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Everything posted by TampaYankee

  1. We'll not see the likes of him again. Wish someone would put together collected writings and interviews of him.
  2. Yup, the nanny network is busy protecting us all from going blind. Now the swimmers have to use the bicycle competition lycra shorts. If I were Speedo I'd sue big time. I'm so thankful we have agents of authority looking out for us. BTW, they would have had a heck of a time broadcasting the ancient Olympics. Doubt we'd see more than the Mountain skyline and a passing bird but the play-by-play would have been as exciting as ever.
  3. lol... Hmmm... A denial to an unasked makes one wonder... What greater transgression is being hidden?
  4. Just an unnecessary provocation that hands the Republicans another stick to use as a lever in Va and NC. Not all social conservatives are Royalists. Some do believe in the common man and middle class. The GOP establishment is the modern day equivalent of the Torys with loyalty to the Crowns of Industry and Wall St. But social conservatives are just that -- socially conservative. They are less likely to bend their social principles than their economic principles. That is what social conservatives do. It accomplishes nothing beyond some temporary feel-good warmth. Little consolation if we lose the Presidency and Senate.
  5. On the flip side, if the dollar is slipping as you hypothesize then it buys less and less against a stable Brazilian currency. If that slides too through inflation then the dollar will not be losing as much ground vs the Brazilian currnecy and the slide is mitigated. Either way, I do not see their inflation as catastrophe for Americans. What you do not want to be is a Brazilian farmer or worker or worse, jobless.
  6. AAu contraire, if the Brazilian currency is losing value then foreign currencies are gaining value against it, all else being constant. Thus prices rise on the street but the conversion rate against the dollar rises too. Not only should the dollar buy more Brazilian money to make up for the inflation but if the dollar is seen as stable it will appreciate even more against the unstable Brazilian currency with the uncertainty of the future inflation rate. People, banks and business prefer a bird in the hand which is the dollar for the present.
  7. Ah yes... last night we finally got the meat of the Olympics -- gymnastics and especially diving. Great eyecandy and events too. Greg Louganis has aged very well, very well indeed.
  8. Bullshit!!!!!!! He's a right wing demogogue that practices strict constructionism when he it suits him and turns a blind eye also when it suits him. There is no Constitutional proclamation that corporations are to be extended 'personhood'. They have no inalienable rights, at least I cannot find them in the Constitution. Given that many of those men were businessmen one might think they would have considered the issue if they were inclined to. The individuals who own corporations do have rights as individuals and they can exercise those rights as individuals. (The same for unions.) However, to rein in these marks to the issue of guns, he said in the article that constitutional questions need to be considered in the times that our forefathers crafted it -- ruling in the context of what they knew or could practically envision in their time. I guarantee you that they did not envision fully automated handguns with 100 shot clips, Uzis and the like brought to movies theaters or even the Public Commons. Most of technology they did not envision. So most high tech weapons, they did not envision. His standard is a raft of horseshit. The founding fathers wrote more than specific concrete items rooted in the constitution. They also wrote principles into it, principles of rights and freedom from an obtrusive state that must be applied in time and circumstance of the present, not 250 years ago in a day-to-day world which has little to do with today.
  9. This is a primary issue that drives the site name. All of the 'unique' google search words in the world won't help if they are not what people think of when typing into a search engine. One needs a readily recognized word that most interested people will associate with your site content but that also distinguishes the site from others. That is a very hard condition to meet. You either have to create a name that is on everyone's mind or tongue that hasn't been used or be lucky enough to have a name meeting that demand in your hip pocket. At one time some years back I tried in vain to secure the name 'Men4Rent' for obvious reasons. It was taken. I was about ten years too late. The name was not being used actively. Someone was just parking it and had no intention of letting go of it. For all I know that status remains the same. So yeah, a lot of it comes down to easy recognition/association with site theme and search user identification. There aren't that many of those out there that are free or cheap for the taking. I doubt there are any. It is only true that 'if you build it then they will come' if, in part, 1) they know it exists and 2) they can find it on the internet. Fifty might find 'SexInCoolTropicalBreezes.com' whereas fifty thousand will find 'Sex.com'. Whatever we choose must broaden site exposure else we will retain the status quo. IMO, the HooBoy model has reached saturation in the present times. There is a lack of significant new blood into the scene on either side of that equation. There is limited demand and that has been capped. People have made their choice of site for whatever reason. Our passing out favors at the door isn't going to change the status quo. We need new blood. That comes with expanded interest offerings and making ourselves easy to find for that new blood. The question is how to do that without undermining our present offerings.
  10. All the ads are playing in less than a dozen states. The remainder are considered safe for one party or the other, so no need to spend money in those. Of course cable plays some of them too as part of their coverage.
  11. And we thank you for that input. It is important that we have the sense of the members. Believe me when I say it has given us pause to reflect. As for my words, I'm just trying to point out that there is a wider world context that we do not imagine or did not invent.
  12. If you have taken notice of news, fiction, and Page Six type media outlets then you should have noticed that the term boy-toy is usually used in the context of a younger male in the life or company of an older person -- male or female. There is no limitation on body type or age other than the age difference is significant enough to be of note to the observers. A certain music and movie mogul is always seen with his collection of boy toys who are not exactly twinks if one appreciates biceps and lats and a few years of age make a distinction. Take any of the Magic Mike actors. All could be considered boy-toys in the right relationships. Are all of these inappropriate guys to have a site associated with? Are all of you guys so young that only teen twinks would provide the necessary age differential? Has the term been co-opted by some sites for twinks? Yes. Does that forever pollute the term? Ask Page Six or Jackie Collins or any of a host of media outlets, society reporters and trash fiction authors.
  13. Good riddens! They pissed me off with that final Season 1 episode. I felt really fucked over and I wouldn't watch Season 2. Too bad, it started out to be an interesting show for the most part.
  14. Would you get over here!! I'm tired of using this thumb.
  15. Ughhhh.... I prefer new talent over retreads doing reruns. Nothing against any of them but let new people have their time at bat. Here is another instance where ratings concerns overtakes good taste.
  16. Of course he has the right. He has the right to be insensitive too, not to mention stupid. He even has the right to fuck up his career. On the flip side, I don't see this as national news. Maybe a local story at best. Typical fodder for gossip magazine shows. We just have bigger issues than showcasing thoughtless comic bad taste.
  17. Read all about it here... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/survey-one-11-employers-plan-194200262.html
  18. I don't do lines. I don't do crowds. I don't do snakes. Not necessarily in that order. I may compromise the first two if I am in the company of a hot guy who does crowds and/or lines.
  19. I wouldn't avoid that at all but I would avoid believing it.
  20. Bad in the days when Boy George was more boy than George.
  21. Capitalistic societies have evolved to believe in disposable goods. The idea is to make things cheaper to buy than to repair and possibly to keep up. The problem is that this makes for 'cheap' goods in more ways than one. We live in a world of ticky-tacky appliances, electronics, furniture, even housing. How do you know when something is ticky-tacky? When you are told "no one around who repairs those anymore", "the Manufacturer is out of parts", "it'll cost you more to fix than to replace"... etc. I digress... I mention this because of the opening of the Olympics in London yesterday? Is that ticky-tacky? Probably not. Neither was the Olympic venue in China the last go-around. But here is an article that describes how that so-called bastion of the Communist People's Republic of China has let that Olympic venue to to shit, literally. Some may say even way past it. I guess the Chinese are truly a capitalistic society, no matter what they may say. Not only did the Berlin Wall fall, the Great Wall of China feel too. See the proof. http://sports.yahoo....1340387759.html So maybe it is still true that capitalistic societies are still the only disposable societies.
  22. How to keep your dream date from turning into a nightmare.
  23. It seems the original topic was exhausted and two posters found a topic of mutual interest worth a brief exchange.
  24. Romney didn't embarrass the U.S. He embarrassed himself and his campaign. He presented his ineptitude publicly for all the world to see. Quite a vision for the wanna-be future leader of the Free World. Even Charles Krauthammer was speechless. The chickens are coming home to rest in the GOP coop. Cozying up to the crazies and Tea Party matrons would eventually come back on them. This is one form, where Mitt is the best the primary process could come up with. Let the crazies take over the parade and normal people won't want in... only the crazies and the pathologically ambitious.
  25. I need to see them shirtless in dance leotards to make an informed judgement.
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