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I can't believe that this got any mention at all for any reason, especially as a news article. There won't be any room left for actual news if we start chronicling every drunk out there. Even cyberspace his its limits. Nothing special about this guy. Must have been a slow day in Mayberry.
Ditto. Skip the preaching to him about what he's doing. The last thing he needs is to have a white guy tell him how to be a proud African American, even if you know. It doesn't add to his self esteem.
I believe two things make it clear that Romney is running scared. Bluntly, he thinks he is losing. It is McCain all over again with a game change strategy. Two tall poles support this tent: 1. Ryan selection and 2: overt repeated lies that are so easily refutable and have been by the main stream press for once. Almost no one expected the Ryan choice even though the right wingers demanded it. They were pleased but Ryan was heavy baggage for the moderates. Portman or Pawlenty were the safe bets. Thee only way to counter the Ryan weight was with lies, damn lies and fabricated statistics. Ryan willingly began lying about his own budget, local plant closing and more. Even their own party members had to concede the 'distortions' and 'misinformation'. Romney was plainly losing because he was losing the women's vote. Female focus groups were fed the welfare lies and it showed traction. He decided to weather the lie wrap in the hope that their would be enough confusion and positive traction to claw back some female support. Some potentially interesting fallout is possible. Ideologues do not care about lies that support their position but most non-ideologues do, in particular midwest moderates. When Ryan starts lying repeatedly about his hometown plant closing one must wonder how well that sits with the hometown constituency his reelection campaign for his House seat. It would be ironic if this campaign caused him to lose it.
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, In final Interview Before Death Says Church '200 Years Out Of Date' Reuters | Posted: 09/01/2012 2:57 ROME, Sept 1 (Reuters) - The former archbishop of Milan and papal candidate Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini said the Catholic Church was "200 years out of date" in his final interview before his death, published on Saturday. Martini, once favoured by Vatican progressives to succeed Pope John Paul II and a prominent voice in the church until his death at the age of 85 on Friday, gave a scathing portrayal of a pompous and bureaucratic church failing to move with the times. "Our culture has aged, our churches are big and empty and the church bureaucracy rises up, our rituals and our cassocks are pompous," Martini said in the interview published in Italian daily Corriere della Sera. "The Church must admit its mistakes and begin a radical change, starting from the pope and the bishops. The paedophilia scandals oblige us to take a journey of transformation," he said in the interview. In the last decade the Church has been accused of failing to fully address a series of child abuse scandals which have undermined its status as a moral arbiter, though it has paid many millions in compensation settlements worldwide. Martini, famous for comments that the use of condoms could be acceptable in some cases, told interviewers the Church should open up to new kinds of families or risk losing its flock. "A woman is abandoned by her husband and finds a new companion to look after her and her children. A second love succeeds. If this family is discriminated against, not just the mother will be cut off but also her children." In this way "the Church loses the future generation", Martini said in the interview, made a fortnight before he died. The Vatican opposes divorce and forbids contraception in favour of fidelity within marriage and abstinence without. A liberal voice in the church, Martini's chances of becoming pope were damaged when he revealed he was suffering from a rare form of Parkinson's disease and he retired in 2002. Pope John Paul II was instead succeeded in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI, a hero of Catholic conservatives who is known by such critical epithets as "God's rottweiler" because of his stern stand on theological issues. Martini's final message to Pope Benedict was to begin a shake up of the Catholic church without delay. "The church is 200 years out of date. Why don't we rouse ourselves? Are we afraid?" Martini was much loved and thousands paid their respects at his coffin in Milan cathedral on Saturday. (Reporting By Naomi O'Leary) See original article at: http://www.huffingto..._n_1849173.html
Adam, I am heartened that you manage to stay out of the street.
Tomcal, Sorry to see you go. To say I will miss you is a gross understatement. I thank you for all of your very useful, informative, and stimulating contributions. Your participation and content has been beyond excellent. Good luck in all future endeavors. TY
Only those looking for trouble one way or the other. You are the exception looking for a private high-5. Welcome to the cyber age. No place is private. Just ask Facebook & Google.
Hmmm... I could spend four years as ambassador to Porto Allegre.
TMZ catches Prince Harry naked (or at least the photo did)
TampaYankee replied to a topic in The Beer Bar
Still seems that discretion is the better part of valor. -
I suspect Hermano Grande keeps an eye on the sandbox too.
It was an inspirational moment. Sorry I missed the original broadcast. I thought the assembled multitude was going to stroke out with all the frank words of Matthews. A few tepid attempts by them to offer equivocations to soften the exchange but Chris would not be put off. I'm glad that someone in the news stood up for the truth. I'm also glad that Priebus attempted to defend the lies. (What else could he do?) Every news persons should be biased for the truth wherever it lies and smears with distortions and half-truths. When either side lies it should be called on it not just probed around the edges, if that. The purpose of the news is to report the facts, what people say and where the truth lies the best they can. They should not simply be megaphones. Real journalism is fact based and that requires facts be checked and presented whether contrary to any specific view.
TMZ catches Prince Harry naked (or at least the photo did)
TampaYankee replied to a topic in The Beer Bar
Prince Harry needs to work on his glutes some. I have just the perfect exercise in mind. -
I agree with you that Apple should pay more. I'm not sure what perspective you believe this article puts thing into? I can only read articles like this one way. That money buys access to influence the tax laws that permits big business to avoid paying taxes that regular people and even small businesses have to pay. It is not illegal because they buy the legislators that make the laws. That is part of capitalism. I mentioned a few days ago elsewhere that capitalism is prone to corruption by its very nature. It has one goal, to make profits for its owners. So this is to be expected if capitalism is left completely unchecked. There must be balancing principles at play that permit capitalism to do what it does well -- create wealth -- without corrupting the system and, with it, society. Balancing principles, that is the key. They also go by the names : regulations and fair tax laws. On the other side of the coin, states and countries have to accept that they do not live in a vacuum but have to compete for the jobs and corporations that are free to locate anywhere. Hence they should keep an eye to remaining competitive with their neighbors, both in taxation and regulation. Everything in balance.
So what? Does that excuse anything? No! Apply the law to all equally. Apple was found liable for infringing on Xerox patents to name one. That is why we have Windows today. Just because one does it does not excuse it for anyone. Apply the law equally to all....
Gawker reports show that... Mitt Romney Tax Returns May Have Employed Legally Dubious Maneuvers, Tax Experts Say http://www.huffingto..._n_1827632.html It also says that it looks like Bain and consequently Romney may clearly have broken the law by having income illegally reported as capital gains. Nope, this ain't goin away. Romney has to win now. Else he may end up in Leavenworth. The new Romney bumper sticker... Romney made his money the old fashioned way... He stole it.
Romney is sensitive about having his tax avoidance strategies paraded before the electorate who do not have the where-with-all or experts to avoid taxes that he has. Nothing illegal, just expository of what the wealthy have gotten put into the tax laws that favor them over the middle class. I'm sure he figures that won't win him as many votes as he would lose.
I just ran across this blog with photos from the precursor entertainment gig to Broadway Bares, Broadway Bares - Solo Srips. Thought the photos were eye opening and appealing. Might encourage some locals to attend next year. On Sunday, New York City’s XLnightclub hosted Broadway Bares: Solo Strips, a benefit revue featuring choreographed stripteases by some of the sexiest boys on Broadway. Directed by Tony Spinosa, this year’s show featured Cesar Abreu (The Metropolitan Opera), Guto Bittencourt (Les Miserables), Josh Buscher (Priscilla Queen of the Desert), Nick Kenkel (Evita), Grasan Kingsberry (Leap of Faith), Andy Mills (Memphis), Brandon Rubendall (Anything Goes), Sam Cahn (Memphis), Adam Fleming (Wicked), and Robb Sherman (The Skinny) baring almost everything for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Before the show, photographer Jeffrey James Keyes got up close with hostess and Broadway darling Jennifer Cody, who explained that “Solo Strips is an amuse-bouche” for the bigger Broadway Bares XXIII: Happy Endings at Roseland Ballroom on June 17, when more than 200 chorus boys and girls shake their stuff in a naughty fairy tale-themed show. Photos: Jeffrey James Keyes See all the photos at: http://www.gaycities...-strips-in-nyc/
I guess all you hip guys already know this as the article is dated April 2010. However, I thought I would share with all the other GRINDR ignorati out their this new found knowledge to me.
16 Grindr Profiles Now Banned Under the New Puritan Rules By: editor editor Apr 14, 2010 Software makers revise their guidelines all the time, but nobody tightens the rules faster than developers subject to Apple’s increasingly stringent rules about what can be sold in its iPhone app store. And that includes Grindr, which just outlawed a whole slew of profiles with some new PG-rules. That’s gonna affect a lot of ya.. The GPS-based meet-hook-look-up app has, because of the App Store’s existing rules, never allowed members to display naked photos in their main profile pictures. (What transpires in private chat is up to you.) But updated rules go much father. Basically, the most risque you can go is board shorts; no Speedos. * No bare skin below the waistline (hip bone area) or above the upper thighs can be shown. * No underwear can be visible. Swimwear must follow the bare skin rule above. * Pants and shorts must be worn normally, buttoned, and not pulled or hanging down. * Hand or fingers cannot be down pants or pulling underwear outward. * No images of anyone under 18 years of age. * No copyrighted pictures or illustrations. * No images that show semen (or any fluid made to look like semen or ejaculation) on anything in photo. * No images of sexual acts, either real or illustrated. * No photo that is sexually explicit or overly suggestive. * Photos cannot be altered to hide sexual acts including a black box or blurred filters to hide sexual images such as touching of genitals by hand. * No photos of frontal, back or side nudity. * No nudity (particularly the genitals) covered up by a towel, hat or other means. * No grabbing/holding or touching genitals or genital area. * No pubic hair can be visible. * No photos with sheer, or otherwise see-through or wet material below the waist. * No outline of genitals through clothing will be allowed. * No crotch area only, neither back nor front. * No images that show suggestive or overly sexual poses. * Photos cannot contain sex props and toys, including the use of fruits/vegetables. * No images of illegal drug use and paraphernalia. * No images of firearms or weapons. * No photos of any obscene gestures and/or lewd behavior. * You cannot display photos of violent acts to yourself, someone else, or animals. * No image used to advertising your services, goods, websites, or events. * No Image of any non-Grindr users, including celebrities. * No profanity or curse words. Also, you can’t say how big your dick is, that you’re a top or bottom, or whether you’re cut. Time to find some cute Japanese emojicons to send the message for you, eh? So let’s see some profiles that, effective immediately, are inappropriate. (Above Photo: BANNED: No grabbing your balls.) Full story here: http://www.queerty.c.../#ixzz24MB3PeQP
TMZ catches Prince Harry naked (or at least the photo did)
TampaYankee replied to a topic in The Beer Bar
All these American nasty gossip mags and rags are namby-pampy prudes in the end. They promise to bring you the uncensored scandal but always choke on the delivery. -
Nope, you're not. I started in the 80's too and only accepted the PC when I started with this site. I couldn't as comfortably afford a Mac and thought a PC would be a boon as most users have PC's. I acclimated more easily than I anticipated. However, Windows is just a behemoth and a mess. I never used it for high security functions like banking or online purchases. Just too insecure. Sometimes I like to walk on the darker side of the cyber street. If you do you will encounter security threats in short order. These are invisible until too late unless... you have a Mac. You can see many try to infect by seeing the appearance of unanticipated .exe files. Even the ones you don't see won't execute. I was astonished by this when I came back to a Mac. And to add the final and most major kicker, a Mac is sooooooo much easier to use whether uninstalling an app or writing to CD/DVD, or so many other things. Not to mention almost nonexistant OS updates.
Weekly OS updates are appalling!! Hardly a sign of a stable or thoughtful OS or a thoughtful engineering team. Windows version whatever is just a mess, always has been. Probably always will be in view of the above article. Actual Apple OS updates are rare. Most (only occasional) Apple updates are for apps like I-Tunes or the like. Rare OS updates add new capability like synching with other devices etc, i.e. new capablities. As for having sessions interrupted, I always interrupt a session when downloading updates. OS updates being life and death critical to functioning computers, I NEVER take chances in ANY OS update process. So I cede complete control to the update procedure while it is active. What surprises me about the above article is not that that stuff happens in a 'mature' enterprise but that Gates oversaw it either without noticing the implementation or results of that bureaucratic machinery. I thought he was more of a visionary and cutting edge innovator. That requires an innovative cutting edge environment. More than just the bureaucratic establishment became barnicle-encursted it seems.
Just one more example of how the GOP has attracted the real nuts, so many in fact that what were once viewed as sane conservatives fall all over themselves to appeal to the wackos. Those who don't, like Richard Lugar and Bob Bennett, get the guillotine. BTW, I object to phrase 'in a moment of gross stupidity'. It may have been a stupid thing to say but that overlooks the real importance which is not what he says but what he believes. He didn't misspeak, he candidly said what he believes. That his backed up by his so-called apology for using the wrong word but not the wrong concept. Akin said that he was trying to refer specifically "forcible rape" in his comment, but that "legitimate" was "absolutely the wrong word" for him to use. But he still believes he deserves that Senate spot.