting all the eggs in one basket is never the best idea. Select the best tool for the job of which there are several.
  25. I cannot really pick anyone either with the possible exception of Thomas Jefferson. Not so much for the usual high profile things which were all good, but for his view of the common man and the political party he helped found on that philosophy. Honestly, now I cannot remember if I learned, as a young man of high school age, my views from him or whether he just confirmed what I already conjured up. Either way it had a strong impact on validating my feelings. Too bad the country and times have become too complex to retain that simple individualistic approach to politics and policy. Or maybe I have come to see that all is not so simple and straightforward.
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